Politics and Religion

Why Jim Webb will not be Obamas VP
Timbow 3256 reads

Obama might not like the quote he had about the Confederate flag when he was Sec of Navy . I know Rev Wright would not :)
''To tar the sacrifices of the Confederate soldier as simple acts of racism, and reduce the battle flag under which he fought to nothing more than the symbol of a racist heritage, is one of the great blasphemies of the modern age." -- James Webb

Or his speech that honored the Confederate Army .

''And so I am here, with you today, to remember. And to honor an army that rose like a sudden wind out of the little towns and scattered farms of a yet unconquered wilderness. ''

Also in the rough race between Webb and Allen at one point Webb wore the Confederate flag lapel sticker that "Heritage" supporters were distributing at a fish fry Shad and Cooter with The General Lee car that had the Confederate flag on it supported Webb.
I followed the Virgina race since it was interesting .
Obama not wanting to wear flag pins but his VP wears the Confederate flag :)

I'm sure Obama won't mind when Webb has a bust or picture of Robert E Lee in his office and Obama has to give a speech on how the country can come together by recognizing the true legitimacy and historical value of the Confederate flag :)


Webb also wrote sexist papers in the past and now Hillary is saying the DEM race has a sexist factor.

-- Modified on 5/21/2008 9:45:42 PM

-- Modified on 5/21/2008 9:52:10 PM

The_Projectionist2021 reads

because Democrats can get over things,  learn, move on & change their minds, unlike Republicans whose minds are frozen in time the instant their ancestors were born.

IOW, you guys piss people off so much that they will do anything to keep you from getting into office.  The fucking Antichrist, with Satan for VP, is better than a Republican.

Timbow7267 reads

I can tell you know a lot about politics :)   Dems are not gonna have two freshman senators running for office especially Webb from Virginia .
They want to keep Virginia as a DEm Senate seat and will not put Webb up as VP.
Also the other reasons above in my OP will make a differnce.

The Black leadership will love this quote too :)
''But what many historians miss - and what those who react so strongly to seeing Confderate battle flags on car bumpers and in the yards of descendants of Confederate veterans do not understand - is that slavery was emphatically not the reason that most individual Southerners fought so long and hard, and at such overwhelming cost.''
~ Jim Webb, Born Fighting

-- Modified on 5/22/2008 4:08:52 AM

kerrakles1848 reads

Mr. Webb said he will not entertain such request and asked he be not asked on Lou Dobbs.

Besides, Jim Webb doesn't come across guy who says things without meaning.

You have got like the guy.

Tusayan2962 reads

He said the opposite on Letterman the other night, at least he didn't rule it out.

Cpl_Punishment3256 reads

individual soldiers never fight for political ideals.  You'd have to be in the trenches for 10 minutes to know that.

harryj4650 reads

Who relieved you from KP? Get back to that bag of spuds and get to pealing. Sgt. HarryJ.

consider Webb due to that confederate battle flag.  The confederate battle flag should be the battle flag of the USA.  

It has nothing to do with racism.  The confederate battle flag should be the USA's battle flag!!!!!!

A little side-note.  The best officers tend to be from the south and that's where most officers come from.

Obama is nothing but an empty suite.   He is stupid.

Cpl_Punishment1552 reads

Smedley Butler, Hap Arnold & George Marshall from fucking PENNSYLVANIA, and Bull Halsey was from fucking NEW JERSEY.

So if the Southern officers were so fucking great, why did they lose the civil war?   Let me guess, it must have been the LIBERAL MEDIA!!!!!!!!!

More likely that they couldn't use written orders because none of their pinheads could READ.

harryj1317 reads

Get at the spuds and leave more complex things to people who are more qualified.

BuckFush!1646 reads

Or you'll be spending all of your monthly Socialistic Insecurity check there at Willie's once again!

Besides, we don't want to have to drag your hairly ass back home when Willie kicks you out of there.

-- Modified on 5/22/2008 10:57:38 AM

Cpl_Punishment1667 reads

So you won't mind if I point out how FUCKING STUPID you are.

Timbow2281 reads

But if you do not think what Webb said about the Confederate flag will matter to Obama's black leadership backing or his sexist views on women he had in the past will make a difference since Obama cannot get the women's vote then that is laughable.

Geraldine Ferrarro is damn funny she said in NH Obama supporters had a sign that said Hillary iron my shirt :)
She fired back what if we had a sign that said Obama shine my shoes :) :)


Cpl_Punishment1818 reads

that is, if Obama thinks it's smart to make up with Webb, he'll do it.

Likewise, if the righties think it's smart to smear Kerry and the Navy over his decorations on behalf of an AWOL, they'll do it.

Politics as usual, to some extent shaped by culture.   I think politicians SHOULD grow up and adapt to circumstances, and people who really think lapel pins are important shouldn't be voting, because they are fucking retarded.

I would like to hear a politician tell the truth for a change, that what is smart in a given set of circumstances depends on what the circumstances are when the time comes, and only fools don't ever change their minds.   People who insist a politician commit to a position cast in stone are double fools because of that fact, AND ALSO because it's plain not enforceable.  

I happen to agree with Webb about a lot of things, including the fact that redneck culture itches for fights, and that keeping women out of combat roles is generally a good idea.  I have no problem with politicians being assholes about their neighborhoods, as long as it doesn't cross the boundary into solicitation of crime.  Some of the stuff that still comes out of southern politicians pushes that boundary way too often.

And I also think that Obama is the only candidate who is not already committed to disastrous policies.  He may have his own disasters, but it will take him at least a quarter to get them underway, and that's a quarter we wouldn't get with the others.

'fucking NEW JERSEY'? Hey, watch what you say about the Garden State.

That's more like it. BTW, didn't you go to basic training at Ft. Dix?

Cpl_Punishment2026 reads

because I'm so studly.

I did however, cross New Jersey several times without NBC gear, and lived to tell the tale.

Lucky you. I'm still waiting to glow in the dark. Think of the money I'll save on batteries.....

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