Politics and Religion

Re: I see that Loooooser is vomiting even more lies than usual.
LostSon 43 Reviews 6 reads

Posted By: impposter
Re: I see that Loooooser is vomiting even more lies than usual.
It's not first class, but stowing away in a wheel well is flying for free.
Posted By: inicky46
Re: I see that Loooooser is vomiting even more lies than usual.  
 He knows nothing about me. Greetings from Fiordland!  
  I also love his latest lie about flying here free.  
  More Lie Vomit.

What's completely annoying to Icky, is he KNOWS I can fly military Space A for free. you missed that boat icky with your draft Doddging. Remember Ick you pussed out on the bet.  

Imp trying to get in on Wingman support of the board snitch is actually kinda hilarious. This might be imp's shortest post in P&R board history.

Measles was eliminated in the U.S in 2000 but thanks to Ron DeSantis's surgeon general and others nutjobs of his ilk, it's making a comeback.

Speaking of nutjobs, here's what willy thought of flu shots when he was a lefty:
"you're a little bit crazy if....you're scared of getting a flu shot. has anyone ever been harmed by a flu shot ever?"

And now, what willy thinks of flu shots as a righty:
"I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a flu shot."

Will the real willy please stand up?

to rejoin the left. He considered Willy an embarrassment.
Which he is.
Personally, the contrast between the Old Willy and the new version is so massive I think Willy may well be just a troll. A lefty at heart who posts such idiotic righty trash he makes them look bad when they agree with him.
Willy? Willy?

Posted By: inicky46
Re: And this is EXACTLY why when Willy flipped right, GaGambler BEGGED him
to rejoin the left. He considered Willy an embarrassment.  
 Which he is.  
 Personally, the contrast between the Old Willy and the new version is so massive I think Willy may well be just a troll. A lefty at heart who posts such idiotic righty trash he makes them look bad when they agree with him.  
 Willy? Willy?
Fucking icky 🙄

Are you kidding me? With your reputation in tatters you are this desperate to go looking for legitimacy by invoking others posts?  

Hey asshat, quit while your behind.  

PS GaG? When’s the last time you two spoke let alone hung out?  How many years has it been?  

Also what was it US GRANT asked? Why is it that every relationship (male or female) you have ever had, has gone up in flames?

MY "reputation is in tatters?" BWAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHA! Sez WHO? You? The toxic loooooooser? You have ZERO cred here, Bozo.
As for GaG I don't know what to tell you because you won't believe me anyway. But what the hell. In fact, I am in regular touch with him and his hot GF and last spoke with him a few weeks ago. True, we have not hung out in a while but I've no doubt we will again, having spent weeks together over a period of years in Costa Rica chasing Ticas. I'm also in regular touch with MP67 but you're probably too out of it to even know who he is. Then there's mrfisher, an old friend whose wedding I attended and whose wife I know.
As for USGrant, he's a fraud who was a peripheral member of our group and is a HUGE loser who is fat, bald and enters all his dates on spread sheets. I kicked the crap out of him on the boards so many times he's got a huge boner for me (like you) and his tales are bullshit. The only reason you choose to believe them is because you dislike me and desperately want to believe him. That's it.
You need to pick your friends better. Cuz right now you suck at it, Looooooooooooooser. I mean, who are your friends here? Piñata Boy, Swallow and Fester? BWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Could the reason why it’s making a comeback is because we’re letting in a bunch of shitty people from third world hell holes that have measles?  

Here’s another thing to ponder. Just how many vaccines does the CDC recommend. Compare that to the number of vaccines recommended by other first world countries. Is there a vast difference?

Since the CDC vastly increased their recommended vaccines what happened to the number of auto-immune disorders in the USA? Did they go up or did they go down?

Vaccines have to have a guaranteed efficacy to be approved. What happens when a traditional adenovirus vaccine contains dead viral particles for a given virus and doesn’t produce a robust enough immune response to generate a high efficacy rate? The vaccine isn’t approved. So how do you increase the efficacy rate? You add in a tiny amount of poison or toxins to get a more robust immune response. What happens when you train your immune response over and over again to go to Defcon 1 every time it meets a little viral particle? You get autoimmune disease.  

You’re better off not taking a vaccine. We’d be even more better off if Democrats weren’t letting in every shit head from 3rd world hell holes for the sole reason that they hate white people.

LEGAL immigrants and vacationers have been known to bring transmissable infectious diseases into the US. US personnel, working in the transportation industry (pilots, flight attendents, etc.), health care workers volunteering on other countries, etc., have been known to have unknowingly carried transmissiable infectious diseases into the US. Although measles is not an example, migrating birds and other animals have carried infectious diseases around the entire world for as long as mankind has existed.  
Knowing that, you can shut down ALL international travel or you can get routine vaccinations and take other routine precautions to protect yourself and your community from such diseases.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: Wait…if measles was eradicated from the USA, the HOW is it making a comeback?
Could the reason why it’s making a comeback is because we’re letting in a bunch of shitty people from third world hell holes that have measles? ...

"...a bunch of shitty people from third world hell holes..."

And of course willy the bullshitter doesn't have a link to a peer reviewed study proving that "...a bunch of shitty people from third world hell holes that have measles..."  His post is just an excuse for him to spew his venomous racism.

willy you dumbass - did you ever consider that the outbreaks of measles have been caused by AMERICANS?  Of course not because you're a dumb fuck.  Well here's a SCIENTIFIC study proving that the outbreaks are in fact caused by Americans:

I'm sure it's way above your reading level but get yourself a dictionary and try to figure it out.

