Politics and Religion

Re: I can kind of understand that line of reasoning
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1070 reads

no doubt, if we cant get aligned behind a strategy of taxes and business development, divided government is the next best thing. frankly, in my view, our shit is so f'd up and the people charged with solving it f'd up as well, i'm just not very hopeful

save me a spot under the cabana, i'll be brushing up on my espanol.

Priapus533888 reads

1. U.S. involvement in Viet-nam war totally fraudulent, brought about by the "military industrial complex".

Definitely, not really even a conspiracy theory. Daniel Ellsberg & Pentagon Papers uncovered that event that triggered U.S. escalation ( "Gulf of Tonkin incident" ) was totally bogus. POTUS's LBJ
& Nixon ,"war criminals & puppets of the miltary industrial complex", perpetuated "immoral & unjust war" that left a permanent scar on this country.

2. GWB invades Iraq as "payback" against failed
Hussein assassination against his Daddy & for oil.

Definitely. What I offer for proof of this is where the fuck were the WMD's ?

3. JFK assassinated by CIA splinter group-mob alliance ( for reasons to long to go into here ).

POSSIBLY ;50% chance of that happening. Always been troubled by Oswald being SO quickly repatriated from USSR after vilely renouncing his U.S. citizenship. Many U.S. "commie lovers"  for years try to get out of Russia, but Oswald gets the "fast track". Why ?

Also, U.S governement STUBBORNLY refuses to release files on the assassination. Maybe NOTHING on them, but, until they're released, doubt remains.

What I believe MAY have happened was that Oswald was lone assassin, but NOT lone plotter. But until all doubt is erased, ( if that's possible ),who the fuck knows ?

As for rest of conspiracies, that's for the "tinfoil hat crowd".

Back to your regularly scheduled programming :

-- Modified on 8/15/2011 12:46:17 PM

It's an excellent book by Lamar Waldren on the JFK assassination. I think he spent 15 years researching gov't documents to write this book.

The interesting thing was that Dallas wasn't the first assassination attempt. A few days earlier, there was an attempt in Chicago, and I believe one somewhere in Florida if I remember correctly.

The CIA was trying to hire mobsters to kill Castro, but at the same time RFK was putting a lot of resources into investigating and prosecuting the mob. Eventually, the mob got sick of this, and went after Kennedy.

Priapus531186 reads

Would you vote for Michelle Bachmann if she were the GOP POTUS nominee ?

Btw, you GOTTA get rid of that stutter-------:(

It's like choosing between drinking a gallon of ground up pig shit or going home and giving up on the $50G's.

I'm not overly concerned about her religiosity, we can blunt most of that shit, it's her lack of depth on economic issues that bothers me most.

I am starting to get a bit concerned over how many "righties" have admitted, or even bragged about how they would vote for her.

I wouldn't vote for her at gunpoint myself

A lot will depend on how the Congressional races shape up. Like I said, I think she's shallow. OTOH, if it looks like Dummycrappers are going to take back the House then the last thing we need is having Odumbshit as lameduck and a free run of Congress. Think about that. You'll be selling off shit and moving to your island faster then you think. I know, that';s not a bad thing for you but some of us are kinds stuck.

but if Bachman were ever elected POTUS, I would be packing my shit anyhow. Ready or not, there I go. lol

Truth be told, I don't really want the GOP solidly in charge of shit either.

no doubt, if we cant get aligned behind a strategy of taxes and business development, divided government is the next best thing. frankly, in my view, our shit is so f'd up and the people charged with solving it f'd up as well, i'm just not very hopeful

save me a spot under the cabana, i'll be brushing up on my espanol.

CommonSensePrevails1143 reads

1) FACT: It was JFK who sent the first American SF troops aka "advisors" into Nam.

2) Agreed

3) IMHO It was Good Ole BoYs and Good Ole BoYs only who did it because they couldn't handle all that change at once. And they were lead by LBJ. Pull up old clips of the DNC when JFK got the votes and was giving his speech. Take a good long look at LBJs face. Also, on a much smaller scale, in a different time, my county is still run by the same type of people.

Priapus531987 reads

Little over a year later, LBJ escalated it to 500,000 troops.

Do the math.

CommonSensePrevails1178 reads

You do the math. Even if it was 1 troop it was still JFK who sent him and you sort of forgot to mention him. And before you get off on that my heritage comes from the west coast of the emerald Isle.

Priapus531750 reads

The bogus "Gulf of Tonkin" incident takes place
on 8/64.

If I'm correct, LBJ has massive troop escalation
on 3/65.

Now I don't buy this, but it would dovetail into your theory that LBJ was responsible for JFK's

Common sense tells me that LBJ had nothing to do with JFK's death, but in my heart, I remember how much LBJ wanted to be POTUS. He would do ANYTHING to sit in the Oval Office. He was the Master Manipulator, and would fuck over his own mother to get his way.

I voted for JFK...still glad I did.

CommonSensePrevails2641 reads

You've never lived in the deep south.

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