Politics and Religion

Re: I'd love to know why
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1195 reads
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Scientology was started on a bet between 5 personalities in the Science Fiction community.
It was the idea of a mediocre Sci-Fi author named L. Ron Hubbard for a tax shelter using religion, based on his own
story ideas to flesh out the lore. He sketched it out on a napkin sitting around
a table with four others at a convention, including author Harlan Ellison and Sci-Fi artist Frank Kelly Freas.
Eyewitnesses to the truth of Scientology's origin as a tax scam.  
It is a monstrosity.

I do not know this couple, but I have known others like them:  

Hollywood's Anti-Scientology Billboard: Couple Says, "We Lost Our Kids" to "Brainwashing"

Since erecting a billboard near Dodger Stadium on Monday, April 4, Phil and Willie Jones, a 60-something married couple from Las Vegas, have drawn a great deal of media interest — including an appearance on Today — to a deeply personal cause. The Joneses want to speak to their two adult children, Mike, 42, and Emily, 38, whom they say they've lost all contact with through a process known within the Church of Scientology as "disconnection." The family once was enmeshed deeply in the organization, but the parents began to have doubts about it five years ago, whereupon Phil's sister, also a Scientologist, allegedly reported them to church leaders. They were excommunicated swiftly, and communication with their children immediately reduced to a trickle, say the Joneses. They have neither seen nor heard from either of their kids for over two years. The Hollywood Reporter spoke with Phil Jones about his "Call Me" billboard campaign.

link to full story belo

GaGambler 118 reads
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The only difference in the level of ridiculous she they expect you to believe is the fact that the tomes of the "Major Religions" were written before modern science was around to debunk the bullshit and now they can simply claim some things were lost in translation and not meant to be taken literally. Well expect for a few dumbfucks who really believe that a snake convinced Eve to eat the apple or that God created woman out of one of Adam's ribs. Nobody would believe something THAT dumb, would they?

The main thing that sets the "Church" of Scientology apart and makes them some really scary fucking people is their cultish behavior and the lengths they will go to in order to maintain control of their flock.

mattradd 40 Reviews 90 reads
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No matter what religion, faith, spiritual organization, there's a big difference between people freely gather together in a shared belief or faith vs. when such an organization malevolently attempts to control your life and/or the lives of your loved ones, and they use spies and lawyers to do so. The problem with Scientology goes way beyond to being a tax dodge.

GaGambler 100 reads
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Now I don't doubt the "Elders" at the Church of Scientology would love to rape and behead any one who questioned them or their tactics, but fortunately they don't have the ability to go quite that far. The same cannot be said about our raghead friends looking to export their barbaric beliefs to the entire world.

and don't even get me started on our own locally grown "Good Christians" like Ted Cruz, can you imagine what kind of Draconian and oppressive laws someone like him would pass if he were given unfettered power?

JackDunphy 97 reads
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Or if an atheist had "unfettered power?" Or a fascist or communist?

That's why our system of check and balances and co-equal branches of govt works.

It's not that just Bible "thumpers" would fuck things up and drag us towards Draconian rule if left unchecked, it's that ANYONE would.

And let's not even mention Trump who you are enamored with. How do you think things might be in the country if he got everything he wanted?  

The thought is terrifying.

JackDunphy 69 reads
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Spies and lawyers comment is dead on! Whatever Thumpers do for the most part, is to change minds through convo I.e. Christian outreach or through the democratic system of elections or through the judiciary.

It certainly seems Scientology goes to another, bizarre level with the spying and taking people to court to achieve their ends.

mattradd 40 Reviews 81 reads
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And, I thought we were talking about Scientology! At least there's three of us who are! ;)

saltyballs 133 reads
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It is my firm belief that if Cruz were to become POTUS we would all be forced to wear chastity belt's. Cruz would suspend by executive fiat laws enforcing separation between Church and State.. Abortions would be outlawed, gays and lesbians would be sent enmasse to "conversion" schools. Just like Obama has done.....lol

-- Modified on 4/9/2016 5:20:35 PM

GaGambler 81 reads
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I have simply not agreed with those of you who seem to think that Scientology is the worlds worst where it comes to being a cult and the damage they have called. I have had first hand experience with Scientology having lived in both Hollywood CA and Clearwater FL, their two major strongholds and I agree with just about any criticism of their so called church. but to give the Mormons, the Muslims or even the baby raping Catholic Church a pass is either naïve or disingenuous. Can you REALLY compare the evils of Scientology to the evils of Islamic Jihadists?

mattradd 40 Reviews 70 reads
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"I have simply not agreed with those of you who seem to think that Scientology is the worlds worst where it comes to being a cult and the damage they have called."  

I went back and re-read Doc's post, and I can't see where he said it, either. ;)

P.S. I can't speak regarding the South Park clip, because it did play when I tried it. Did it talk about Mormon's and Muslims?

GaGambler 99 reads
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but Matt and Trey have most definitely spent more time on Mormons (coming from Mormon land themselves) than Scientologists.  

I am not going to parse words with you endlessly. Doc made an OP ripping Scientologists, in agreeing with him on the subject I simply pointed out that Scientology hardly has a monopoly on this type of thing, and the travesties committed by the Muslims and even the Christians make Scientologists look like pikers where it comes to being an oppressive religion/cult.

and what you DID say was that some of us, Myself especially, had hijacked Docs thread and that is simply NOT true as I have talked about Scientology on every response I have made, I simply did not limit myself to talking "only" about Scientology, nor am I required to in order to stay on topic.

mattradd 40 Reviews 72 reads
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There's a big difference between trying to control someone's life vs. trying to influence their behavior.

