Politics and Religion

Re: I don't know why I bother? u talkin to me?
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 2190 reads
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...He'll give him a reach-around too in November when the U.S. doesn't oppose the parole of Jonathan Pollard, an American who spied for Israel and did a great deal of damage to the U.S.

This puts Republicans between a rock and a hard place.  They loves them some Israel and want to help them any way they can (so Jesus can come back).  But if they support Pollard's release, they'll be going against the wishes of the CIA and FBI.  Also, their beloved Reagan's beloved Secretary of Defense, Casper Weinberger absolutely despised Pollard.  Weinberger wanted Pollard to get the death penalty.  He'd roll over in his grave if he knew his fellow conservatives were in favor of releasing Pollard.


JohnyComeAlready 418 reads
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You must luv typing the name Casper.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 503 reads
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You are trying to mix with myth. The righties live on myths.

The have a mythical US constitution, only they know about

Have mythical GOD somewhere in the sky

Climate change is a conspiracy cooked up by scientists

They question hello centric theory itself

God created world in 7 days and gave it to righties to use it as they please

Helping the poor is promoting laziness

You get the ide

nuguy46 639 reads
4 / 32

Cannot recall anything but your perverted view of "righties". Show proof. not some lib writer from Wash Post, etc......proof pls.

HONDA 153 Reviews 516 reads
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.....if they think this release will mollify Netanyahu. Actually I think Netantahu will be more emboldened to go after Obama. This shows just how weak and spineless Obama really is, IMHO.

kimosabe 5 Reviews 473 reads
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There is a principle that I cannot believe is being ignored.  It is one thing
to spew out all the hateful name calling with no fear of consequences.
It is quite another to opine and then be have one's head sawed off or being burned alive
on television for doing so. Fools cannot or will not see what is rigtht before their eyes.
The principle is:  
Does anyone see a cornered animal these days?  ISREAL IS THE CORNERED ANIMAL.
I pray (that's right I pray) I am wrong.  But, Obama and all that support him have just
guaranteed WAR.  Isreal has no choice.  They must, and I believe, will attack. Otherwise,
they face extermination.  Whatever happeded to NEVER AGAIN, refering to the Nazis  
"Final Soultion" of extermination of all Jews and anyone else that felt were unnecessary.
Well done to all those who elected this government.  Bitch if you will. But in the event of war,
all who elected this government please enlist in the military if we have to fight. Because, I won't anymor

kimosabe 5 Reviews 374 reads
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That is a very thoughtful comment.
But, righties also know that Atomic Bombs are not mythical

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 392 reads
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...yet you don't know how to spell its name?  Have an easy fast on Tisha B'Av.

kimosabe 5 Reviews 521 reads
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Hey Laffy,
Well I agree, You shouldn't bother. And, stop bothering me.
Where do you come up with all the stupidity you spew.
Who's running away?  What branch of the United states Military
did you serve with?
Or are you just one (as they are millions) of biggest big mouth foos
in the USA?

JackDunphy 530 reads
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One lies about what "the Mossad" says and the other corrects your punctuation.  

I too believe that Israel will attack, as they view this horrific and capitulating deal to be an existential threat to them. The world doesn't remember the "never again" mantra as most of those people are dead now.

Today, we have the Neville Chamberlains of the world shaking the hand of the devil, kissing the Devils ass and sucking his dick. It's very simple. You either stand up to evil or you stand down to it. That's what history tells us.  

But since when does anyone ever learn from history any more

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 584 reads
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...with nothing to back it up except something pulled out of your butt and thrown at the computer screen.  Here's a link proving he's telling the truth:


This is the second link I've posted about Mossad disagreeing with Netanyahoo.  Here's the first:


You pooh pooh the idea that Mossad differs with Bibi yet you offer NO proof.  IOW, you're full of poo poo.

How do you like the realistic depiction of the bomb?  Netanyahoo had it commissioned by the GOP's favorite artist - Wile E. Coyote, because he knows how simple Republicans are and that's what they think a bomb really looks like.  Bibi didn't get where he is by overestimating GOP thumpers' intelligence.

BTW, you really should learn the difference between spelling and punctuation.

So what are your plans for the Ninth Day, Jack

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 375 reads
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Posted By: kimosabe
That is a very thoughtful comment.  
 But, righties also know that Atomic Bombs are not mythical

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 377 reads
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anonymousfun 6 Reviews 353 reads
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Iran is not Iraq. If Israel do, that will be the end of Israel. That's the reason Netanyooho wants US to go war.

bigguy30 510 reads
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This is why when a person is lead by hate.
They never get or see the bigger picture.
So what happen to the trade deal and who got what they wanted President Obama.
They can yell and scream but yes the GOP is not getting what they want in making this President look insufficient.
When you see the clowns like big mouth dump and clueless Cruz.
The GOP party is in a lot of trouble. Lol

Posted By: BigPapasan
...He'll give him a reach-around too in November when the U.S. doesn't oppose the parole of Jonathan Pollard, an American who spied for Israel and did a great deal of damage to the U.S.  
 This puts Republicans between a rock and a hard place.  They loves them some Israel and want to help them any way they can (so Jesus can come back).  But if they support Pollard's release, they'll be going against the wishes of the CIA and FBI.  Also, their beloved Reagan's beloved Secretary of Defense, Casper Weinberger absolutely despised Pollard.  Weinberger wanted Pollard to get the death penalty.  He'd roll over in his grave if he knew his fellow conservatives were in favor of releasing Pollard.  
-- Modified on 7/25/2015 4:54:05 PM

JackDunphy 526 reads
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In post after post after post, Laffy has claimed that "the Mossad" has called Netanyahu a "liar." They have NEVER called him a liar, ever.  

