Politics and Religion

Re: I have to disagree on this.........
fasteddie51 1086 reads

While I'm not totally against term limits, here's the problem I have with them:

In today's government dominated by lobbies and special interest groups, limiting a politician's term gives him an incentive, knowing his job is over in a few years, to sell his soul in order to secure a high-paying job in the private sector after his political career has ended.

fasteddie513317 reads

Let's hear some ideas, both left and right, on how to fix the mess this country has gotten itself into over the last 45 years...

Here's a few of mine; they may seem simplistic to some, so feel free to debate them... but also feel free to add to them as well:

Abolish lobbies: In my opinion, THE number one problem with government today.

Campaign finace reform:  From the congressional level up to the presidental elections, impose a fixed amount of money allowed in "war chests" so each candidate is on equal ground.  This would eliminate PACs, illegal contributions, etc.  Too often the person who gets elected isn't necessarily the best person for the job but the one who had the most money to campaign.  

Institute a flat income tax with no loop-holes:  The richer you are, the more taxes you pay, but in proportion to every one else.

Elimiate presidental term limits: If the guy is doing a good job in the eyes of the American Public, why not let him keep doing it?

kerrakles797 reads

I would add there should be hard limit on amount that can raised and spend.

Presidential term limit is actually taking peoples choice away and undemocratic. If people wants elect a person more than twice, why not?

The significant problem with term limit is policy changes every 8 years and rest of the world wonders what next.

chickenbecca475 reads

I believe in term limits on ALL elected officials.

What those limits should be can be up for discussion, though.

This country was founded on a "civilian" run government, elected and serving, at the will of the people.
I am very much opposed to the "career" politician in Congress or the Presidency.
If there are no term limits, no definate end to someones term in office, what is to prevent a "person", "party", a "group" from seizing power and manipulating the elective process?
As we all know, this manipulation has already been going on for some time as both the Republicans and the Democrats have pushed for new voter registration drives and have been found to have MANY fraudulant "new" voters added to the books, dead people, cartoon characters, illegal aliens, people registered in several locations, etc.

A system where the "powers" are in office as long as they want and until the people "vote" them out, is a recipe for corruption and fraud.

Once a politician gets a taste of power, it's very difficult for them to let it go, no matter what the people say.

This is how dictators get into, and remain, in power.
I do NOT wish to see this happen in this country.

fasteddie511087 reads

While I'm not totally against term limits, here's the problem I have with them:

In today's government dominated by lobbies and special interest groups, limiting a politician's term gives him an incentive, knowing his job is over in a few years, to sell his soul in order to secure a high-paying job in the private sector after his political career has ended.

chickenbecca668 reads

I am all for eliminating the lobbyists influence, but I'm not sure how that would be done.

We already have legislation that prohibits working as a lobbyist for a certain amount of time after leaving office, but of course, that doesn't stop the "influence".

Politics is a "wicked" game.

txtransplant1740 reads


Abolish lobbies: Excellent suggestion!  It was something Mr. Obama has promised to do.  However instead he moved the ones supporting him into the WH as aides, advisors and Czar’s.  But to me lobbyists and special interest groups are the biggest problem in DC today.

Campaign finance reform:   Excellent suggestion!  But I can’t believe I’m hearing this from a liberal when the DEM party has been the one to always “spend more”.  Didn’t Mr. Obama spend a record amount on his campaign?  And wasn’t that after he promised not to accept any “special interest” money?  Wasn't it 4 times the amount of money Mr. McCain spent?  I know Mr. McCain and Mr. Feingold tried to put something of substance in place.  But I’m a little foggy here...wasn’t it the DEMS’s who opposed their efforts and whittled it down to almost nothing?  I know Mr. Falwell didn't like it, but that's a whole other story.

Institute a flat income tax with no loop-holes:   Flat Tax, Fair Tax...take your pick.  Just please do something about the “blindsided” efforts within the so called “HealthCare Insurance Reform” bill before our taxes are increased by it.  We start getting taxed/fined in 2010, but the insurers don’t have to start “subscribing” till 2013.  A bit unfair don’t you think?  The tens of millions in taxes being levied on corporations and insurance providers will undoubtedly be passed right on down to the consumer.  What else would you expect them to do?  Do you honestly believe the health insurers will give up some of their 4.5% annual profit? (the industry average)

Eliminate presidential term limits:  I do not agree with this one!  We need to enforce term limits on all congressional positions as well as the President.  If the sitting President is doing such a wonderful job in the eyes of the American people, they just need to support his Vice President’s bid as his successor.  They would undoubtedly have the same “agenda”.

