Politics and Religion

Re: It will be a sign of what our "leaders" really care about
tallslim26 26 Reviews 1699 reads

hey its been a while,I stand corrected, over 100 years

In regard to Kennedy's impending death due to the brain tumor, I think it will be interesting to see if he resigns or if he stays in office because it will be a good illustration of what kind of mindset our "leaders" have.

I would be very surprised if he does resign. Not to say that I think he should stay in office, his treason and diservice aside, it is ridiculous to think that someone with such an ailment is qualified to run the affairs of a nation.

Kennedy and his ilk, nearly every individual in Congress included to varying degrees, are addicted to power. They dont lead because they love their country or the people in it or care about the future of the nation. They love the perks, the notieriety, the status or the positions they have. They are ready to sell us all down the river, and have countless times, to keep the people who really control the political process in this country happy so that they stay in power.

The best thing to do for the nation would be to cede power to someone who is not distracted and affected by such a severe ailment. That would only be the decision of a true public servant, one that you would need to consult a history book to read about seeing as its been about 100 years since a man of this type has existed, someone like Andrew Jackson.

Something to pay attention to, as long as he is not physically malformed he will hold on to power, the country as usual be damned.

And for this may he and the rest of them be damned.

he can rig the election to replace himself. In MA the governer dosn't appoint a replacement. (They did that when Romney was governer so he couldn't appoint a Republican, if the occasion arose). If he can  work something out so no Democrat will oppose his selected heir, he will resign. Maybe he will put Caroline up. Who cares that she dosn't live in MA, Hillery didn't live in New York. I's sure his choice will the continue the dynasty. Who the Republicans put up is irrevelant in that one party state.

-- Modified on 5/21/2008 3:24:52 PM

My guess is he'll resign--after he gets to pick someone to serve in his seat until the election is held in, I think, 2010. The governor here is a Dem (no shit!) and a birdbrain. So Ted will tell him who to install.

What I want to know is if Ted will have his estate probated in FL to avoid the high taxes here in MA. That's what he set up for old Rose when she died. She didn't "pay no stinkin taxes" on her multi-million dollar estate in MA. Classic liberalism---the suckers pay.

Joe Kenned is always on TV telling us how he's a great guy who gets low priced heating oil to the poor via his non-profit Citizens Energy Company. What he neglects to mention is that he pays himself $600K a year---and he has a trust fund to go with it. The Kennedys always, always, always took care of the Kennedys first and foremost. If someone else got something along the way it was so the Kennedys could get more.

I don't wish brain cancer on anyone, except Osama and the Iranian pols and mullahs, but I do hope we have seen the last of the Kennedys in public life here.

in the senator from my state... Arlen Specter http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=4660263 .  Refuses to quit - the reigns of power will have to be "taken from their cold dead hands..." to paraphrase Chuck Heston.  

yea, they care nothing of the United States of America, they have failed miserably to serve the folks who elected them, they have not "supported and defended the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic," they have made a mockery of the "will of the people," and tragically, they have failed to be true leaders.  They, to a man and woman, hide behind lame excuses, the false and empty promises of earmarks and set-asides.  They fail to explore the real problems we face, and to ask the country to shoulder the real burdens and make the real sacrifices we must - if we are to continue to enjoy the fruits of liberty and freedom.

I see, daily, real examples of the erosion of honest and open debate on so many issues that cloud our future.  Look on this board.  Example after example of the following (and I am as guilty as the next jack - or joe or whoever)

Name calling when you get caught in a misstatement of fact, or when your own words are used against you.

Failure to take into account all the facts, rather than select only facts which support your preformed view.

Falsely interpreting what others say instead of taking the meaning directly from the text.

Being caught in the process - rather than an honest search for logical and expedient solutions to problems.

sure, they will hang onto their power - as long as they can in the belief that in the very next breath, they will establish their legacy- I would offer to both Kennedy and Specter... sirs, you legacies are already set.  For specter,

the controversial "single bullet theory" from the Warren commission.
Wasting taxpayer money and senate time on NFL "Spygate"
Introduction of Senate bill S. 2611 (the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006) which fails to really address the issue of illegal immigration - again.
and as chairman of the Committee on Veterans Affairs he has failed our veterans miserably -

For Kennedy?  
I would ask Mary Jo Kopechny but she says little these days.
Supporter of the 1965 Hart-Celler Act which changed US immigration policy - and changed the face of America...
he has voted in favor of disallowing an oil leasing program in Alaska's ANWR leading to oil dependency from the mid - east.
He has voted against approving a nuclear waste repository making the use of a doable alternative energy source.
He opposed the Cape Wind project, the country's first off-shore wind farm - yet another opposition to an alternative RENEWABLE energy source
To say nothing of being the patriarch of a family which has child molesters, rapists, and clearly reckless behavior rampant within its midst...

yea, clearly these are both leaders.... leaders I would NEVER want defending my back.

-- Modified on 5/21/2008 3:46:20 PM

Tusayan1739 reads

100 years ago Andrew Jackson would have been dead for more than 60 years. Probably not a good example.  
So by your standards of fitness for office I guess Reagan should have resigned during his second term and Senator McCain should be precluded from running for President because of his age his history of recurrent cancer.

RightwingUnderground1351 reads

It's going to require a constitutional amendment, but it would be worth it.

dickus1706 reads

What the hell are you talking about?  He hand-picked his successor, Martin Van Buren (Old Kinderhook), and then disowned him when, as President, Van Buren didn't live up to President Jackson's expectations.  In fact, President Jackson clung to his office despite a number of debilitating illnesses, including congestive heart failure, serving out the entirety of his two terms.

harryj1791 reads

our political process is unfortunate but justified. Kennedy and his ilk pretend to be royalty while, in fact, they are the lowest of the low. They have no morals and no concern for anything but continuing their grip on power and money. This nation has been transformed into a dictatorship of the bureaucracy and professional politicians and the result is, in some respects, worse than that of a dictator like Stalin or Hitler.

BuckFush!2711 reads

before you land up drinking away his month's and possibly next month's Socialistic Insecurity chec.  Well, at least it will benefit poor Willie who always has to put up with your moronic drivel.

our political process is unfortunate but justified. Kennedy and his ilk pretend to be royalty while, in fact, they are the lowest of the low. They have no morals and no concern for anything but continuing their grip on power and money. This nation has been transformed into a dictatorship of the bureaucracy and professional politicians and the result is, in some respects, worse than that of a dictator like Stalin or Hitler.

Great description of the Bush crime family, Harry!

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