Politics and Religion

Re: I didn't mean Paul Reubens
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2116 reads

Ya know Ga, i was just givin' you a ration of shit cuz i know you can take it... didn't expect I'd be the lead hijacker of the thread :P

Ben Dover6126 reads

Norm can flap his arms and threaten lawsuit all he wants, but this is now over, and America will suffer...

Obama will get one more bot-vote from Minnesota which will only help him fast-track us into a national-commune that'll make Charlie445 blush...

We are so fucked... Is it even gonna be worth surviving??

Geez, what's up with the voters in Minnesota? First, Jessie Ventura, now the dunderhead, Al Franken. Who's next, Pee Wee Herman?

GaGambler1988 reads

I meant the actual "Pee Wee Herman" would be an improvement over that worthless piece of shit Franken.

There is no 'real' Pee Wee Herman. That is a character portrayed by a die hard Republican who likes to jerk off in gay movie theaters. As Doc said, it is small wonder that you guys admire him.

I'm just sayin'.....

GaGambler2878 reads

who think Tina Fey is actually Sarah Palin. Give me a fucking break already.

So what exactly are you just sayin.......?

Name the person who thinks Tina Fey is Sarah Palin. Many people commented on how her impersonation was spot on, but that's a far cry from mistaking them for the same person or, in your case, thinking that the person Paul Reubens portrayed was a real person ala Tina Fey and Sarah Palin.

Nice try. And I'm just sayin you're about as dumb as a bag of hair, since you asked.

-- Modified on 1/6/2009 4:51:37 PM

RightwingUnderground2809 reads

believe the major lines spoken by Fey were actually uttered by Palin. It's obviously not a confusion of the two physical beings but it was willful neglect by those idiots to not discern theater from reality.

I'd almost forgotten what a bundle of joy you can be.

-- Modified on 1/6/2009 4:56:34 PM

Name one - I want references to the lines spoken and the people who claimed Fey was Palin. If the number is so substantial you should have no trouble offering examples - and as you said 'substantial' I will want a lot of them, or just STFU. Your compatriot, on the other hand, just posted that he believes Pee Wee Herman to be an actual person.

You can set up all the straw men you want - it's still bullshit. Put up or shut up.

I had NOT forgotten what a pill you can be.

RightwingUnderground1792 reads

500 BHO voters polled and 86.9 % thought that Palin said that she could see Russia from her "house," even though that was Tina Fey who said that.

This guy's study and website was already debated right here ad nauseam so go look it up if you feel like arguing. As far as I'm concerned it's all OFN.

-- Modified on 1/6/2009 5:33:20 PM

GaGambler2477 reads

included it as one of the memorable quotes of 2008. I was under the false assumption that Xfean was the stupidest poster here, it appears I was incorrect. We now have a new leader in the dumbass poster race.

RightwingUnderground1436 reads

You are confusing what I ACTUALLY wrote with what your understanding (or misunderstanding) of what GaG wrote. Take a time out for yourself and read again what I wrote above. I'll even provide the link -


I clearly stated that WE (GaG and I) weren't talking about a confusion of the two physical beings. Of course facts never got in your way of attacking people in the past so why change now?

Shade Zogby all you care. You still lose. The poll may not have been complete. The poll may not have been fair. But it WAS REAL.

A substantial number of people (mostly Dems) attributed Fey's lines to Palin.

Can I name one personally? I don't think so since I can’t think of any idiot Dems that I know 'personally'. I could name xfiend, but that's not his name.

Oh wait. Maybe I could name YOU. Did YOU know the difference at the time? You meet the other criteria I laid out above. You know the part about being a Dem and an idiot.

-- Modified on 1/6/2009 6:57:22 PM

You said:

"This coming from the people who think Tina Fey is actually Sarah Palin. Give me a fucking break already.

So what exactly are you just sayin.......?"

Again - I'm just saying you're an idiot. Those are your words. Own them. You did NOT say that many people thought the lines Tina Fey spoke were direct quotes from Sarah Palin. You said they thought Fey WAS Palin. You guys need to get your stories straight.