"How many Jewish families refuse to allow their kid to marry a non-Jew?"

Compared to how many don't? Or, how many of those kids go ahead and choose to marry a non-Jew after all? And, how many of those parents come around to their kid's way of thinking, in the end; particularly when the first grandchild is born?
"How many Thumper families disown their own kid if they are gay?"

Compared to how many don't?
"In Islam, people across the world get killed for leaving the religion or not being "devout" enough."

Compared to how many don't?
"Jehovah Witnesses are just as much a cult as Scientologists."

True, however I'm not aware of them using lie-detector machines, lawyers and spies. I've know a few that left that group. They got a lot of pressure to stay, but in the end, they were still able to see and be with their families.
"Millions of Righties refused to vote for Mitt because they think Mormons are nothing but a cult (and they do some crazy stuff too)."

So, what's you point? How many people didn't vote for JFK because he was Catholic, and they view the Roman Catholic church as being a cult?
"How many 'real" conservative families would kick out their kid if he showed up at Thanksgiving wearing a 'I love Hillary/Obama" shirt? "

Compare to how many would not?

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 146 reads
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... so no real news here.

As Gag and matt both correctly observed, my post concerned Scientology. As Gambler correctly pointed out, it is not the only, or even the worst religious cult out there.

You manage to denigrate the OP as being a true believer, when in point of fact you don't know dick about my personal belief system. All you know is I'm an openly vocal pro-Israel Jew with a deep background in religious training.

Other than that all you know is the history of my past reputation and participation on TER as DoctorGonzo.  
Posted By: GaGambler
"Laffy, you're the worst poster that ever breathed because you use hyperbole and make up stuff people said."

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 121 reads
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Posted By: mattradd
"I have simply not agreed with those of you who seem to think that Scientology is the worlds worst where it comes to being a cult and the damage they have called."  
  I went back and re-read Doc's post, and I can't see where he said it, either. ;)  
  P.S. I can't speak regarding the South Park clip, because it did play when I tried it. Did it talk about Mormon's and Muslims?
   I can't speak fair and balanced regarding South Park under any circumstances.  
  Years ago I tried watching South Park one time, couldn't finish, never went back after that.  

I  believe  Islam is the most dangerous religion  of modern times, when  their numerous factions violently opposing  peace and goodwill toward anyone with different beliefs is factored in the cult equation.    
   Second place in my book of dangerous cults,  Al's religion, the most economically dangerous cult of today.


GaGambler 97 reads
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and it only pales against other cults because US law limits its ability to order it's followers to commit murder in it's name. That doesn't mean I am making a single excuse for Scientology, the world would be a much better place if it and all it's followers would simply vanish from the face of the earth. with my deepest sympathies to the unwilling members and family members of those brainwashed and living under spell of these evil fucks.

As for Laffy, that's all you can expect from him. It's the reason I simply don't talk to him, I don't see any upside to it. Truthfully I am surprised that you still talk to him knowing full well what to expect.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 95 reads
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I expect nothing but the foulest and most bitter dreck from Laffy, which is why I am never disappointed in him.
He reminds me that despite the upheaval and the harsh changes that have drastically altered my life in recent years, I could be so much worse off than I am. I might have wound up like him.

Meanwhile - Scientology and Radical Islam both rely on a program of systematic brainwashing to spread their message.

The biggest difference - one is based on a bad science fiction story. The other is based on the imagination of a bad science fiction writer. (oh snap! see what i did there?

JakeFromStateFarm 86 reads
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Mainly that Scientology was invented as part of a scam in the '50s, when people should have known better.  Christianity was invented when people were ignorant about the causes of most things and needed a fairy tale to explain the scary stuff.  Even Mormonism was fomented during a time more than 150 years ago when people were ignorant of many things.
But to believe in Scientology you have to willfully ignore what's real.  But I guess the same thing goes for Christians who insist the earth is 5,000 years old.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 66 reads
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You'd have to ask your doubles partner BigPapasan to do the research and find the actual posts, but there have been several times over my years here where I have expressly stated my own non-dogmatic secular perspectives on my Jewish ancestry.
But even if you were given the links, you wouldn't bother to read them for fear it would burst your bubble.
I myself wrote several articles over the years on the secular historical timeline of events that corresponded to the biblical version. But you would deny that even if it slapped you in the face because it would burst your bubble.
I have expressed admiration for, and enjoyment of the Trump show these past months, but I have never EVER endorsed him. Quite the opposite. But you still insist on equating me with being a Trump supporter because to acknowledge otherwise would be to burst your bubble.

So OK Laffy. You win. You ARE the #1 P&R irritant of all time. Nails on the chalkboard are a Vivaldi concerto compared to you.

So how did you do it, Laffy? Were you born a poor black child only to grow into a bitter old white man? You're the poster child for malcontents worldwide. Congratulations.
Posted By: Laffy
you mock the origin of Islam but not your own fairy tale....especially considering archeologists say your stories never happened.

followme 75 reads
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you saw this interview or heard that or read somewhere....it is all what happened between the time you fall asleep and the time you wake up. It is called DREAMING. you are dreaming it all up, then you embellish it with your rather odd and sick imagination.  
You talk about the Bible being a fairy tale, the stuff you dream about is far more unbelievable  than anything the Bible has to offer.
The times that you dream about problems or trouble having to do with the GOP explains the reason you and your pj's are all wet and sticky when you wake up.

You're welcome

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