Politics and Religion

Re: JF - "3 yds. and a cloud of dust." LOL. You'll end up like...
jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 1778 reads

Woody was 'the man' back then, and he taught his players to be men. You hit the opposition, again and again, harder each time, until they don't get up again. Beat them into submission. To bad he couldn't control his temper.

Negotiating with some of the world's despots is similar to the old adage about getting a Missouri mule to do your bidding. You first hit them across the forehead with a 2X4 as hard as you can. Then, once you have their attention, you tell them what you'd like to get done. Worked for Reagan on Gadaffi, (sp). After the FB-111's bombed the shit out of Libya, Gadaffi was all ears.

Same in DC. We need to get the attention of the 535 slackers in Congress. Once we have that, maybe, just maybe, they will listen. It's that or GRIP, Get Rid of Incumbent Politicians. Vote the fuckers out.

(Actually, I hit the wrong key. It's '4' yards, and a cloud of dust.)

Don't know who this gentleman is, or what his politics are, but I certainly know of what he speaks.


Snowman391558 reads

you have no good argument against what he says, so you attack the person.

OK, so you lost the argument on this thread....


...and Fox News is lying about "tracking him down", then how much credibility does this guy have? This is just the same propaganda that pours out of Fox day and night.

No, we just can't tax "small" business, can we? This despite that Warren Buffett pays a smaller percentage of his income in taxes than his secretary? This despite that Willy pays a higher percentage of taxes on my income than fucking Bank of America?

C'mon, man.

Snowman391661 reads

Buffet does not pay a high % in income tax because he pays CAPITAL GAINS taxes!! Ever heard of those?

OK, how about this, if you REALLY want to be FAIR, like you claim, how about a flat tax?

15% on EVERYBODY!!!

Secretary makes 60,000 (she works for Buffet), she pays $9,000
Buffet makes 60,000,000, he pays $9,000,000

Damn, that sure sounds fair to me!!!

Since you are so into what is fair, you SURELY would back this flat tax idea, right?

read my lead in sentence to the youtube video, "Don't know who this gentleman is, or what his politics are, but I certainly know of what he speaks".

As snow mentioned, liberals ALWAYS attack the messenger, never the message. It's the message I'm trying to get across.....DO NOT RAISE TAXES UNTIL YOU CUT SPENDING IN THE PRESENT ECONOMY. If the bold letters make it sound like I'm shouting, THAT IS ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY CORRECT. Straight in every politicians ear, every politician, get it.

Btw, the website you posted is about as non-partisan as James Carville or Sean Hannity.

-- Modified on 8/29/2011 8:45:16 AM

Priapus532063 reads

Cite a noted conservative economist, JF, instead of a "lying Bible thumper."


Btw, don't forget to take your valium-----:(

-- Modified on 8/29/2011 8:48:32 AM

I don't play tennis. I play '3 yards and a cloud of dust'.

Priapus531744 reads

it's a "senior's league"------;)

Never wanted to take up tennis-----used to play
little league & bowled in my "long forgotten youth"--------

Nah, I meant to say that tennis is a pussy sport. Me too. I played little league in Texas, and 4 years of high school football, 2 years of college football, and 2 years of military football. Center, and middle linebacker. Inter-service games were the most fun. Marine teams were some mean mofo's. My 1966 team, the RAF Bentwaters Phantoms were undefeated, and we played the Army's Berlin Bears in the "GI Superbowl". We won, 20-0. Our quarterback was a USAF Academy grad, and All-American in his junior and senior years there. He was shot down over Hanoi 3 years later. Lot of memories.

But I digress from my OP.

...Woody Hayes.  He famously said: "There's 3 things that can happen when you throw a pass, and 2 of them are bad."

Talk about a conservative who was mired in the past. Don't emulate Woody, JF.  Step into the 21st century. Throw the long ball!

-- Modified on 8/29/2011 6:18:51 PM

Woody was 'the man' back then, and he taught his players to be men. You hit the opposition, again and again, harder each time, until they don't get up again. Beat them into submission. To bad he couldn't control his temper.

Negotiating with some of the world's despots is similar to the old adage about getting a Missouri mule to do your bidding. You first hit them across the forehead with a 2X4 as hard as you can. Then, once you have their attention, you tell them what you'd like to get done. Worked for Reagan on Gadaffi, (sp). After the FB-111's bombed the shit out of Libya, Gadaffi was all ears.

Same in DC. We need to get the attention of the 535 slackers in Congress. Once we have that, maybe, just maybe, they will listen. It's that or GRIP, Get Rid of Incumbent Politicians. Vote the fuckers out.

(Actually, I hit the wrong key. It's '4' yards, and a cloud of dust.)

St. Croix2410 reads

you will be punting the whole game. Even though I'm a PAC-10 (oops PAC-12) guy who loves the West Coast offense, I totally understand your analogy. There is nothing better than beating your opponent into submission. We need a few football players in Congress. I wouldn't mind a helmet to helmet hit on a Nancy Pelosi, or even better yet, a Maxine Waters (lol).

