Politics and Religion

Re: I haven't read anything about Barak being anti-Semitic...
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1436 reads

"The only difference between Louis Farrakhan and a bucket of shit is the bucket".

I agree with you on that Doc..My two cents Louis is one hate stirring mongrel..I used to be down on Jessie but I realized I was only knocking him on his cheap poetry ..I did like Jessies response when he was asked what he thought of a 95% cracker state like Iowa choosing Obama in their caucus..He actually said something to the effect of he thinks America has come a long way and things are looking good as far as race relations..

Ben Dover2198 reads

But all the lock-step-libs on the board jumped up in Obama's defense...
I said there's A LOT more to the life and ministry of Rev. Write than meets the eye. He's been in the radical black power movement for almost 40 years, but finally some more mainstream sources are starting to pick up on this...

I'll gladly take a bow and say "I TOLD YOU SO", lol!

If you reread it, I did say that there's a lot of time before the election and there will be enough scrutiny of Obama to know. On the strength of that mission statement alone, I couldn't say it. Knowing Obama's friendship with Wright, and then Wright's unsavory views, that clinches it.

I'd say now his run for president will be as successful as Jesse what's-his-name's. I believe liberalism as a whole rejects Wright's views, and he smears Obama too much.

Sheesh, Black leadership is deplorable these days when Farrakhan gets praised for luny religious views by a Christian Pastor.

That's a pretty off-key sounding board he has there.

Doesn't necessarily say Obama is anti-semitic or racist, he's just comfortable with them-- which is bad enough.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi1935 reads

doesn't mean I'm a fucking loon because I talk to him.

RightwingUnderground1541 reads

you declared BenD your Primary Spititual Advisor and you donated money to the organization that he leads?

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi1926 reads

Because BenD *IS* my Primary Spititual Advisor, and he DOES get all my credits, which are negative, and I ain't spit in 10 years!!   HAHHAHAAA!

It also says you're all gay.  Because only gays even think about spitituality.

RightwingUnderground2285 reads


1) You consider BenD your Spititual Advisor
2) Only gays even think about spitituality (your rule not mine)

3) Therefore. . .

But, then again, you don't know or care about jack(0), which includes yourself.

-- Modified on 1/16/2008 11:00:26 PM

Ben Dover1242 reads

This is what I think of your muslim high-prophet, he is a pig rolling in his own shit, and for your spiritual Hajj, you can get in the shiity mud and roll with him... If you carefully follow my teachings, 70 virgin-pigs will be waiting in the after-life...

Instead of following tradition and wiping your ass with sand and leaves using you're left-hand, I recomend wiping directly on torn out pages of the Q'ran...

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi1180 reads

because next to you, I look good.

I'm not a fucking muslim you idiot, I'm a fucking Anglican.  God save the Queens!

And your duties as my Spitutal leader is only taking care to lead when I spit on you.  Moron.


Now clean up Bacon Butt.

Ben Dover1701 reads

I figured YOU of all people would understand that, since you were using your bi-polar skills to try and connect my idologies with Zarqawi who would be my polar-opposite, but as usual, you never fail to underwhelm...

You spit on me/I SHIT on you, we great eachother with an unholy kiss, according to our customs...

Go watch an old war movie while stroking your limp member and fantasize about playing grab-ass with the young privates in the trenches of the battles within your mind... The Vietnam war was 40+ years ago, it's time for you to get over your shell-shock...

-- Modified on 1/17/2008 8:28:32 AM

Timbow3254 reads

Obama's pastor ,who he said is important in his life and is his mentor supports Farrakan ,open season baby !

He that lies down with dogs, shall rise up with fleas,” Benjamin Franklin said.

This one is just barely getting warmed up and the Clinton's and Rep will brand Obam's ass with a big M !

Mayor_Eddie_Koch1914 reads

and they're all wackos.

thank god for unbiased news sources like NewsMax!

sad to see that ruprt murdoch and Fox News fell down of the job here.

... I have never read or heard anything that would indicate Obama was an anti-Semite, or that he endorsed anti-Semitism. His priest is his priest, and my rabbi said and did things i didnt agree with either.
But if I hear or read of Barak Obama uttering one word of direct support for Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam Thugee cult, I'll become actively involved in making sure his sorry ass is defeated. Farrakhan is a hatemonger, a cancer on society's liver.

The only difference between Louis Farrakhan and a bucket of shit is the bucket.

-- Modified on 1/15/2008 8:18:58 PM

But one tries to uncover an agenda the candidate might keep secretly. What this might say is that Obama is too sharp a man to admit his opinions.

Because of this post, though, I'll withhold this negative opinion of Obama. It's a suspicion, though. It's still a long time before the presidential election with plenty of time to observe Obama and uncover things about him. If he's a racist and anti-semite, well find out.

"The only difference between Louis Farrakhan and a bucket of shit is the bucket".

I agree with you on that Doc..My two cents Louis is one hate stirring mongrel..I used to be down on Jessie but I realized I was only knocking him on his cheap poetry ..I did like Jessies response when he was asked what he thought of a 95% cracker state like Iowa choosing Obama in their caucus..He actually said something to the effect of he thinks America has come a long way and things are looking good as far as race relations..

-- Modified on 1/15/2008 8:06:59 PM

kerrakles1412 reads

Link to an article written by Eric Rush in February 2007. Eric is from Chicago also.

Timbow1344 reads

I just think he is not qualified to be President and I really question him having as a personal mentor someone who honors Farrakan who is a racist and Muslim with extreme views. I am not saying Obama is a racist .
Whats the old saying birds of a feather flock together . He will be wishing his mentor was Tony Robbins :) It is a known fact his minister honored Farrakan.
Obama will not be President :)

-- Modified on 1/16/2008 1:50:30 AM

dingaling19721462 reads

...by allowing Saudi chartered aircraft to pick up osama bin laden's family/relations in cities all over the U.S. This happened when there was a total suspension of civilian air traffic in U.S airspace a few hours after 9/11/2001.

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