Politics and Religion

Other facts not in evidence. Who made this up?
impposter 49 Reviews 130 reads

I don't remember reading this one before, but here you go:
"A publicly-traded entity controlled by President Trump has previously been subject to a cease and desist order issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
On January 16, 2002, the SEC issued a cease and desist order against Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts, Inc. (“THCR”) for violations of the anti-fraud provisions of the Exchange Act. As discussed in more detail in the SEC Release No. 45287, on October 25, 1999, THCR had issued a press release announcing its results for the third quarter of 1999 (the “Earnings Release”). To announce those results, the Earnings Release used a net income figure that differed from net income calculated in conformity with U.S. GAAP. Using that non-GAAP figure, the Earnings Release touted THCR’s purportedly positive operating results for the quarter and stated that the Company had beaten analysts’ earnings expectations. *****The Earnings Release was materially misleading***** because it created the false and misleading impression that THCR had exceeded earnings expectations primarily through operational improvements, when in fact it had not. The Earnings Release expressly stated that the net income figure excluded a one-time charge. The undisclosed one-time gain was material, because it represented the difference between positive trends in revenues and earnings and negative trends in revenues and earnings, and the difference between exceeding analysts’ expectations and falling short of them. SEC stated that by knowingly or recklessly issuing a materially misleading press release, THCR violated Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. The SEC accepted THCR’s offer of settlement."
The bankruptcy of THCR was big news and has been frequently recounted but I didn't remember the SEC cease and desist order. Who made this up? (a) The NYT? (b) WaPo? (c) The Dems? ... NONE OF THE ABOVE.  
That is a direct quote from the Feb 16, 2024 424B4 filed by DIGITAL WORLD ACQUISITION CORP.  (DWAC) about their intention to "merge" with Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). As required by SEC rules, the Prospectus had to include items with potentially negative impact on the merger and value of the company post-merger.  
There are several pages titled "Everything Trump Touches Dies" (just kidding! The title is "Risks Related to our Chairman President Donald J. Trump") of Trump's numerous business and personal failures COMPILED BY TRUMP'S OWN TEAM and submitted to DWAC for inclusion in the prospectus. No NYT! No WaPo! No Dems!  
Not mentioned:
DWAC was raising money with the stated intention to merge with a company valued between $500 M and $2 B. TMTG's own recwnt disclosure claims that TMTG is only worth between $3M and $30M. Their website currently (Feb 20, 2024) claims a market cap of $11.5M, Just a tad short of $500M. TMTG currently has more than $30M in debt and no profits.  
If the merger goes through, Trump will own more than 70% of the merged company. Assuming that Trump sheep will quickly buy in, some analysts think that the stock price of the new company will provide Trump with an asset worth $2B to $10B ... before he tanks it (I added that last bit).  
Here are the links to the SEC filings:
Feb 16, 2024 424B4 Prospectus 424B4:

…Trump just farted. Expect 30 paragraphs from IMP to follow.

Several people who have spent time around Trump have recently commented that he has a terrible odor, including elements of a "shit his pants" odor.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: In other news…
…Trump just farted. Expect 30 paragraphs from IMP to follow.

Posted By: impposter
Re: In other news…
Several people who have spent time around Trump have recently commented that he has a terrible odor, including elements of a "shit his pants" odor.
Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: In other news…  
 …Trump just farted. Expect 30 paragraphs from IMP to follow.

What exactly did Trump do to you personally that has caused this level of HATRED???

I’ve been asking lefties to explain this but none of them have been able to cough up an answer.

I can directly point to Obama care and the degrading of my health care coverage and loss of my Doctor as a direct reason to hate Obama.  

I can point to his mass pull back of defense spending that cost me a government contract in 2011.

I can point to Biden changing out the director of the VA affecting my health care and disability claims there.  

I can point to Biden’s disaster known as the afghan pullout that wounded a friend of mine needlessly.

Trump did several things that positively affected my life. One of which was help stop the pebble mine from going in.

Soooooo imp what did trump do to you personally that has engendered this near rabid hatred of the man?

Charts 📶 circles 🔄 and arrows ⬆️ time!

I previously addressed some of those issues here:
"I acknowledge that when it's personal, the broader statistics don't matter. I don't exactly know what happened in your state and YOUR case, but ACA helped MILLIONS of UNinsured people get health insurance for the first time.  ..."

Posted By: impposter
Re: In other news…
I previously addressed some of those issues here:  
 "I acknowledge that when it's personal, the broader statistics don't matter. I don't exactly know what happened in your state and YOUR case, but ACA helped MILLIONS of UNinsured people get health insurance for the first time.  ..."
Nice dodge  


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