I've always wondered why there are more ex-football players in politics who are Republican than Democrat. Even the one Dem that I do respect is Heath Shuler. He went after Pelosi for Minority Leader.

Jersey, haven't we already cut spending? Isn't more spending cuts going to happen, thanks to this unconstitutional "super congress"?

You got your spending cuts. More are in the works.

Now, 88% of the top 100 corporations pay ZERO taxes. Warren Buffett's secretary pays more in taxes than Warren Buffett does.

Now can we raise taxes? Pretty please?

Let's look at this rationally. Gov't spending accounts for a 21% of our GDP. That's a significant portion of demand in our economy. Right now, we're in a down economy because there is a shortfall in demand. Follow the fucking bouncing ball.

Cutting gov't spending means making the economy worse. There is no ifs, ands, or buts about it. It. will. make. the. economy. worse.

Now, on the other hand, we're going through the worse economic downturn since the Great Depression. It was caused by overproduction. Even Dubya admitted this. If overproduction caused this mess, then shouldn't we be discouraging the producers? If we have too much supply, and not enough demand, then shouldn't we discourage supply? Raise. taxes. on. corporations. That will go a long way towards fixing the economy.

Right wingers have gotten damn near everything they want on tax policy for the last 30 years. We have cut taxes, and cut taxes, and cut taxes, and cut taxes. They said cutting taxes would create a ton of jobs, a ton of growth, make rainbows magically appear everywhere, and every child in the country would have a pony.

Well, here we are, bucko. Tax cuts, free trade, deregulation, and "right to work" laws have led us right here to this shit hole. The shit's so deep now that people are calling this the end of the American Century. Uncle Sam is damn near dead, and you Jersey are cheerleading the grave diggers.

It's said that trying the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. When it comes to economic policies, right wingers are FUCKING INSANE.

-- Modified on 8/29/2011 9:39:09 AM

We just added another 7 fucking trillion to the National Debt, we can't even agree to rollback increases, much less do any real cutting.

Any one who claims we have "cut spending" is either out of their fucking mind, or a Goddamned liar. In your case, BOTH

Is that why I haven't gotten a pay increase for the last 2 years? Is that why my mom hasn't gotten a COLA increase in 2 years from her social security? Is that why so many gov't workers have been laid off that it's increased the national unemployment rate by 1.1%?

C'mon. Between federal income taxes, state income taxes, FICA, and excise taxes your average working stiff is paying 40% of their income in taxes, and they're fucking broke. The asshats who wrecked this economy are paying 15% on their fucking capital gains.

When we actually spend less in the aggregate in a year to year comparison, then you can claim spending cuts. As long as the budget gets bigger every year, I call bullshit on your spending cuts.

-- Modified on 8/29/2011 12:05:48 PM


And I'm not opposed to spending cuts. I'm opposed to cutting money from people who don't have any.

There's plenty to be cut.


The largess is so severe, that a massive chunk of US corporations aren't paying any taxes at all, but are, in fact, on the gov't teet.


And corporations pay the lowest percentage of the over all tax burden in the US than in any other industrialized nation besides Iceland.

Look, I think it's a good idea to roll back some of gov't functions. I think we ought to get rid of the Agriculture Dept. After all, most Americans aren't farmers anymore. But c'mon, GaG. 15% on capital gains, when Wall Street broke the economy, and we're up to our necks in debt? That's ridiculous.

St. Croix2317 reads

some money each month. Quit looking at GaG, me and others to subsidize your mom, because she didn't properly prepare for retirement. In 2009, seniors got a record 5.9% increase in COLA due to the energy spike. Remember $4 gas? Gas fell, but seniors kept the increase. Looks like your mom owes me some money.

The inflation rate was below the threshold for a COLA increase for the last 2 years. It is what it is. The rules ain't changing for your mom. You've got 2 choices. First. you can help your mom, or second, your mom can get a job. It's as simple as that.

-- Modified on 8/29/2011 5:02:47 PM

...is that my 76 year old mother should get a *second* job so that you can enjoy your paying lower tax rates than she does.


Nicky, now do you understand when I say there is no such thing as an innocent capitalist?

St. Croix1571 reads

on Social Security as her only form of income, then she did a piss poor job of preparing for retirement. SS was never ever ever designed to be someone's only source of income. She's your mother, not mine. Do your job and take care of her, and quit whining about the lack of a 2% cola increase.

When your mother gets in the 50% plus total tax rate (fed, payroll, state, property, etc), then I'll worry. Your previous example of so-called working stiffs and your mom paying 40% is pure fucking bullshit. And just because Buffett threw you a sound byte doesn't mean it applies to everyone earning over $200K a year.

P.S. My mom is in the same boat as yours as far as SS goes. But she supplements it with her investments, and ME. So do your fucking job as her son, and take care of her.

