Politics and Religion

Re: Let the record show Loooooser thinks the FBI is evil and believes none of what they say...
MojoStu 14 Reviews 296 reads
1 / 27

And I have to admit, I actually watched a little bit of this show the other day, quite by accident mind you, when I forgot I had my TV muted. I left the room and came back about an hour later to make a sandwich. When I looked up, Joy Behar was on the screen and seemed to be really agitated about something. Thank God I couldn't hear what sh was saying but I still managed to throw up a little in my mouth before I could locate the remote and change the channel.

LostSon 43 Reviews 19 reads
3 / 27

Posted By: cks175
Re: Even Biden’s Most Ardent Supporters Don’t Want Him To Debate Trump eom
After the challenger explosion of press conferences (Ben Shapiro nailed it there) the other night 😳 it would be a disaster for Joe Joe.  

Now that being said I’d like watch it! Probably get more views than Tucker going to Russia. Hell they could probably do it pay per view and people would watch it lol 😂

inicky46 61 Reviews 24 reads
4 / 27

Biden should stick to a "Rose Garden strategy." Besides, after ducking every Republican debate and never debating Haley, how can Trump demand one of Biden?

RespectfulRobert 22 reads
5 / 27

The only time a candidate can do that if he/she is in the lead, and a substantial one at that. If Joe cant debate, he needs to step aside.

inicky46 61 Reviews 19 reads
6 / 27

Sure, it's a risk but look at what Trump has done. He's broken every political rule there is and made it work.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 20 reads
7 / 27

Democrats are obviously trying to put Trump in prison because they know they can't win in a fair fight. This is why they're importing as many illegals as humanly possible so they can get them to vote in the election. When it comes down to it, the question will be will Democrats be brazen enough to steal the election. With increased desperation, and law breaking comes increased risk. Rob some guy on the street, you'll probably get away with it. Rob a bank, and you probably won't. Democrats robbed the bank, so to speak in 2020 and everyone knows it. They will try to steal 2024 too, but will their efforts to steal be large enough to overcome Trump's margin of victory? This is why Democrats had to wait until 4 am to restart to vote count, because they needed enough time to know by what margin Trump won the election and how many fake votes to add to pad the results. At the break neck pace that Dems are destroying the country, it's questionable if voters are going to put up with 2 stolen elections in a row.

inicky46 61 Reviews 23 reads
8 / 27
LostSon 43 Reviews 18 reads
9 / 27

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: He cant duck debates if he is behind in the polls.
The only time a candidate can do that if he/she is in the lead, and a substantial one at that. If Joe cant debate, he needs to step aside.
He needs to step aside period. Let Kackles in there 😳🫣😢

cks175 43 Reviews 17 reads
10 / 27

The press and Trump will pile on Biden if he refuses to debate. It won’t be framed as “Biden won’t debate”, if will be framed “Biden can’t debate”.  

There will be behind the scenes stories in publications like Politico and Axios exploring the internal campaign discussions that led to a decision to not debate, which then will be picked up by the cable news networks. Already behind in the polls, I don’t think Biden has a shot of winning if he doesn’t debate Trump.

impposter 49 Reviews 27 reads
11 / 27

The "Debate" debate has been going on for years. They aren't debates at all. Last time (2020) I advocated for real-time fact checking by professionals and for microphone controls that totally muted a speaker after their time was up.  
Trump has zero respect for debate rules no matter what kind of debate it is. If I was to debate Trump, I would insist on tight controls (muted mics; audio always on; sitting at a table, not standing; LONGER speaking times for the As to the Qs; and so on). In 2020, I think that Joe had a moment in one of the debates where he said, "Will you just shut up!" when Trump was trying to speak over Joe.  
[Trump cone of silence, sitting at table.] + [Joe cone of silence, sitting at table.]
Question 1.
5 minutes [Trump cone of silence, sitting at table. Mic ON] + [Joe cone of silence, sitting at table. Mic OFF]
5 minutes [Trump cone of silence, sitting at table. Mic OFF] + [Joe cone of silence, sitting at table. Mic ON]
5 minutes Fact checkers (local or remote; lawyers fact checking cases and law claims; historians fact checking history claims; news specialists checking who said what at interviews; statisticians checking "number" (stock market, population, crime, jobs, ...) claims; and so on.  
2.5 minutes [Trump cone of silence, sitting at table. Trump rebuttal to facts] + [Joe cone of silence, sitting at table.]
2.5 minutes [Trump cone of silence, sitting at table.] + [Joe cone of silence, sitting at table. Joe rebuttal to facts]
A one-on-one "debate" (in the current /  past style) will be chaos.
STRICT time limits (mic ON; mic OFF) and Real-time fact checking are the MINIMUM requirements.

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: He cant duck debates if he is behind in the polls.
The only time a candidate can do that if he/she is in the lead, and a substantial one at that. If Joe cant debate, he needs to step aside.

