Politics and Religion

Re: I am not so sure about that.
followme 368 reads

Though not a scientific survey, just from reading the posts on this board for some time it seems to me that for the most part (not exclusively but the majority)  lefties are Jew basher's and also hate Israel.

Thank you  
2015 = 28

...summit today in Washington.  Among the candidates taking part in the event are Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Lindsey Graham, Rick Santorum and George Pataki.  Someone should tell those those Thumper ass-kissers that the full name of the group is "Christians United for Israel's Destruction When Jesus Christ Comes Back To Obliterate the Earth And Send Jews Who Don't Believe Jesus Is The Lord And Savior Straight To Hell To Burn For All Eternity."

Yep, them thumpers loves them some Jews, don't they?  They loves them so much that they wants to turn 'em all into Christians

I'd realize my country has few allies in the world and if someone wanted to be my friend I'll take it.

GaGambler467 reads

While lefties tend to be less on the Jew bashing, but more critical of Israel.

Personally I find all religions rather silly at best, but the Jewish people themselves  bother me a LOT less than their Christian and Muslim counterparts. Israel of course is a different story and I have very mixed emotions about the nation state of Israel. I guess to sum up my feelings about Israel is that with all their faults, they are still our only ally in the region, and that region is a very dangerous, but very strategic part of the world, and throwing Israel to the wolves wouldn't buy us a single second of good will from our common enemies. So like it or not, I guess we are stuck with each other.

You have seen GB's comments about the U.S. Some are legitimate.  

I just give Israel more of a pass because they are under direct physical assault on almost a daily basis.

Then when they retaliate, nuts label them as "war criminals." LOL

GaGambler321 reads

It's one of the few things that Daffy has said recently that I actually agree with, except for the fact that he only thinks it is happening to him. I often have to take two or three attempts to get my posts approved at times.

It's not like the old days when you could say whatever was on your mind.

Thing is, I didn't do anything that TER Admin themselves hadn't done, and just recently.
Directed at the same resident of Planet Stupid, in fact.

GaGambler416 reads

The ONE thing now consistent about this place is it's inconsistency.

GaGambler463 reads

None country has completely clean hands, the US certainly doesn't, and neither does Israel. As I said, we need each other, and while it's true to a certain extent that the Arab countries that surround Israel hate us partially because of our backing of their enemy, I am certainly not naïve enough to think they would become our friends if we were to turn on Israel.

It is a fact known all over the world.

You don’t that do you now?

followme369 reads

Though not a scientific survey, just from reading the posts on this board for some time it seems to me that for the most part (not exclusively but the majority)  lefties are Jew basher's and also hate Israel.

Thank you  
2015 = 28

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