P.S. If I pay more in taxes, it will be earmarked for deficit reduction not an entitlement increase.

-- Modified on 8/30/2011 7:47:32 AM

Saint, of course she did a piss poor job of preparing for retirement. She didn't even graduate high school, which really wasn't all that uncommon in the mid 50's. By your own words, investing is really confusing. You think a 76 year old woman with the early stages of dementia should be forced to supliment her income on Wall Street? Are you mad?

She is fairly well taken care of. Do you know why? Because she worked for a union. She gets a pension and healthcare. It ain't much, but it helps.

So explain to me, how someone is supposed to take care of their folks when health care costs are rising and wages are declining? Social Security is the ONLY thing on the gov't's books that are in the black, and yet the GOP wants to recalculate how COLAs are factored to reduce benefits further.

C'mon Saint. Don't you have any sense of patriotism? Do you ever have a lingering thought in your mind that you should give back to the nation that has given so much to you?

You should take the money that you worked hard for to support YOUR mother with, and take care of Willy's mother instead.

I am fortunate, my mother (liberal that she is) still made it a point to spend less than she made, took it upon herself to go back to school in her thirties (despite being a Chinese "girl" who didn't "need" an education) and manages quite nicely for herself. All this, despite not finishing high school as a teen, because as the youngest girl in a chinese family she was never expected to make anything of herself, but was supposed to marry well.

My mother doesn't make a shitload of money, but she lives well within her means, and would never think of accepting a penny from me. Oh well maybe it is true, maybe us asians are just smarter? lmao

My mother has put money into SS her entire life, as have I. I guaranfuckingtee you I have put a shitload more into the system than Willy, but I am equally convinced that even though I am not well into my fifties, I will never see a fucking penny.

Have you ever done a selfless thing in your life? Ever given someone money just because you could, and the only reward you looked for was knowing that you could help someone out? Does community mean nothing to you?

My grandmother was the child of German immigrants. Her parents died when she was 12 years old. She worked to take care of herself and her younger brothers. My grandfather worked so damn many jobs, that he often didn't come home for days on end. He couldn't maintain his own bodyweight, and so a doctor told him to drink beer. He became an abusive alcoholic, and my mom couldn't wait to get out of there as soon as she could, so she married young.

My grandmother wasn't lucid for my entire life, and it didn't help that working for the phone company made her damn near deaf, but my mom's going the same way. I have to review her medications from time to time, just to make sure she's not screwing anything up. I once had to take a half dozen "suppliments" from her medications because she's see a label that says "Cranberry Essence" or some shit, think to herself, "well I like Cranberries, and they're supposed to be good for you, I'll take some of that." I once found that she was taking enough Vitamin B-12 in a day that most would require for 2 months.

But she does okay financially. She has her own home, she has some savings, union benefits and social security cover the other necessities. I've thought that some time soon, she might want to consider moving to an assissted living place, but they charge 3 grand a month. She can't afford that, and I can't afford that, not on a GS-9 salary, and a mortgage both of us gotta pay down.

None of that would have been a problem, of course, if health care companies hadn't bribed Congressmen. And every business in America that's not in the health care biz is gonna take a hit from that as well. Health care shouldn't be something someone profits off of, and it shouldn't be something that costs businesses just to hire an employee.

Giving willingly should not be confused with being robbed at gunpoint.

You claim to get great joy from giving to the underpriveleged, would you still get the same joy if those same underpriveleged people sent someone to rob you of that money instead? It would be the same money you were planning on giving anyhow, and it would end up in the same hands,  but how would you feel if that money were forcibly taken from you?

As for health care companies unfairly profiting, I'll agree that is the problem, the solution is not simply switching victims. Nothing in Obamacare does the first thing in lowering costs, it just switches the burden of payment.

BTW I spend more on health care for others than your total income, in spite of the fact I haven't spent more than a couple of grand in total on my own healthcare since I got out of the service in 1977. With the exception of lasik surgery on my eyes which I of course paid for in full.

I was one of those forty some million people classified as uninsured myself until my company grew large enough to be forced to get a health plan for my employees, it was not until then that I bothered putting myself on any type of health plan.

St. Croix1844 reads

Is that story supposed to tug at my heart. Maybe that was gas. I had a burrito for lunch. Listen, we all have heart wrenching family stories. What I don't like is your "It takes a village" approach". You believe in some benevolent omnipotent power called government to take care of us. For the few that are totally unable, totally destitute, and not of their own doing, then I'm here to help.

With respect to your mother. Why didn't she buy long term care insurance years before she retired? Then making the decision to put her in an assisted living center would not only be about the money.

Suck it up willy and take care of your mom no matter what the financial cost is. Don't look at me or others to subsidize those who made poor life decisions. And yeah, you can afford it. How about taking your hooker money, or your weed money, or the money you spend on your guitars/music, and funnel it to your mother. It appears you have discretionary funds willy. Use that first before asking strangers to help out.

-- Modified on 8/30/2011 4:04:51 PM

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