I'm just sayin'......

-- Modified on 1/6/2009 6:20:54 PM

GaGambler2515 reads

anyone who couldn't figure out that I was not confusing the actor with the character is waaay  too stupid to have a discussion with.  Please go fuck yourself and those are my last words on the subject. These are my words and I "DO" own them.

Take it easy on Puck..Give him a chance to grow up without knocking him down..My bet says Puck is just a kid living at home with his Mom..

GaGambler1688 reads

There is a chance he will get bigger and even stupider. Stupid children usually grow up to be even stupider adults.

We've already had our share of prepubesent morons, remember AvengingFetus? I hear he is still running a blog promising to do ill to all of us members of the RWSA. lol

"remember AvengingFetus? I hear he is still running a blog promising to do ill to all of us members of the RWSA."

I used to get love letters from Avenging..Haven't heard from him lately..I reckon he must be preoccupied with Puck and his Mom..

Ya know Ga, i was just givin' you a ration of shit cuz i know you can take it... didn't expect I'd be the lead hijacker of the thread :P

RightwingUnderground2610 reads

Who now believes that GaG can't tell the difference between PeeWee and Paul, yet believes it's TOTALLY IMPOSIBLE for ANYONE to mistake Fey for Palin. :-)

GaGambler1729 reads

I expect rations of shit because I give them out on a regular basis. Of course rations of shit from you in a lighthearted manner are completely different than idiotic statements from douche bags like Puck.

You and I can debate each other on a thousand different subjects. Putz on the other hand is just too stupid to talk to. Kind of like Xfean without the gay tendencies. I don't hold you responsible for the stupidity of other lefties, any more than you would hold me responsible for the ridiculous rantings of ezeedude.

Doc, as I mentioned I try not to talk to people as stupid as Putz. Please tell him for me that he really is an idiotic douche bag, I am not sure whether his reading comprehension level will allow him to understand it on his own.

RightwingUnderground3104 reads

The BBW has not yet sung, Ben.

Coleman has 7 days to challenge this in court and according to the WSJ, his chances for success look good.


JANUARY 5, 2009, 4:42 A.M. ET WSJ
Funny Business in Minnesota In which every dubious ruling seems to help Al Franken.

Strange things keep happening in Minnesota, where the disputed recount in the Senate race between Norm Coleman and Al Franken may be nearing a dubious outcome. Thanks to the machinations of Democratic Secretary of State Mark Ritchie and a meek state Canvassing Board, Mr. Franken may emerge as an illegitimate victor.

Mr. Franken started the recount 215 votes behind Senator Coleman, but he now claims a 225-vote lead and suddenly the man who was insisting on "counting every vote" wants to shut the process down. He's getting help from Mr. Ritchie and his four fellow Canvassing Board members, who have delivered inconsistent rulings and are ignoring glaring problems with the tallies.

Under Minnesota law, election officials are required to make a duplicate ballot if the original is damaged during Election Night counting. Officials are supposed to mark these as "duplicate" and segregate the original ballots. But it appears some officials may have failed to mark ballots as duplicates, which are now being counted in addition to the originals. This helps explain why more than 25 precincts now have more ballots than voters who signed in to vote. By some estimates this double counting has yielded Mr. Franken an additional 80 to 100 votes.

This disenfranchises Minnesotans whose vote counted only once. And one Canvassing Board member, State Supreme Court Justice G. Barry Anderson, has acknowledged that "very likely there was a double counting." Yet the board insists that it lacks the authority to question local officials and it is merely adding the inflated numbers to the totals.

In other cases, the board has been flagrantly inconsistent. Last month, Mr. Franken's campaign charged that one Hennepin County (Minneapolis) precinct had "lost" 133 votes, since the hand recount showed fewer ballots than machine votes recorded on Election Night. Though there is no proof to this missing vote charge -- officials may have accidentally run the ballots through the machine twice on Election Night -- the Canvassing Board chose to go with the Election Night total, rather than the actual number of ballots in the recount. That decision gave Mr. Franken a gain of 46 votes.
Meanwhile, a Ramsey County precinct ended up with 177 more ballots than there were recorded votes on Election Night. In that case, the board decided to go with the extra ballots, rather than the Election Night total, even though the county is now showing more ballots than voters in the precinct. This gave Mr. Franken a net gain of 37 votes, which means he's benefited both ways from the board's inconsistency.

