Politics and Religion

At first, I thought this was a joke story about the NRA President from The Onion
followme892 reads

porter may have found himself in a BIT of hot water. A bit of hot water.  
he jumped into the fire and should be fried.
then he should be fired.............from the human race.

Thank you  
2013 = 28

It is,  the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

That is what this site is,  nothing more,  nothing less.

GaGambler782 reads

congratulations for being the only other person to notice that the Freewoodpost, is nothing more than an Onion.com type site.

like "News That's Almost Reliable," they're a  dead give away. lol

I had my post pulled too, after it was approved, don't know why?...and I'm "Almost" a genius.

I think it's because being in Admin here requires you have your sense of humor surgically removed. They have clinics for that in Germany, a short commute away.

GaGambler849 reads

that seem to get their wittle feelings hurt a little too easily.

Big tough keyboard warriors that go running to mommy every time someone is mean to them. What a joke.

talk to him.

      Most of us would consider that a major plus, LOL. Maybe you should tell him "Be careful what you wish for."

GaGambler856 reads

I am sure there are dozens, if not hundreds of other posters who would be exstatic if I refused to speak to them, but somehow Daffy seems to answer almost every post I make, hoping beyond hope that I will finally respond to him, sort of like a brownnosing third grader who is frustrated because the teacher won't ever call on him.

I just don't see any poin in engaging him in conversation. His MO hasn't changed since he started here, first off he makes up something that he claims you said, something utterly ridiculous of course, then he proceeds to argue against his newly created strawman, and then he claims victory in an argument he had soley with himself. I guess he thinks if he repeats a lie often enough that even people who were there will start buying into his blatant lie. He must be having some success at this because other people talk to him. I don't acknowledge screaming children that want to sit at the adult table, and I am no more likely to talk to people that act like spoiled five year olds either.

are losers in my book.  My problem is it just gives all the righties more reason to flame him as a back-stabbing pussy, like they do with Willy and BigPapasan.  
The main reason I mind that is it helps them cover up their Cro Magnon politics.

...they show their ignorance every time they do it.  Most of them are stupid lemmings who do it because others are saying it and they can't or won't think for themselves.

It started when I PUBLICLY took credit for reporting Willy who deliberately outed aliases.  A backstabber would have done it secretly but I claimed credit for it so how does that make me a backstabber?

So go ahead and demonstrate your stupidity fellas.  I get a real kick out of seeing what mindless zombies you are.

followme754 reads

You did what you did. You stabbed him in the back.

Then you announced what you did thinking you would get a hero’s welcome. Well it backfired on you and ever since you have, unsuccessfully, been trying to weasel your way out of it and it is not working.

You did what you did. The person supposedly outed did NOT care that his alias was exposed, he did NOT give a shit, and he stated so! ! !  I n fact most here knew who the alias was anyway.

Besides what business is it of yours? Are you pretending the be the outing police. If the person outed was offended, pissed off or the like he could have reported it, but he did NOT report it because he did NOT give a shit.

I guess you got a thrill up your leg when you found out that willy was banned from posting and now since it backfired on you, in that you are NOT the hero you though you would be, you trying to worm your way out of it, but it is true you are what you are and we all know it.  

Announcing you did it does not mean you are not a backstabber it just means you admitted it, only in your case it was not with remorse, it was with pride you were proud of what you did so you will carry it with you forever. You will no doubt repot posts that points out you are a backstabber and they may be taken down but we all know you are.

You’re Welcome
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