Politics and Religion

Re: Katherine Willets --- HER??>? Really?? :( have you SEEN her lately???
Crystal_Ball_Operator 3117 reads
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Since politicians are paid to entertain us, who is going to give us the best show?

Now McCain would probably keep us guessing about WTF he was gonna do, but that gets old after a while.  Besides, he's too fucken serious.   Romney is plain-ass boring,  Giulani's drag show would get tiresome in 20 minutes, and Huckabee?  Get real.

Now on the Democratic side, we have a bunch of bit players and the terminally serious Hillary.

But this is really a no-brainer when you realize that the Clintons have always advertised themselves as a two-fer:   Hill is just Bill's straight man.   They won't have to do shit to entertain the Republicans, who will be chasing their tails looking for porno shit before she's sworn in.

And you KNOW that Bill is gonna keep busy, and he's gonna be enough entertainment for the WHOLE WORLD!  So all we have to do to cure the national debt is figure out a way to license this to the rest of the world.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 994 reads
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What about a broadcast channel, All Clinton all the Time. Sell advertising to all the right wingers who want to tell the world what criminals the Clintons are. Since the only people stupid enough to watch the channel will BE those right wingers looking for more Clinton dreck to drudge up from the muck, its a double win. Keeps the stupid morons too occupied to cause any real damage, while draining the coffers from what would otherwise go to some numbnut piece of trash like Pat Robertson or some FOTM preacher.  

What do you think about THAT Strategery? :P

Crystal_Ball_Operator 1433 reads
3 / 6

I was thinking more along the lines of a porn channel, but we all know our porn when we see it, and it's just a matter of separating the market niches.

I keep hoping Bill might finally schtup somebody worth looking at, but there is no way I'm gonna watch Hill pole-dancing in some swingers' club.

Katherine Willets or whatever her name was looked like about the closest thing that Bill & I might share in taste.

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