Politics and Religion

Re: I think President Bush is a likeable kind of guy.. Now you tell the truth
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1238 reads

I do not much care for Hillary Clinton the person. She comes off as the consummate politician, able to turn it on and off at will.

However, I have tremendous respect for her as a politician, and depending on the other candidates, I can see myself voting for her in the next election.

She's certainly more qualified than the vast majority of announced candidates.

As for likeable? You elect a President to be effective and to lead, not to be a likeable putz who considers catching a fish in his own pond his most thrilling accomplishment as President.

Now please tell me.... Do you feel like Hillary is a likeable lady??? I am just wondering if there is something Freudian going on..

I just saw a German movie, The Lives of Others, last night and it was about the horror of the Stasi and East Germany's gulag system during the 10 year period prior to unification.


Tusayan1746 reads

She might even run illegal warantless wiretaps on American citizens and do away with habeas corpus. Oh wait, that's already been done. Never mind.

The Oval Orifice1960 reads

....Bill probably reads this board, but he knows first-hand what a cunt she is, so I'm sure he'll "pardon" us for our expressed views...

-- Modified on 7/8/2007 9:02:45 PM

I asked my father by what evidence of evil or information he quantified his seething hatred of the documentary maker.
My father had NONE!

My father has never seen any one of Moore’s documentaries. He could not site a single fact or allegation pro or con about Moore or the content of his movies.
My father is a life long Republican, and despite being an educated man, a graduate of Annapolis Naval Academy, and a well practiced criminal and civil attorney he is just complacently comfortable spewing parroted vitriol from the right wing spin machine.

 Geezer: I’m not particularly a fan of Hilary. Would you be as vitriolic of Kucinich if he had the same corporate backing(and chance to win) as Hilary? Is it because she is female? Or can you specifically name egregious manipulations of her’s that no other political candidate has usurped?  

-- Modified on 7/9/2007 8:00:00 AM

harryj1671 reads

Your dad probably reached the conclusion that it is not necessary to take a bite of a dog turd to reach the conclusion that it is a dog turd. That may be "going off" but take a good healthy bite if you want and let us know your "well reasoned" conclusion after you gargel.

as I think he adds nothing to a civil debate about what the US should or should not do, he only serves to be divisive and mean spirited... and the dude is Canadian... why not attack the lunacy of the Canadian system... which shuts down hospitals, and med schools....  while capping doctor's salaries... yea, most Canadian doctors that can, do leave Canada.

Now that's a scary thought, Mitt Romney the president...I would normally say Sam Brownback is the scariest Republican candiate, but he has ZERO chance of getting the nomination....However, Romney does have a chance..

Romney went with CLASSIC social conservative bull-shit rhetoric recently re: the VA Tech shooting when he said:

"Romney linked the prevalence of pornography to the Virginia Tech shooting spree that left 33 dead."Pornography and violence poison our music and movies and TV and video games," Romney said May 5 during a commencement address at Regent University, the evangelical Christian school run by Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson. "The Virginia Tech shooter, like the Columbine shooters before him, had drunk from this cesspool".

Same old song & dance just a different day from another wacky social conservative...

How many people are dead now because of Bush/Cheney Co and thier lies, incompetence, lazyness and stupidity?

On the other hand, how many people are dead because of Hillary? She may not be that "likeable", but evil? That's just crazy talk from the fringe again.

I do not much care for Hillary Clinton the person. She comes off as the consummate politician, able to turn it on and off at will.

However, I have tremendous respect for her as a politician, and depending on the other candidates, I can see myself voting for her in the next election.

She's certainly more qualified than the vast majority of announced candidates.

As for likeable? You elect a President to be effective and to lead, not to be a likeable putz who considers catching a fish in his own pond his most thrilling accomplishment as President.

I hate to bring up Willie but why did you have to bring him into the fray      "a likeable putz who considers catching a fish in his own pond his most thrilling accomplishment as President".  Hey its not his fault a Republican Senate was keeping him in check while he was the acting Prez..

That's twice in one thread you manage to disappoint me.
Maybe you need to take a break from this forum and go write some reviews :)

Here are some quotes from Hillary in unguarded moments.  

1.  "They knew the risks when they signed up."  After military casualties reported and asked about the same during her husbands term.

2.  "You don't expect me to save every under capitalized business do you."  She snarled when asked a question about her health care nationalization plan during husbands firs year in office.

3.  "I learned everything about investing from the  wall street journal."  When questioned about the 100K in the black option future she exercised. (That was just a 100K gift given to her by Red Bone of some brokerage house. Recomm I think or Rifco.

4.  "My parents named me after Sir Edmund Hillary"  Oh really; he was an obscure beekeeper in New Zealand when she was born.  She was 5 years old when Hillary climbed Mt. Everest.

Hillary's handlers are very careful to keep that witch out of unscripted moments.

If she is president, there will be no transparency, honesty or even a civil dialog.  Why , because she considers anyone to disagree with her as the enemy that must be destroyed.

I have a feeling that her presidency is going to be a disaster.  I'll just have to hang in there and survive.  And I'm not talking about theory or some kind of abstract thing.  I'm talking about having a job, having money, having freedoms the constitution promises.  I'm talking that kind of real crap.  
Hopefully, it will not be as bad as I fear.

I'll paraphrase something to illustrate this: a thousand lawyers are likable at the bottom of the ocean.  

Hillary: no, I don't like her as a candidate.  I'm not going to vote for her.  

Seemingly, "unlike" most people, I don't like George Bush.  I mean, he's not somebody I'd like to have a beer with.  That doesn't matter.  There are many people I wouldn't socially who make very good statesmen. Problem is, he's always disappointed me there, too.

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