Politics and Religion

Re: It could have ended this way
JohnyComeAlready 464 reads

What new gun laws do you believe would have prevented the WA state school shooting?

I'm not familiar with WA state law, however I would imagine that it would be illegal for a high school age student to posses and purchase a hand gun.

Such a sad tale with an unhappy ending. I've been following this story since she disappeared & am relieved that now the family finally knows where their daughter is.  

As a mother I can only imagine what they are going through. The pain must be unbearable. We can only hope she receives justice as the slow paced, and extremely flawed, judicial system continues to work the case.  

It is such a disappointing thought that these events (as I am almost sure the suspected perpetrator is a serial killer) could have been avoided if the surviving victims of this man's previous attacks had the resources & support to find the courage to fight for his future victims.  This makes my blood boil.

Such a shame that in this day & age women still have such a tremendous fear of not being believed or being shamed for what happened to them, that crimes like these most often go unreported . History has shown that perpetrators like Jesse Matthews almost always escalate their sociopathic behavior to the point it is at now & the only way to stop them is to catch them or kill them.

In the end the cost is always high when these early crimes are missed/ignored.

As ladies of the night we are the most exposed to behavior like this. Always remember that no matter your occupation or lifestyle you ALWAYS have the right to declare & fight for what happens to your body. The rules don't change. Your body is a temple & those who desecrate it should be brought to justice. Fight for your right to say NO.  

Stay safe!


-- Modified on 10/24/2014 6:36:01 PM

and simple fact that this is not a religious or political issue.

Only to point out this unsubstantiated fact. Serial killers and murder are not on the rise, we only hear more reporting on these incidents.

First I'd like to point out that I didn't originally post in this category.  The moderator chose to move it here.

Second point.  You have missed the entire point of the post.  I in no way said or even insinuated ANYTHING racist.  I could give two fucks if he was purple.  I am of African descent so give me a break.

Third point.  LEFTIST PROPAGANDA?!?!  Please!  How is advocating for a woman's right to her body & what happens to it LEFTIST?!?  I believe, kind sir, it is a basic human right.

Fourth point.  This is OBVIOUSLY my opinion.  In no way did I assert that I am an EXPERT in any of the matters at hand.  I would love to see your diplomas that give you the privilege of making the statement you did.

With that said, you have a right to your own opinion.  I am a firm believer in "to each his own".  Though I do not appreciate you attempting to "hijack" my post about women's safety & twist it into something it clearly is not...  Not cool.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
and simple fact that this is not a religious or political issue.  
 Only to point out this unsubstantiated fact. Serial killers and murder are not on the rise, we only hear more reporting on these incidents.  
-- Modified on 10/24/2014 9:30:32 PM

-- Modified on 10/24/2014 10:18:53 PM

How else do you think the court proceedings will play out in the media?

There will be a young working class black man on trial for killing  young white women whom were attending college.

I can't remember correctly, although I think VA still carries out capital punishment. Liberals will flock to this issues like dogs in heat. While the conservatives will cry a foul and demand justice be served. Missouri, and the Mike Brown case/officer acquittal muzak will be playing in the back ground. All while the 2016 WH campaign race is set at the gate, awaiting to hear the starting pistol fire.  

You have the audacity to claim this is not a leftist propaganda post, young lady you have confused me with a fool.

... so why did you chose to ignore the one and only point of my reply

RaymondDonovan470 reads

Everything has a political agenda...it's the world he lives in.

This is the only country I can think of where everything that happens is immediately classified as:

1. Leftist or progressive political agenda   OR
2. Right wing or conservative agenda

Yesterday there was, are we not getting used to it already, shooting in a school in Washington.    Those who say guns are responsible will be classified as (1) and those who say their gun rights cannot be trampled will be classified as (2).

No one cares a shit about innocents who are dead like those 20 five and six year olds in Newtown., CT.   Blaming guns is in no way political and protecting someone's right is also not political.

Unfortunately no one thinks or suggests a solution to the problems the country has.

I wanted to hear what nonsense they would have to say while they cycled their response/evacuation footage.

What I heard was the rhetoric of commonsense gun legislation about stopping illegal gun smuggling. What does illegal gun smuggling have to do with the one student who shot a girl in the cafeteria and subsequently shot himself?

 One thing I noticed in the five seconds of footage, was the amount of unmarked police vehicles operated by LE. Those officers need to be informed of the law.

Posted By: desigolfer
This is the only country I can think of where everything that happens is immediately classified as:  
 1. Leftist or progressive political agenda   OR  
 2. Right wing or conservative agenda  
 Yesterday there was, are we not getting used to it already, shooting in a school in Washington.    Those who say guns are responsible will be classified as (1) and those who say their gun rights cannot be trampled will be classified as (2).  
 No one cares a shit about innocents who are dead like those 20 five and six year olds in Newtown., CT.   Blaming guns is in no way political and protecting someone's right is also not political.  
 Unfortunately no one thinks or suggests a solution to the problems the country has.

I didn't write this intent on having to justify a human beings basic right to choose what happens to their body.  Just as a reminder to the ladies that we need to always take great care with our safety because we are the most exposed to sex crimes.  

Regardless of whether the man they have in custody now is the perpetrator of her disappearance/murder or not he has a history of being a paraphiliac.  This behavior is repugnant.  Nobody has the right to violate another person in that way.

I believe my message is clear.
Which is exactly why I'm not going to indulge his attempted hijacking of my post.  

Johnnycomealready - I chose to ignore your point because I have yet to see your credentials which make you think you are an expert in the subject matter.

Thanks to those who get it!!



Posted By: RaymondDonovan
Everything has a political agenda...it's the world he lives in.
-- Modified on 10/25/2014 8:03:49 AM

That women are stupid and they need you to point this out to them.

