Politics and Religion

Re: How many third world countries have you spent time in?
charlie445 3 Reviews 1330 reads

Well put but as un-American as it might seem it is still capitalism.

and, though she knows I'm not a fan of either of the establishment candidates, it was awesome. She went out of her way to make it as good as it could be for me, and I returned the favor to her evident satisfaction.  


At the end of the day, sex is just much more important than politics.

Chill out all -

Either way, we still have a distribution of wealth typical to that of a third world country.

Cheers -


The.Joker1498 reads

comments about BO supporters. Was she communist?

GaGambler1600 reads

I plan on going to Cuba. Now there's a place that lacks opportunity, except for those already rich.

There are capitalists in Cuba. As yet , they have not attained state power. But from the hobbyist POV Cuba is fantastic. Have fun.

anon11122451961 reads

serveral years ago and said it  was wonderful.  Enjoy  the  pussy and  cigars.  Montecristo #2 and A and of course Cohiba Lancero.

of course not. She is a lovely young lady currently in graduate school. She is passionate about social justice and the environment. She loves the fine arts and classic jazz and big band music. She is a hard worker, owns her own home, has plans for her future. She believes that an Obama administration will correct some what she sees ad problems and trends in our country. She has never articulated that she is into the aspect of his being a minority.

There is nothing like a nice piece of liberal capitalist pussy... Cheers to you

Correctly, moderately liberal environmentally conscious socially concerned politically active minority capitalist pussy.

And an outstandingly lovely young lady.

GaGambler1127 reads

I don't mean one night at the aiport Marriot, but how many have you spent any real time in?

The difference in opportunity is night and day. I feel no pity for any able bodied American with an IQ over 100 who can't make something of themself. I have been to countless countries where there truly is no opportunity. I reserve my compassion for the inferm and those that are born to a land without opportunity.

Last count? Maybe 5. All of them were run by capitalist lackeys.

I have been in more 3rd world countries than I could easily list right now, during my career in the US Military. And you are absolutely right. I am not saying that America is an any way however remotely a 3rd world country. But, that begs the question - why do we alone in the 1st world have a distribution of wealth that is within the normative range for a 3rd world dictatorship?

I believe in upward mobility and self reliance.

I believe that anyone has the opportunity to rise from minimum wage to the chairman of a giant corporation, from the bottom 10% to the top 1%.
I am not arguing against that.

I also believe that there should be regulations on a publicly traded company regarding business practices, to be sure that they are civilly responsible.

If I were king for a day I would pass one rule that I think would solve a lot of the problems:

Any company trading publicly shall be governed by a board of directors to consist of 1/3rd each investors, managers, and workers, and shall be advised by a board consisting of consumers from the general public.

Right now, businesses are managed to show a good quarterly report, to keep investors. They often do this by firing workers and selling off the means of production. Market share moves off shore, even in industries critical to the national interest.

THIS IS NOT CAPITALISM! And it's anti-American.

When we really were a capitalist society, companies understood business cycles and made decisions for the long haul. They retained skilled workers and means of production. They worked at competing for a larger, longer term share of the market. Employees could pretty much count on working for their employer for life, count on a living wage and a retirement that would be there for them. Investors bought shares of the stock because they saw its stability and long term perspective, not because it had a flashy profit and loss statement.

The discrepancy between worker pay and CEO pay was not nearly so large - even CEOs and owners believed that you should be doing something to EARN your wage.

W. Edwards Deming would spin in his grave. This is nothing but Robber-Baron-ism.



Well put but as un-American as it might seem it is still capitalism.

Tucker Max1279 reads

Obama supporters, for the most part, are easy pickings. They are generally young, naive and are easily influenced. McCain supporters are too senile & old for me. But try to nail a MILF who is a potential VPOTUS, now that is something to brag about!!

Palin's pretty good when it comes to anal, too!! All the way up & in!

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