I have attached one search exposing him and that is just the last 30 days. Even you don't use the word "lie" as you say "disagree." Doesn't Obama disagree with CIA on occasion? Of course. Does that mean Obama lied? Of course not.

The Mossad, per your own link, uses the word "appears",  obviously not speaking in absolutes. It is an assessment, an opinion, not a statement of fact.

No shock to me you would see him as a truth teller. LOL

He just recently said Sanders leads ALL of the R's when he leads none. LOL

-- Modified on 7/25/2015 8:56:10 PM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 574 reads
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...Laffy is not constrained by political correctness as Netanyahoo/Mossad or Obama/CIA are.  He can say "lie" without fear of repercussions.  The intelligence community has to "disagree" if they want to keep their careers.

Netanyahoo has been fear mongering for years that Iran was only a few months away from having a nuclear bomb.  Some Republicans were scared but most were overjoyed at the prospect of being that much closer to the end of days.  

Why are you so afraid of Iran getting the nuke, Jack?  Don't you want to see your Heavenly Father soon?  Are you afraid that Jesus won't rapture you because you're a whoremonger?  After all, he was BFF with Mary Magdalene.  How do you think He will feel about your negotiations with providers?

HONDA 153 Reviews 586 reads
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One of them is obviously lying, can you guess who?

Netanyahu’s dramatic declaration to world leaders in 2012 that Iran was about a year away from making a nuclear bomb was contradicted by his own secret service, according to a top-secret Mossad document. It is part of a cache of hundreds of dossiers, files and cables from the world’s major intelligence services – one of the biggest spy leaks in recent times.

Netanyahu has a history of lying! He lied to the U.S. congress in 2002 about Iraq's WMD's and is lying now about Iran's Nuclear weapon capability. Netanyahu testified to the U.S. Congress in 2002 as follows:
"There is no question whatsoever, that Saddam is seeking and is working and is advancing towards the development of nuclear weapons. NO QUESTION WHATSOEVER! "

JackDunphy 396 reads
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i didn't think me providing 5 links proving Daffy lied would matter to you.

You didn't let me down! :D :

JackDunphy 464 reads
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JackDunphy 359 reads
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And all it took was a Righy to get a Lefty to tell the truth! :D

Good for you Daffy! Keep it up.

Now, can you straighten the record out on Bernie or is your silence your admission of guilt? LOL

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 454 reads
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..."disagree" and "lie" are the same thing.  You ignored that but focused on the religious comment which was merely an aside.  The more smiley faces, the more of a 'tell' it is.  Can't wait to play poker with you - I'm sure you'll try to negotiate your losses after I clean you out.

HONDA 153 Reviews 478 reads
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..coming. Stay focused JD, have you watched the youtibe link of Netanyahu lying his ass off to congress in 2002.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Did you think Obama was lying?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 545 reads
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marikod 1 Reviews 522 reads
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according to the Times of Israel. I’d say that is fairly persuasive support for Laffy’s claim that the Mossad has called Benji a "liar."  Benji has certainly held the same views for years and I suspect Mr. Dagan had the same view of Benji’s view even when he was the chief of Mossad.

         Obviously, no current member of the Mossad is going to brand the boss as a "liar." However, at some point Benji became correct that the Iran break out time was three months or so ,bc our own analysts reached the same conclusion, even though the Obama admin was publicly telling us it was longer

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 460 reads
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...him either.  Hmmm, I wonder how he's going to try to discredit you personally (rather than your link) now that you've shown a second Mossad head shows Netanyahoo to be a stubborn, lying jackass.

It seems that when it comes to Netanyahoo (who shares righties political views) it doesn't matter how many Mossad chiefs are armed with the truth.  Righties will simply:

JackDunphy 553 reads
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Laffy has constantly stated "the Mossad" said x or y. The "former" head of the Mossad no more speaks for the group than the "former" CIA director Tenet speaks for the CIA today.

And even Daffy acknowledged the flaw in his "logic" as right after I called him out on his bullshit he switched from Bibi "lied" to him being "contradicted" by the Mossad.

Did you miss that exchange? I can link it for you if you wish but since it is in THIS same thread, I have every confidence you can find it, counselor. LOL

Fk dude, when Daffy has more intellectual honesty than you, its look into the mirror time. :D

GaGambler 434 reads
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I don't know if he is quite in BLOTY contention as the completion is so fierce in that category, but I wouldn't count him out just yet.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 415 reads
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Then you nothing about Iran's military capabilities, it's history of military. Besides, the treaty is signed by five other countries and Iran is in Russia and China's backyard.  

Posted By: JackDunphy

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