Politics and Religion

Re: In case such mentally sick person
randomvr301 404 reads

Adam Lanza  they say was mentally ill!   Really.   His mother getting $24,000 a month alimony and could not get him top notch mental treatment?   She was taking him to a shooting range and teaching him how to shoot the exact weapon he used to massacre those babies sitting in a class room.

This is a good country but controlled by sick people.

JackDunphy1779 reads

Heading away for the holidays tomorrow and will pull the plug on the posting for a bit. But don't worry. I'll be back to make you libs even MORE miserable in 2015! :D

Peace and enjoy whatever holiday(s) you celebrate.

Have a good one!


Hope you will not be confronted by a "mentally sick" person who is armed with AK47 and 500 rounds of ammo while you are in a shopping mall, movie theater, in a temple, church, train station.    My prayers to fathers and mothers who have children in school that they come home safe and not end up dead shot by a "mentally" sick person.    My prayers to stay at home mothers that your husband comes home safe and not end up dead shot by a "mentally" sick person who was laid off.

There are millions of "mentally" sick persons in this world but here they are all armed with deadly assault weapons and hundreds of rounds of ammo.

Happy New Year

for your wishes.
But prayers won't change a thing. What happens happens cause actions.
hoping and wishing is normal... maybe we can call it praying. In that case I pray everyone is ok

Things changes after tragedies, people fight for changes after tragedies.   After 9/11 we went to war in Afghanistan.    After an American was beheaded we went to war in Syria, Iraq.    

After Tucson, Newtown, Aurora, Oak Creek and dozens of school shootings, "business as usual".

I see the problem but not you.

comes in front of you, I hope you are able to get on your knees and plead for your life.  

I hope you are at least carrying 9 iron with you to knock him out.  

Happy Holidays to you Golfer

Adam Lanza  they say was mentally ill!   Really.   His mother getting $24,000 a month alimony and could not get him top notch mental treatment?   She was taking him to a shooting range and teaching him how to shoot the exact weapon he used to massacre those babies sitting in a class room.

This is a good country but controlled by sick people.

"America a third world country."  to  "This is a great country"

So what warrants sudden change of heart... Looks lik Australia denied entry to our esteemed golfer..

The Muslim shoot out in Australia has really confused our boy hasn't it?

Louis Farrakhan and Reverend Wright with him.. I am sure he would fit well in their company...

I will celebrate Drinking Beer, Eating Cake and Watching Football...lol.

followme470 reads

And the very best to you and yours for the holidays and a great 201

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