RespectfulRobert 10 reads
12 / 27

The fact that we would cower and just have the right AND the center beat up Joe everyday for being too scared, too old, too....whatever, is a recipe for disaster. If his people are really that concerned about his debate abilities and his cognitive skills, they should advise him to step down. This election is way too important to screw around with. We have to beat Trump. Second place means democracy is kaput.

impposter 49 Reviews 29 reads
13 / 27

Without tighter controls, NO legit candidate can take on Trump in the debates as they are currently run. Trump unloads a lie-filled rant ("firehose of lies") and it is impossible to address them all. Journalists and TERists need lengthy articles to refute a short rant / post with numerous disconnected lies. Candidates who are accustomed to more respectful discussions without the off-topic name calling and accusations can't get their points across due to the distraction.  
I predict that Trump will use "Obama is running the show and you know it!" in any weakly moderated "debate" against Joe. What is Joe supposed to say, to that? "The question was about gun control, not Obama." "The question was about [NATO, Climate Change, Chinese patent infringement, ... pick ANYTHING], not Obama." It makes Joe or any other candidate look bad to say, "Shut up you fucking moron!" "You are a delusional asshole." ...
If you ignore Trump's idiocies ("windmills cause cancer!"), Trump wins. If you sink to Trump's level, Trump wins.
And that's why I want (a) microphone  / muting controls and (b) real-time fact checking.

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: But dont you think we are deserving of a candidate to take on Trump on a stage?
The fact that we would cower and just have the right AND the center beat up Joe everyday for being too scared, too old, too....whatever, is a recipe for disaster. If his people are really that concerned about his debate abilities and his cognitive skills, they should advise him to step down. This election is way too important to screw around with. We have to beat Trump. Second place means democracy is kaput.

LostSon 43 Reviews 20 reads
14 / 27

Posted By: impposter
Re: He cant duck debates if he is behind in the polls.
The "Debate" debate has been going on for years. They aren't debates at all. Last time (2020) I advocated for real-time fact checking by professionals and for microphone controls that totally muted a speaker after their time was up.
Checked by professionals huh? What would you “professionals” have said about Hunters laptop in 2020? Russian disinformation?

inicky46 61 Reviews 15 reads
15 / 27

says he got his lies from Russian intelligence. So why wouldn't the laptop crap also be Russian disinformation?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 15 reads
16 / 27

I wonder how many times they water boarded this guy to get him to squeal “Russia!” Anything to keep the Ukrainian money laundering flowing, right?

LostSon 43 Reviews 17 reads
17 / 27

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: So the Russians used AI to fake Hunter buying crack from Russian hookers?
I wonder how many times they water boarded this guy to get him to squeal “Russia!” Anything to keep the Ukrainian money laundering flowing, right?
Just once if they used hydrogen peroxide 😳😣😖😫😩

impposter 49 Reviews 28 reads
18 / 27

"There are issues raised about a laptop alleged to belong to Hunter Biden. There are accusations from both sides of the issue. The matter is currently under investigation." or similar.

Posted By: LostSon
Checked by professionals huh? What would you “professionals” have said about Hunters laptop in 2020? Russian disinformation?

LostSon 43 Reviews 19 reads
19 / 27

Posted By: impposter

"There are issues raised about a laptop alleged to belong to Hunter Biden. There are accusations from both sides of the issue. The matter is currently under investigation." or similar


The justice department know for a 5000% fact the laptop was Hunters!  

THAT FACT WAS HIDDEN from the American electorate to influence the election AND YOU KNOW IT!!!  

The current Secretary of State got how many former “intelligence officers” to sign a letter that it was Russian disinformation!  

That my friend is election interference!

cks175 43 Reviews 11 reads
20 / 27

Biden either debates on terms similar to past debates, or he refuses to debate. If he refuses to debate, he’ll get hammered for it.

LostSon 43 Reviews 19 reads
21 / 27

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Well, we now know the lying FBI informant who smeared Hunter
says he got his lies from Russian intelligence. So why wouldn't the laptop crap also be Russian disinformation?
Because it’s not and the FBI verified it’s authenticity practically overnight and you know that as well.

inicky46 61 Reviews 10 reads
22 / 27
LostSon 43 Reviews 13 reads
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Posted By: inicky46
Re: Let the record show Loooooser thinks the FBI is evil and believes none of what they say...
unless it's about Hunter's laptop.  
 The mark of a true political hack.
I think the rank and file guys doing the grunt work are ok but anyone high up is completely suspect.

cks175 43 Reviews 11 reads
24 / 27

You think the FBI’s handling of the laptop issue is proof they’re not politically motivated?

LostSon 43 Reviews 13 reads
25 / 27

Posted By: cks175
Re: Let the record show Loooooser thinks the FBI is evil and believes none of what they say...
You think the FBI’s handling of the laptop issue is proof they’re not politically motivated?
Or the Jeffery Epstein sex tapes they clawed out of his safe in the New York penthouse?

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 9 reads
26 / 27

It's interesting that Epstein and Maxwell were convicted of sex trafficking minors to ... apparently no one.
You know there is a lot of protection going on ... possibly extortion of notable people. By the Federal Government.

LostSon 43 Reviews 11 reads
27 / 27

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Let the record show Loooooser thinks the FBI is evil and believes none of what they say...
It's interesting that Epstein and Maxwell were convicted of sex trafficking minors to ... apparently no one.  
 You know there is a lot of protection going on ... possibly extortion of notable people. By the Federal Government.
THIS! right here!

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