I would add one more...stop the hatred being spread and start working together!

But I would agree that lobbyist, campaign finances and abolishing our unfair tax system are three excellent suggestions.  They are my top three.  eddie...Are you sure you are not a middle of the road “Independent”?  ...lol

I AM an independent, and I am pretty much a centrist.  My liberal bent just comes to the forefront when I see assinine posts by idiots calling themselves conservatives who have no clue about how our government really works and merely repeats the bullshit they hear from Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter, et. al.

Would you include lobbying effort by groups like unions and the Sierra Club?  

Would you ban lobbying by groups like the American Cancer Society or the main organization that represents teachers?  Would you ban lobbying by ALL groups, or just those you don't like?

It is very simplistic, but here is the problem.  The laws congress deals with are so complex that event the authors of the bills do not understand the problem.  One Dem Senator (forget who) just made fun of the "Read-The-Bill" crowds, saying the bill is so complex he would never understand it.  

My group has a lobbyist to get better wages for us through Sacramento?  With term limits, the Legislature is just too new to know what the structure of the state is, and they depend on lobbyists.

Also, you would ban people from effective redress.  Yeah, I can write a letter to my Senator.  Lots of good that does. You can write and waste just as many stamps.  

Unless you have someone in Washington or Sacramento or Albany going around for you, you are helpless, and that included people who work for hospitals, school, environmental groups, munitions sellers, teachers' unions.

Special interests are pretty much everybody.

-- Modified on 10/11/2009 1:27:35 PM

I didn't qualify my remark... I said eliminate ALL lobbies, period.

Here's a thought about effective redress... if your senator isn't doing the job you voted for him to do, vote him out of office.

I agree that the best thing is to vote the jerk out you don't agree.  The problem that I have is the practical aspect of how do you organize to tell the jerk what you want.

I get together with six friends who want street lights on my street, and we send one down to city hall to meet with the city counsel.  He has to take a day off work.  Usually he makes $500 per day.  Can we pay him for it?

Now he mad $500 for telling city hall what we want.  Why isn't he a lobbyist?  

It is a very idealistic view to take all lobbyists and dump them from a helicopter, sans parachutte. But realistically, I don't know how else people make their views known in any efficient way during the  years before re-election.

fasteddie511892 reads

With a tool as powerful as the internet, people should be able to start state or even national grassroots movements to start email campaigns, demonstrations, petition signings, etc. to let their representatives know what they want and to make it clear that they have the strength to vote them out of office if they don't respond to their desires.

RightwingUnderground1466 reads

to tell my Representatives what I think? Even if it costs money to do so?

In my mind, the current system of campaign financing is THE single biggest problem in American politics today.

If every politician could stop focusing on raising money for his/her NEXT election (4 or even 6 years from now) and focus more on the REAL issues at hand, then perhaps they might actually get something done.  Additionally, without the multitude of strings attached to all of those generous campaign contributions, each lawmaker might actually vote the way their constituents want them to vote.  I know, radical idea, but it's possible.

As I envision it, each candidate would first have to demostrate that they are a real and viable choice.  Make them collect X number (or X percentage) of signatures of real people from their chosen district.  Also, have them pass a test on various aspects of our goverment, our history, and world history.

They should also be able to pass a test on basics in such fields as: finance, economics, law, biology, and perhaps even comparative religious studies.  Most all the legislation that passes across their desks will be directly or indirectly influenced by one or more of these subjects.  They should at the very least have a basic working knowledge of what they are voting on.

When they have collected the signatures and passed the tests, then they are allotted X amount of money.  Each candidate is free to spend their allotment any way they see fit.  Every dollar spent on their campaign MUST be accounted for.  They would not be allowed to spend more than their allotment.  They would have to return unspent money at the end of the campaign - win or lose.

The money for campaigns would come from the Federal government.  Yes, basically from out taxes.  While it may seem like this will cost us more money, in the end, I think it will SAVE us an enormous amount.

Finally, the campaign season would be a fixed period of time.  No moeny allocated before, no money allowed to be spent after.  No endless cycle of election/re-election.

I can dream of an American society where lawmakers are not bought and sold by special interest groups simply because they want to keep their comfy little jobs.  Call me stupid, but this dream both frustrates me and gives me the slightest glimmer of hope.

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