Politics and Religion

Re: HighWay makes an EXCELLENT point! He's identified the problem!
hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 219 reads

Malaria is getting fucked by all those hunky SS agents in the tower.   Why would she move to WH and look at an asshole with a tiny white cockroach!

JakeFromStateFarm3367 reads

GDP for the first quarter just came out and it's the slowest in three years.  Now cue up the Trumpites wailing, "But, but, but, those are OBAMA's numbers!  Waaaaaaaahhh! The main culprit, it seems, was consumption (spending) was only up .3%. In fairness, the article suggests seasonal issues may have had a hand in it but the fact is the numbers sucked.  Donnie will no doubt dodge it while Spicey spins it furiously.

Alchemists, in days of old, spent much of their time attempting to transform lead into gold. On the surface, it would appear Trump was able to do much the same, figuratively, in his business dealings. Not so much as president! ;)

GaGambler273 reads

As for the first quarter of this year, it is what it is, but the market doesn't seem to be losing any confidence about the economy going forward. So to claim Donnie is getting a "thumbs down" simply is not accurate.

Now, if second and third quarter results are similar, THEN I might tend to agree with you and most likely the Dow (not really the best indicator, but I suppose it will do) will most be headed back to the 18,000 range, a far cry from current levels just off of 21,000

Yes, the numbers sucked, but no I am not going to join you and Chicken Little in jumping off the nearest bridge. As a matter of fact, I am going to argue that the fact that Chicken Little most definitely is going to agree with you is PROOF you are wrong. lol

JakeFromStateFarm237 reads

The stock market is basically a forecasting and legal gambling arcade.  At the moment it is betting on Trump succeeding in getting lower tax rates and cutting regulations.  He has yet to succeed at either task and just failed again on health care reform. Also as you should know, while the market is a big casino, the GDP is the ACTUAL results of economic performance.  It looks back, not forward like the markets.  So, as even you should be able to see, you've compared apples to cumquats.
And, as for the issue of confidence, again you fail.  The market is demonstrating confidence in Trump -- for now -- but most people don't own any stock so it's got zip to do with what most people think.  Consumer spending is all about people and when they aren't confident, they don't spend. And they didn't in Q1.  Get it?
Last, where did I say anything about being panicked or jumping off a bridge?  Nice bogus rhetorical red herring there, GaGa. In fact, after nicely riding the Trump Bump, I've begun a several months-long period of trimming my exposure to equities.  I'm looking for a 5%-10% correction based on valuations+Trump's failures to get done what Wall St. is betting on.  And then there's North Korea.  If there are hostilities there we'll all be wishing for only a 5%-10% correction.  I will be sitting on a pile of cash waiting to jump back in.

GaGambler249 reads

You mean a pile of pennies, don't you?

For the record, while Trump hasn't gotten Tax Reform nor has he repealed ACA, he has cut a LOT of regulations, and THAT is why the market still has faith in him.

The market "could" correct, or it "could" continue steaming ahead, My recommendation is to listen to Chicken Little and then do the exact opposite, and right now you and Chicken Little are singing the exact same tune.

JakeFromStateFarm267 reads

I do concede Trump has cut some regulations, but not a LOT.  And the main one he wants to get rid of is Dodd-Frank and that requires legislative action.
If I was sitting on a pile of pennies it might be painful.  But I'm not.

GaG, where do you think the market is headed over the next couple years? I'm a bit worried that we're going into bubble territory. Is the stock market over valued right now?

GaGambler204 reads

High by historical levels, but not what I would consider a bubble.

I do agree with the Chicken's Little that a 5-10% sell off is entirely in the cards, but with interest rates still barely above a net zero and with commodity price low and looking to remain that way, there are not a lot of options for a lot of people to park their cash other than equities, which will limit any sell off to that 5-10% level.

Keep in mind that even the Trump haters have conceded that he has created a much more "business friendly" environment than Obama who was distinctly "anti business" while concurrently "pro wall street" as contradictory as that might sound. POTUS Trump seems to be much more pragmatic than "candidate" Trump as I predicted over a year ago and a lot of his harsh rhetoric about trade wars with China and Mexico seem to have fallen away in favor of "making a deal" deals a lot better than his predecessors of course.

To answer your question, I will give you the answer that any sensible person who knows anything about the market will give you, MAYBE. lol  Yes, I think the market is a bit overpriced, but for the average person investing in the market and NOT for the traders, I would say that I would probably stay the course if I owned stocks that I had held for a while.  One other thing to keep in mind, capital gains taxes are likely to go down under Trump, so even if your stocks fall in value 5%, if your taxes on the gains on those stocks also go down 5% or more, you haven't lost a thing.

One other thing to keep in mind, Chicken Little and Jake have been wrong about just about everything related to the markets for some time now, my original advice to do the exact opposite of what they recommend seems pretty sound by most metrics. lol

One last thought, If you have been on the sidelines and just thinking about jumping in now. I might wait for a better entry point and wait for a pullback before jumping in, but if you are already in, I would most likely just stay there.

You conveniently changed your mind a few months ago and I called you on it.  Then you tried a classic weasel-out.  You just refused to admit it so I don't expect anything more now.
I'll at least admit I thought there'd be a stock plunge when the election happened because of the uncertainty caused by Trump's election.  Fortunately my finance guy knew better and told me to hold tight.  I at least had the good sense to take his advice and I prospered nicely from the Trump Bump.  But now he agrees it's time to take some profits and fall back to a 25%-30% equities position while parking those profits in some money funds returning between 1% and 2%.  When the plunge happens I'll get back in again using a dollar-cost-averaging approach.
PS: You never answered my question to Willy.  Do you have any money at all in equities? Because if you don't, well, talk is cheap.