What I posted was this type of crime is not on the rise. Which was the statement you made. I simply pointed out that the media has greater resources in which to propagate the story.

Where are your statistics to enforce your claim?

I am only pointing out that this kind of behavior can often come disguised in a sweet & innocent looking package.  I am only reminding ladies that this can happen to ANYONE but we are the most susceptible.  Sometimes we get too comfortable in the ways of the world & need to be reminded of the dangers from time to time.  

As I stated in my first response, this is only my opinion & am in no way claiming to be an expert.  You on the other hand made your statement like it was a matter of fact & have the degree to back it up.

Shame on you for trying to make this about the perpetrators instead of the victims.  I care less how the media handles the situation.  The facts are undeniable.  IF Jesse Matthews IS the perpetrator of the crimes he is charged with/will be charged with, had the victims of his previous attacks had the courage to come forward this young girl would still be alive.  She would still have her future.  You forget:  knowledge is power, ie more knowledge, less victims.

-- Modified on 10/25/2014 8:23:20 AM

And it's not made better by the derogatory use of the word "whore" as this Democrat candidate did in this video:

-- Modified on 10/25/2014 9:30:18 AM

Taking absolute delight in hearing about a 20 year old lady being assulted by a man.

Is THIS the type of protection of "women" and "victims" you're talking about?


Exactly.  It's situations like that where people in a position to stand up for women's safety & actually make a difference but instead use the opportunity to blame the woman or make light of the crime which keeps victims silent about these attacks.  I am sure for many they would much rather suffer in silence rather than be publicly scrutinized by the bullying many.

... victim of violence. Although women are adults, and they can chose to do what they want with their own bodies. One preventative measure they can take is to stay away drugs and alcohol. The simple fact that a clear minded individual can make the best decisions for their own well being is inarguable.  

Keep in mind I am talking about grown women whom are able to make their own decision.

While I agree women are able to take steps to minimize the amount of potentially scary situations, the fact of the matter is if a predator has you in their sights it may not even matter.  That's what predators do, they prey on the weak & vulnerable.  Your asinine comments are pretty much in line with this thinking.  When it comes down to it regardless of her choices EVERY woman has the right to decide what happens to her body.  We have the right to say NO even if up until that point the answer had been yes.

The young woman in the article you linked, what was her relationship to the predator?

You actually defeated your own talking point. With your comment that predators prey, and women have the right to say no.

Which is it? You are talking in circles, your first point cancels out your second point.

You are an idiot Johnny.  Just because a predator doesn't ALLOW a woman to exercise her right to say NO doesn't magically negate the fact that it is a basic human right to do so.  The predator in question was cunning & had years of experience defiling women... That poor girl never even had a chance.

Do you know the definition of predator??  

This asshole saw an extremely intoxicated young woman, he charmed her, drank with her, then she disappears & is found dead.  Predators hunt.  It is their intent to defile no matter what the lady wants.  That's what they do.  They stalk their prey & strike at the easiest moment when they can overpower & control.  Her right to say NO never changed even though it is sadly clear she never had the choice.  What everyone needs to realize is that we are the biggest contributors to our safety & by making wise decisions to minimize the exposure to danger the safer you will be.

-- Modified on 10/25/2014 1:51:50 PM

Saying the same thing over and over again. Disagreeing with me only to agree with me, along with making contradictory statements. I am dumbfounded as to how a murder case can be spun into a women's rights issue.  

First you don't blame the victim only to follow that up with the victim should take some personal responsibility...  

In order for the the victim to take some personal responsibility, she must accept some blame for allowing herself access to the predators vicinity. Which you agreed to in the post I just responded to.

... as I said, these incidents have been taking place since the begging of time. This event will be politicized in the media, and exploited by the left.

I must be insane.

I never turned this into a women's right issue.  It's a basic human right issue.  You took my post advocating safety for all women & twisted it into your version of bullshit.  I never agreed with anything you said other than women are indeed able to determine the majority of the positions they are in based on their decisions.  That doesn't mean just because a woman chooses to drink too much, then walks around aimlessly on her own, that she DESERVES what she gets.  Fuck that.  A woman never has to take personal responsibility for having a basic human right stolen from her because she gets caught in a predator's clutches.  The only thing a victim can do (if she survives) is to take responsibility in doing everything possible to bring her perpetrator to justice, quite possibly saving future victims.  With all the help & support of those in a position of power & with bullys like you it's a wonder this is still a continuing problem right??

I don't understand why you can't just apologize for hijacking my post & move on with your life.

-- Modified on 10/25/2014 3:38:17 PM

Wich is the context that all political discussions are rooted.

I'm telling you how this will play out on cable news.

What new gun laws do you believe would have prevented the WA state school shooting?

I'm not familiar with WA state law, however I would imagine that it would be illegal for a high school age student to posses and purchase a hand gun.

It is reported that the high capacity magazine firearm he used belonged to his father!   There goes the responsible gun owner argument!    If the law permits, the victims should go after this father and sue him for every penny he is worth, now and the future.

What kind of firearm did this kid have?

I'm not sure suing the dead shooters parents will do anything to prevent a future incident.

The point is laws can not keep people safe from other people, or keep people safe from themselves.

The opposite is actually true, just look at the dangers of automotive airbags. Airbags are mandatory safety devices that are required by law to be installed in passenger vehicles. These airbags are causing motorists more harm than good.

If the kid had taken his dad's car and caused deaths, the auto insurance company would be paying out millions in lawsuits to the victims.    Suing dead shooters parents is to obtain damages, compensation for negligence and not about a future incident.

Perhaps if couple of these parents are sued to their limit, other parents would be more careful in protecting their deadly fancy items called guns.

Only if financial retribution was a deterrent.  

Name one person whom has changed their behavior based on financial retribution.

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