Politics and Religion

Re: I'm game to see how deep you'll dig that hole your now standing in. . .
RightwingUnderground 6903 reads
1 / 30

1) Both arose from a population that had previously been beaten and abused and neglected.
2) Both started out as a group of thugs who scored limited success through violence.
3) Both then realized that the way to success and power was through politics and became political parties.
4) Both won elections and then took control.
5) In both cases their membership is relatively small as a percentage of the general population.
6) Both ended up pretty much holding the greater population hostage.
7) In both cases the population allowed or condoned their take over as they were experiencing very hard times and suffering and came to believe that the new politics was going to be liberating, provide order and a measure of safety.
8) Both attacked their neighbors until said neighbors retaliated in force. The neighbor’s retaliation ended up being far far disproportionately greater before things were over. Peace came through victory not proportionality. (Well OK, that hasn't happened yet with Hamas.)
9) Both have vowed to exterminate the Jews.

There are differences in the circumstances such as the economy controlled by the Palestinians has no comparison to that of Germany’s.

-- Modified on 1/10/2009 1:57:07 PM

dncphil 16 Reviews 2507 reads
2 / 30

1. the obvious one of both advocate genocide of Jews and take steps to try to achieve it.

2. Although they are both pretty honest and open about their desires of genocide, the world (did) does not take it seriously.

3. Both generated a great deal of sympathy from the left.  

Before you jump in and say they attacked Russia, remember that the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were allies, and it was not the Russians who broke from the alliance, it was Germany.

During the time that Germany and the USSR were allied, the left in America was against going to war against Germany.

4. Both are very nationalistic.  The Nazis were obviously Master Race oriented, and fundamentalist Moslems have a ethnic supriority complex of the Moslems above others.

5. Both advocate expansionist philosophies in that fundamentalist Moslems believe in a world dominated by Sharia.

6. Again, in spite of expansionist rhetoric, the rest of the world does not take them seriously.

7. Both engaged in using civilians as targets.

That's off the top of the head. Fingers getting tired.

-- Modified on 1/10/2009 2:01:37 PM

Archie_Bunker 1743 reads
3 / 30

Hamas has more in common with LA street thugs then they do with Germany.  
Israel has much more in common with Nazis then Hamas ever will.

-- Modified on 1/10/2009 2:10:16 PM

Rashid_Khalidi 2045 reads
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tallslim26 26 Reviews 1480 reads
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I could comment on some of the reaons given but when it comes down to it there is one major similarity between the two groups. I might add a bit more later on but for now,

1 - THE JEWS DON'T LIKE THEM thus the entire world must oppose them and die to wipe them out regardless of the fact that they are and were not a threat to any other group besides the jews.

This coincides with the modern definition of anti-semitism, basically which is a blanket term used to label anyone the jews don't like as evil.

tallslim26 26 Reviews 2138 reads
7 / 30

Excellent point Archie.

The US sheep are oblivious thanks to the media here to how many public figures around the world have made the same comparison you did, Israel and the Nazis.

The most recent outrage in Gaza has provoked even more comparisons. A vatican cardinal recently called Gaza, "one big concentration camp."

tallslim26 26 Reviews 2069 reads
8 / 30

You hit that target right on the red dot in the center Rashid, 100% valid and correct.

RightwingUnderground 2147 reads
9 / 30

The Nazis were opposed and wiped out by the world because the Jews "got the world to do it"? LOL.

The Nazis were not a threat to any other group besides the Jews? *no laughter, just head shaking*

RightwingUnderground 2494 reads
10 / 30

the comparison is Hamas to Nazis, not Hamas to Germany.

Would you care to try again?

Archie_Bunker 1505 reads
12 / 30

To Quote you.
"There are differences in the circumstances such as the economy controlled by the Palestinians has no comparison to that of Germany’s."

That looks like a comparison to me, does it not?

As far as my education is concerned, lets put it this way. I would not have posted such a stupid thread as you did.

tallslim26 26 Reviews 1284 reads
13 / 30

I don't usually resort to names, but it is dumbasses like you who are so lost that are driving this civilization to the brink.

