Politics and Religion

Re: Isnt he already a Senator? NO and WHY?
ezeedude123 19 Reviews 3260 reads
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maybe he is looking for his birth certificate?

barry hussein obama, has legal problems proving he is eligible for presidency


1- affadavit from his kenya grandma ma saying she saw him borne in kenya
2- his mother didn't meet the law requirements in place at the time
3- he was adopted and registered in Indonesia ( which doesn't allow dual citzenship)
4- he went to pakistan on a visa in 1980s when pakistan didn't allow american passports
5- he lies when he says his grandma in hawai'i is his last living relatives, he forgets (1) that he visited hawai i just in august and (2) he didn't bring his wife and kids

obama , put up or shut up

show that you are true and real americans
your politics show you to be a
fake and fraud and phoney socialist with ties to extreme psychopaths who are willing to kill americans and swear to God , what did rev. Wrong say...oh , i can't repeat it here

say no to BO
BO in the white house
for the good of america

Sweatleaf68 5 Reviews 1294 reads
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Im sorry but wouldnt they have already checked him out by now.

I have to think yes. Although I personally havent seen it.

But with all the blunders by the GOP they may very well have missed such an easy win.

I'm sure time will tell.

butterflydust See my TER Reviews 1890 reads
3 / 16

dirt on BHO... if this birth certificate thing were a GENUINE issue, and not just some paranoiac BS, it would be plastered all over the place.

I find it pathetic that people are even now questioning whether or not he is really going to visit his grandmother.  He actually took time off in August to visit her, as well.  A while ago, she said "I am very ill - I am not doing interviews."  We've known for a while that Toot is not doing so well.

"Show that you are real and true Americans" - this frenzied nationalism is growing tired and old.  What is so wonderful about America is that I DO have the freedom to educate myself and to express DISSENT if I don't like what I see happening.  Mindlessly following the herd is NOT an American value... and if it is, strike it from the books!

McCain likes to meet with Chilean dictators and pals around with the likes of Joe Bananas (at least until he died), and his WIFE started a charity which she then stole money from to buy illegal prescriptions using her employees' names, without their consent.  So.  You really can't judge based on who someone knows.

anon1112245 1193 reads
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Now Cindy McCain is stealing money from a charity.  She is worth 100 million.  Maybe you have been sniffing some butterflydust.

PS. Don't anyone tell conroy that Obama's grandmother is white or he will surely jump off the roof of a tall building.. On second thought go ahead and tell him

Sweatleaf68 5 Reviews 1170 reads
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butterflydust See my TER Reviews 1622 reads
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She did not steal money specifically, but she did steal drugs -- and drugs are pretty freakin' expensive, because for every drug that is approved by the FDA after the extensive and expensive research and testing, there are 20 that don't make the cut.  Her charity eventually was closed down because of it.

So apparently she just wasn't rich enough.  She also came by these prescriptions using the names of her unwitting charity employees -- real sweet, huh?

butterflydust See my TER Reviews 1880 reads
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I am talking about the one, the only... Cindy McCain.  Just because she has money doesn't mean she's above stealing from others.

-- Modified on 10/24/2008 7:16:07 PM

anon1112245 1738 reads
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That is some real reliable journalism.  Would not bet my last 10 m on it.

Sweatleaf68 5 Reviews 1250 reads
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People have a right to belive whatever they want. Even if it is that Cindy MCain stole drugs.

Wait till I tell John, I bet she gets a good hard spanking.

ezeedude123 19 Reviews 1831 reads
10 / 16

he slipped in through the system
the GOP
doesn't vet him
it's the responsibility of the DNC
and they are also being sued for fraud
as is
Howard Dean
Diane Feinstein who sits on the DNC committee.
IT's really a simple matter:
put up or shut up , that's it, and his attornies have been stalling and stalling and stalling.
why is that?

ezeedude123 19 Reviews 1500 reads
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maybe the lame stream media already knows the truth, remember they "annointed" him as the "one" and nary a bad story is EVER written or televised about him on LSM. Never, in comparison Sarah Palin is crucified daily by the cretins in the media. Completely disgusting and revolting.

Say no to BO
BO in the White house , please
unqualified gang banger who never run anything in his whole life and completely clueless without a teleprompter

kerrakles 1196 reads
12 / 16

A Naturalized Citizen (immigrant becoming US Citizen) can hold any positions in the Federal Government except the Position of President and Vice-President of the United States, both have to be natural born citizens.

Let me give you couple of high-profile examples:

Henry Kissinger

Madeleine Albright

Both held Secretary of State position and both were Naturalized Citizens. You might say the position is appointed by the president. Constitutionally, Naturalized Citizens can hold any other elected position including State Governorship so, the issue never comes up for someone running for Senate.

butterflydust See my TER Reviews 1616 reads
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Your willful ignorance is stultifying.  Seriously.  I hate to break it to you, but there are plenty of sources to confirm that your flawless little Cindy McCain stole drugs and hurt peoples' lives.

"In 1989, Cindy McCain became addicted to Percocet and Vicodin, opioid painkillers, which she initially took to alleviate pain following two spinal surgeries for ruptured discs, and to ease emotional stress during the Keating Five affair.[39][40][40][41][42] The addiction progressed to where she was taking upwards of twenty pills a day,[15] and she resorted to having an AVMT physician write illegal prescriptions in the names of three AVMT employees without their knowledge.[39][43]"

Oh, and here's an article from the WASHINGTON POST, confirming what I said.  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/11/AR2008091103928.html

Seriously.  Just admit that you're wrong.  This is getting pathetic.

Echochamber 1267 reads
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if you want facts, try Google & use factcheck.org.  

Otherwise keep your ignorance to yourself.

ezeedude123 19 Reviews 1593 reads
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insult the messenger
and hope he goes away

if BO has the credentials he should put up or shut up,
Mccain showed his.

What do you and what does BO have to hide? Are you afraid he may be a FRAUD?

What happened to Pelosi , the far left lib whack job from california, "we will have a more transparent government".

Where is the transparency? The rest of us have to prove we are citizens when we apply for a job, what about BArry? BO, is he above the law and the Constitution?

come BO put up or shut up

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