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: willy the racist naturally blames...
"...a bunch of shitty people from third world hell holes..."  
 And of course willy the bullshitter doesn't have a link to a peer reviewed study proving that "...a bunch of shitty people from third world hell holes that have measles..."  His post is just an excuse for him to spew his venomous racism.  
 willy you dumbass - did you ever consider that the outbreaks of measles have been caused by AMERICANS?  Of course not because you're a dumb fuck.  Well here's a SCIENTIFIC study proving that the outbreaks are in fact caused by Americans:  
 I'm sure it's way above your reading level but get yourself a dictionary and try to figure it out.
You link talks about a tiny group of Americans. 🙄

As for immigration causing these outbreaks? OF COURSE they are! These people aren’t vaccinated and the US Government isn’t vaccinating them as they pour across the border so what do you think is going to happen?  

PS you screaming “racism”  like icky screams “lies” and it truly shows just how blue your brains are stained by the koolaide!  

Keep swilling fatman, I’m sure you can hold a lot! And by a lot I mean ALOT! Like swimming pool, alot 😳

No facts, no link, no real rebuttal. Just his OPINION. Which is, like Loooooser, USELESS.

Here ya go fuck nuts 🙄🙄

From the article  

“Refugees, immigrants, and migrants (RIM) in the United States (US) have been identified as an underimmunized population prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccine acceptance is critical to combat the public health threat incited by COVID-19 and other vaccine-preventable disease. To better understand escalating vaccine hesitancy among US RIM, a comprehensive evaluation of the problem and solutions is necessary. In this systematic review, we included 57 studies to describe vaccination rates, barriers, and interventions addressing vaccine hesitancy over the past decade. Meta-analysis was performed among 22 studies, concluding that RIM represent an underimmunized population compared to the general US population. Narrative synthesis and qualitative methods were used to identify critical barriers, including gaps in knowledge, poor access to medical care, and heightened distrust of the medical system. Our results demonstrate the need for effective, evidence-based interventions to increase vaccination rates among diverse RIM populations.

The US is home to an increasingly global community, with over 44 million refugees, immigrants, and migrants (RIM).5 This global patient population carries risks for VPD from host countries, sociocultural and environmental influences that have significant impacts on their health.6 Low immunization rates have been reported within RIM communities, placing them at increased risk for VPD.7–9 This risk may be amplified during the COVID-19 pandemic amid rising vaccine hesitancy and health inequities that have been linked to a disproportionate burden of disease.10 The health of this global community directly impacts the health of the entire nation, emphasizing the need for an effective national public health response.“

So is the Nat geo show about New Zealand over yet?  

Btw If you ever did get to New Zealand, stick your tongue out at the Moari, they like that from white folks such as yourself. 🤣

Anyway… Tell your nurse to change the channel, murder she wrote is pretty good I hear.

I ordered him to produce a link and he obediently saluted and did my bidding. GOOD BOY!!!
As for the Maori, I've met a bunch of them. Right now I'm in Fiordland and it's lovely.  
Thanks for playing.

Posted By: inicky46

I whined like the little partisan bitch I am...

 As for the Maori, I've seen them on TV Right now they are showing the Fiordland and it's lovely.  

Yeah too bad you'll never really see it in person. You wouldn't survive the plane ride to get there. It's such a bitch to get a walker down the aisle of a plane and into a tiny bathroom. Unless you're bringing your nurse along, which you aren't. so there's that.

You know what's amusing Icky? I can fly to New Zealand and Australia for freeeee for the rest of my life.

He knows nothing about me. Greetings from Fiordland!
I also love his latest lie about flying here free.
More Lie Vomit.

It's not first class, but stowing away in a wheel well is flying for free.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: I see that Loooooser is vomiting even more lies than usual.
He knows nothing about me. Greetings from Fiordland!  
 I also love his latest lie about flying here free.  
 More Lie Vomit.

Posted By: impposter
Re: I see that Loooooser is vomiting even more lies than usual.
It's not first class, but stowing away in a wheel well is flying for free.
Posted By: inicky46
Re: I see that Loooooser is vomiting even more lies than usual.  
 He knows nothing about me. Greetings from Fiordland!  
  I also love his latest lie about flying here free.  
  More Lie Vomit.

What's completely annoying to Icky, is he KNOWS I can fly military Space A for free. you missed that boat icky with your draft Doddging. Remember Ick you pussed out on the bet.  

Imp trying to get in on Wingman support of the board snitch is actually kinda hilarious. This might be imp's shortest post in P&R board history.

This one is shorter.

Posted By: LostSon
Re: I see that Loooooser is vomiting even more lies than usual.
Posted By: impposter
Re: I see that Loooooser is vomiting even more lies than usual.  
 It's not first class, but stowing away in a wheel well is flying for free.
Posted By: inicky46
Re: I see that Loooooser is vomiting even more lies than usual.  
  He knows nothing about me. Greetings from Fiordland!    
   I also love his latest lie about flying here free.    
   More Lie Vomit.
 What's completely annoying to Icky, is he KNOWS I can fly military Space A for free. you missed that boat icky with your draft Doddging. Remember Ick you pussed out on the bet.  
 Imp trying to get in on Wingman support of the board snitch is actually kinda hilarious. This might be imp's shortest post in P&R board history.

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