I am just going to comment on the premise that you think I am full of shit because I don't think Germany wanted to take over the world and were no threat to it. There are a massive amount of Jewish sources that brag about their role in getting other Western nations to destroy Germany. Ever look into what jews like Samuel Untermeyer had to do with it??? I guess your so diluted to think the jews in the Roosevelt cabinent had America in mind as much as the Jews in the Bush cabinent and the Clinton cabinent. See reality or get off the goddamn pot.

Well lets see Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh were quite convinced that Zionists were almost solely responsible for getting the US into World War 2 and played a large role in Great Britain and France as well.

I believe that the US population were completly against the concept of war in Europe and that treasonous bastard Roosevelt promised the people that there would be no US involvement if he were reelected. Why would he have needed to lie if you feel the people wanted war.

Pearl Harbor, which got the country convinced that it was necessary to go to war, has been proven to be an event that could and should have been prevented but was not because it was what the aliens and traitors needed to bring the US in. The decoding of Japanese code that gave forewarning of the Pearl Harbor attack has been documented over and over again and only complete morons still think the establishments original story holds any truth. I will not disagree that many morons are out there.

German subs were repeatedly told not to fire on any US ships even when they were being fired upon. That piece of filth FDR was trying to provoke war for quite a time before Pearl Harbor and the Germans wouldn't fall for the ploy of them attacking a US ship giving the US a reason to attack. Roosevelt finally had to resort to sacrificing American sailors for the sake of doing his Zionist masters bidding and all true patriots should consider this piece of shit as one of if not the worst traitor in American history.

A Hitler led Germany wanted to take over the world??? How then do you explain the fact that Hitler, throughout his life and writings, totally opposed the concept of colonialization of places removed from Europe. He said Europeans essentially lost their soul when trying to live in alien lands. Yeah this is advocation of world conquest alright.

I wouldn't be surprised if you were enough of an imbecile to actually believe the BS that the Germans were wanting to invade America or aid Mexico in doing so, this is pure Zionist/Allied propaganda which had little if any basis in reality.

The West doesn't have enough time to continue letting dumbasses like you prevent salvation from coming into our grasp. Either straighten out the way you see reality of just quit participating, there are plenty of apologists for Israel and the Zionists out there don't worry. The only thing harder to deal with than the Zionist liars are their legions of adoring sheep who insist they know anything about everything.

-- Modified on 1/10/2009 3:42:39 PM

-- Modified on 1/10/2009 3:43:45 PM

anon1112245 2253 reads
14 / 30

Why even waste the space responding to tallslime.  He is a Jew hating piece of shit, along with Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh. I am sure he is convinced that it was a Zionist conspiracy to kidnap the Lindbergh baby.

To him I am sure all of the following are all part of a Zionist conspiracy:

Global warming
The Economic downturn
Every war that has ever occured from the days of cavemen foreward
Lincoln's assasination
Both Kennedy assasinations
King's assasination
Apollo 13
John Lennon's murder
Reagan's shooting

What a fucking dunce!

RightwingUnderground 2414 reads
15 / 30

Nazis are to Germans as
Hamas is to ____________ wait for it. . .Palastinians.

I filled it in for you just to be safe.

-- Modified on 1/10/2009 4:03:19 PM

tallslim26 26 Reviews 1887 reads
16 / 30

I will let the rest of the posters on this board decide on whether or not they think Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford were "pieces of shit".

In my opinion those were two men that defined what this country used to be when it was something that could be defined as great. And this opinion is not based solely on their views on Zionism or World War 2, they were true men of the West.

If your so convinced that they are pieces of shit then I challenge you to start a poll on what posters on this board think of those two men, I think you would be in a small minority.

Then after you get those results find out how many of them know of Ford and Lindbergh's views on World War 2 and Zionism, I am sure you know as I sense you seem to have that Talmudic hatred for them. Maybe posters on here know more than most, but the population as a whole would be surprised that Henry Ford gave each new Ford owner a copy of the Protocols, HA!!!

Then ask yourself, boy what would happen if these people actually knew what these two men really thought, without the media spin and censorship.

Good thing for our balanced media in this country or we might have some real understanding of history and therfore a more clear view of the present and future.