And then there are the absentee ballots. The Franken campaign initially howled that some absentee votes had been erroneously rejected by local officials. Counties were supposed to review their absentees and create a list of those they believed were mistakenly rejected. Many Franken-leaning counties did so, submitting 1,350 ballots to include in the results. But many Coleman-leaning counties have yet to complete a re-examination. Despite this lack of uniformity, and though the state Supreme Court has yet to rule on a Coleman request to standardize this absentee review, Mr. Ritchie's office nonetheless plowed through the incomplete pile of 1,350 absentees this weekend, padding Mr. Franken's edge by a further 176 votes.

Both campaigns have also suggested that Mr. Ritchie's office made mistakes in tabulating votes that had been challenged by either of the campaigns. And the Canvassing Board appears to have applied inconsistent standards in how it decided some of these challenged votes -- in ways that, again on net, have favored Mr. Franken.

The question is how the board can certify a fair and accurate election result given these multiple recount problems. Yet that is precisely what the five members seem prepared to do when they meet today. Some members seem to have concluded that because one of the candidates will challenge the result in any event, why not get on with it and leave it to the courts? Mr. Coleman will certainly have grounds to contest the result in court, but he'll be at a disadvantage given that courts are understandably reluctant to overrule a certified outcome.

Meanwhile, Minnesota's other Senator, Amy Klobuchar, is already saying her fellow Democrats should seat Mr. Franken when the 111th Congress begins this week if the Canvassing Board certifies him as the winner. This contradicts Minnesota law, which says the state cannot award a certificate of election if one party contests the results. Ms. Klobuchar is trying to create the public perception of a fait accompli, all the better to make Mr. Coleman look like a sore loser and build pressure on him to drop his legal challenge despite the funny recount business.

Minnesotans like to think that their state isn't like New Jersey or Louisiana, and typically it isn't. But we can't recall a similar recount involving optical scanning machines that has changed so many votes, and in which nearly every crucial decision worked to the advantage of the same candidate. The Coleman campaign clearly misjudged the politics here, and the apparent willingness of a partisan like Mr. Ritchie to help his preferred candidate, Mr. Franken. If the Canvassing Board certifies Mr. Franken as the winner based on the current count, it will be anointing a tainted and undeserving Senator.

Obama is a run of the mill capitalist's lackey political hack. any agenda that he puts forward has the approval of the capitalist ruling classes. Things in Minnesota must be pretty bad for the people to elect a stooge like Franken to office.

anon11122454435 reads

Moe, Larry and Curly would take offense to Franken being labled a stooge.  Unlike those three
he had no comedy talent.

Ben Dover2191 reads

He'll make sure misery is shared equally by all of the "commoners", while he and his elitist-ilk will live like kings...

Minnesota is a closed-circuit gene-pool, so sub-100 I.Q is the norm up here... (perfect for a communist-takeover, Minnesota is a land flowing with mindless worker-drones, too bad they also  have voting-rights!)

Had to scroll down so as not to look at that mug.  Congrats, though.  Minnesota has a tendency to favor celebrities when it comes to electing officials, apparently  The Senate was already comical enough, now you guys elect a true comedian.  Rush may be a big, fat idiot, but this guy is just plain ugly.  I can imagine what unflattering name Levin will give him...Frankenberry, maybe?

I'm thinking the same thing...I can't stand Franken. He is an absolute joke!! Norm Coleman should have been our senator! As a Minnesotan, i'm furious.

Ben Dover3259 reads

I've been following the threads about you on the MN board, just waiting to see if you're real or not (You do sound too good to be true, but i sure HOPE you're real!)

Email me from your SD college account, my buddy and co-mod Fuzzy went and edited it before I could send you a welcome-note...

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