The US economy is surviving from all the things done by the previous President.    The current clown is getting a F- and has in no way contributed anything to boost the economy.

Had the lowest average GDP of any president in history, 1.8%. What grade do you give him? BTW he also never had a quarter over 3% if my memory serves correct. Only president in history who accomplished that. Was that "Bush's" fault? If so, why can't Trump blame O'Bama?

Don't you have a plane to catch btw?

How can grabbing women's pussy improve the economy?    You got lot of shit in your head to unload!  

He lifted it up from the rubbles of 2008 with DOW at rock bottom 7000+ all the way 19000 before left.    What ever is happening now is because of his efforts.

The current clown is busy inventing conspiracy theories, spreading lies, covering up dozens of scandals and is surrounded by Russian agents.

Yeah, everything that is happening now is ALL about what Obama did......

divided a country by racial lines.  

failed to support law enforcement but backed the NAACP and BLM instead.  

Watched as the military became underfunded and low on modern fighting tools.  

ignoring radical Islamic terrorists and iSIS by believing that if you ignore them they will go away.

Continued spending and watched as the debt went up and up and up.

Sent criminals and terrorists back into society and pardoned traitors.

Yep...he sure made America better.  

For $400,000 you can see him stand there and tell you how great he was.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
He lifted it up from the rubbles of 2008 with DOW at rock bottom 7000+ all the way 19000 before left.    What ever is happening now is because of his efforts.  
 The current clown is busy inventing conspiracy theories, spreading lies, covering up dozens of scandals and is surrounded by Russian agents.

First 100 days for the pussy grabber is F-.   F Minus!    It is all because of President Obama that the markets are what they are today.

Says who? Pelosi....that old fucking stuttering stammering Alzheimer's patient?

Posted By: hwy2heaven
First 100 days for the pussy grabber is F-.   F Minus!    It is all because of President Obama that the markets are what they are today.

Mr.M.Johnson176 reads

Illigimate POTUS won the election because people thought and assumed that everyone would get a tax cut and companies would get a hhuuuuuuge tax cut and GDP would jump.

Now, reality is about to set in:  Trump ain't gonna get anywhere near the tax cuts he thought/promised.

Because Pelosi and her man cock are intimidating her colleagues into thinking that if the back anything Trump wants she will fuck them in the ass as they sleep......raw and unlubed.

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
Illigimate POTUS won the election because people thought and assumed that everyone would get a tax cut and companies would get a hhuuuuuuge tax cut and GDP would jump.  
 Now, reality is about to set in:  Trump ain't gonna get anywhere near the tax cuts he thought/promised.

Hey loser, your Russian spy has no economic plan!    His only plan is to build his business and make money and that includes his son in law and daughter!

Did you think this up all by yourself?  

You obviously ate all the paste in school.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Hey loser, your Russian spy has no economic plan!    His only plan is to build his business and make money and that includes his son in law and daughter!

Mr.M.Johnson120 reads

He doesn't realize that Dems haven't blocked ANYTHING besides RyanCare!  🙂 Besides RyanCare, there hasn't been a single meaningful bill introduced!

lol in the mirror No Soul and your fellow Repubs for 100% failure in 1st 100 days!

Mr.M.Johnson214 reads

Very fucking intelligent!  Thanx for your MEANINGFUL contribution1

What do you expect from an asshole whose only job here is to post all the BS along with all his hundreds of fake reviews on the board.

I question your own reviews also....well except for 2 of em......as well as all the conspiracy theories within your own posts.

Way to go snowflake.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
What do you expect from an asshole whose only job here is to post all the BS along with all his hundreds of fake reviews on the board.

Get a job, make some coin and you too can see some top shelf ladies too. Unless that's not what "floats your boat?" Nothing wrong with your preferences. No judgements here!

Don't you have a plane to catch?

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
Very fucking intelligent!  Thanx for your MEANINGFUL contribution1

"I will repeal Obamacare on my first day in office".    He is busy grabbing pussies!    

Mr.M.Johnson253 reads

The problem is that Illigitimate POTUS ain't getting laid nearly enuff!  Hence, he's not able to think clearly.  Melania is in New York, and no TER Provider will fuck his fat obese ass.

Instead of getting laid, he eats BigMacs, golfs, watched Fox Noise and tweets nonsense.

Donald, please PLEASE resign today - do us all a favor! - and put yourself outta misery. Do it for your fellow Americans.  oops, do it for yourself - you simply don't care about America/Americans

Say what?

Go back to the coloring books and try again to draw within the lines.

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
The problem is that Illigitimate POTUS ain't getting laid nearly enuff!  Hence, he's not able to think clearly.  Melania is in New York, and no TER Provider will fuck his fat obese ass.  
 Instead of getting laid, he eats BigMacs, golfs, watched Fox Noise and tweets nonsense.  
 Donald, please PLEASE resign today - do us all a favor! - and put yourself outta misery. Do it for your fellow Americans.  oops, do it for yourself - you simply don't care about America/Americans

"I will repeal Obamacare on day 1 in office".    What happened to that Russian blonde hooker (his top adviser) who said "Trump will repeal Obamacare after he reaches WH following the inauguration parade".

Malaria is getting fucked by all those hunky SS agents in the tower.   Why would she move to WH and look at an asshole with a tiny white cockroach!

As opposed to what you like to grab?

Posted By: hwy2heaven
"I will repeal Obamacare on my first day in office".    He is busy grabbing pussies!    

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