-- Modified on 1/10/2009 4:15:57 PM

-- Modified on 1/10/2009 4:17:56 PM

RightwingUnderground 2407 reads
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I never mentioned world domination (tho phil did); (heck, I never even mentioned Jews), but while you're on the subject, are you saying that you were OK with Germany's clear attempt to dominate Europe and North Africa? Or weren't they doing that either?

-- Modified on 1/10/2009 4:17:21 PM

RightwingUnderground 892 reads
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tallslim26 26 Reviews 1314 reads
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The North African campaign had nothing to do with moving Germans to North Africa thus this was not an attempt to settle the land.

I suppose that a good way to fight a war is to allow the enemy to easily and without a challenge accomplish objectives that put in peril the defense of your nation and regime in your opinion???

I am not going to be put in the role of defending any one side in that war. I sure as hell am not a disciple of any regime that are utterly defeated, and I am sure this would disappoint you as you get off on calling me a Nazi.

I just recognize the hypocrisy of the whole thing which is easy if your not a coward. You are preoccupied,as is the majority of mankind, with being linked to being a supporter of this and an advocate of that just because of not giving Israel and/or jews a free pass all the time.

World War 2, rather the establishment's account, is so full of hypocrisy and lies its not even debatable. Start war with Germany because they invaded Poland but fight on the side of the Russians who did the exact same thing????

Have you ever heard of the simple concept that the victors write the history books. I believe a 5th grader would understand that simple concept yet you, like many of your flock mates, seems content with parroting the system line on this event.

RightwingUnderground 1777 reads
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By your own words, "I am not going to be put in the role of defending any one side in that war", you're good with Germany's efforts before and during WWII? Right? Or have we finally discovered that you are Swiss?

I didn't and have never called you a Nazi.  I don't recall labelling you as anything. I DID decribe your CIRCUMSTANCES, a man full of shit, standing in a self dug hole.

I was simply looking at the similarity of Hamas and Nazis, which you, in all of your ranting, never actually discussed (other than to agree that they are both an enemy of Jews) That's not all they were/are, but it's clear that's all you cared/care about.

-- Modified on 1/10/2009 4:53:32 PM

tallslim26 26 Reviews 1962 reads
21 / 30

I happy with where I am at, "in a hole" as you put it. If "in a hole" means I fit the media's definition of an anti-semite or Nazi, then so be it, I think I was already pretty "deep" in that "hole".

The fact is, I think you have to admit, is that there are many more people these days who the media and their followers would consider as such.

And believe me, most of these people, like myself, have never taken a goose step or never had any facination with the thrid reich or Hitler, they are just considering the reality of affairs and that reality is getting harder every day to ignore.

anon1112245 2195 reads
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kerrakles 2494 reads
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Hamas, Hezebollah, Taliban, Jihadists leaders are in it for themselves. If they agree to peace, they don't have any power, so why would they?

While everyone bashes Israel, why did Hamas fire rockets at Israel? To create conflict, get attention and to increase their power by giving the people the false belief. See, they fire rockets, Israel goes in with full force, many people gets killed, everyone blames Israel and Hamas achieves its objective.

Don't believe any outsider can solve this problem, this will only get solved when people in their countries rise against these idiots.

Everything else is just lots and lots of noise.

tallslim26 26 Reviews 2724 reads
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Ok it's nice to know the debate is over now.

Gotta give one parting shot though, one big
"FUCK FDR", the worst traitor the West has ever known.

I feel better.

anon1112245 3382 reads
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Why do you hate FDR.  He would not let the St. Louis dock in the US and knew about the death camps from intelligence.  Seems like he would be one of your heros.

RightwingUnderground 2954 reads
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until they were sure that a critical mass of Jews were going to be killed so that their ultimate goals of Zion could be realized. They coordinated the trigger with Hirohito pretty well though.

GaGambler 1987 reads
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I don't care to get into the whole Nazi, Hamas, Jew debate, but one of my biggest fears has been that Obama wants to be FDRII. I don't know how many decades it will take to undo the damage.

GaGambler 1989 reads
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I would be perfectly happy if both sides would completely obliterate the other. I don't find either side particularly sympathetic. If the region didn't contain huge oil reserves I doubt that many of us would care anymore than we do about Darfur or Somalia.

charlie445 3 Reviews 2018 reads
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of capitalism. Who foots the bill for this war?  The capitalists that control oil foot the bill for these thugs.

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