Politics and Religion

Re: Hey Doc, back atcha
GaGambler 1771 reads

The price of crude has tripled. If your top line number increases by a factor of three and your profit margin decreases by 50%, your net profit still increases by 50%.

Contrary to popular opinion, the oil companies do not set the price of crude. The US is a net importer of oil, we barely produce half of what we consume.

GaGambler2885 reads

I did mean to respond before I ran off to Colombia to spend some of my ill gotten wealth. Now that I am back, I would love to respond.

While I am very happy that you are not the complete hypocrite that I pegged you for, you still manange to live better than 99% of the rest of the world's population.

While I find your generosity commendable, I still find it hypocritical of you to endorse the forcible confiscation of my small business while you are drinking $200 scotch.

Despite the rabid left's assertion that the oil business is comprised solely by multi-national mega corporations. The truth of the matter is, our domestic oil industry is made up of countless thousands of small to medium size businesses, one of which happens to be mine.

Your socialist/communist leanings aside, I still mantain that my payroll supporting, tax paying, small business does more good over the long haul than any ten, wealth redistributing, feel good liberals combined.

Rather than giving money away helter skelter to anyone who claims that life has been unfair to them. I provide opportunity to those who actually want to do something tho improve their life.

Doc, I do commend you for tring to make this world a little bit better a place to live in, and rather than bore you with old adages about giving a man a fish, as opposed to teaching a man to fish. Let me just say that you lefties don't have a monopoly on compassion, and there is a word for those people that try to inflict their own morality on others, and it's not a very complementary one.

BTW I am glad that you practice what you preach, just please let me make my own charitible decisions, even the Chinese have figured out that communism doesn't work

Please excuse the typos, I've been enjoying some of that good aged stuff myself. In spite of our our differences of opinion. I am sure that you are still one of the good guys, even if you do want to take away everything that I have worked thirty years to build. lol

First of all, welcome back. Columbia! Did you fly or maybe cruise the Panama Canal? Something I'd like to do one day. Thought about driving down there, but the logistics of a trike in the Central American jungles didn't quite make sense :P

If I may... a few respectful retorts:

1 - I am VERY aware of the 99.44% who do not live as well as I. The fact ANY of them live in THIS country despite our overwhelming power and capacity strikes me as being wrong.

2 - I do not drink $200 Scotch. I smoke $500 pot.(smirk)
Despite my comments about Nationalizing the Oil industry, in my vision, the mechanics do not include taking your business away from you. I'd be pissed off too if the government wanted to take my business away from me or worse yet, destroy my business entirely... oh. wait. they did that to me in the 80's. It was in all the papers too. (you'll have to pm me privately for the details)

3 - My research tells me that it is actually the refineries where the real profit gouging occurs. How would you respond to this? Please be nice, I'm looking for dialog, not an argument :)

4 - re: payroll supporting, tax paying, small business does more good over the long haul  ---- I absolutely agree with you.

5 - the old adage... I use it frequently myself;
I do not give hand outs. I try to give people a hand up. I will always try to teach the man to fish if possible. But what if that man lost his limbs protecting me, and he is unable to fish and feed himself? Do I abandon this man to the whims of nature? Do I allow him to degrade himself by crawling like an animal to the shores edge?

What about the other vulnerables in our society? Orphaned or abandoned children too young and inexperienced to fend for themselves. The extremely aged no longer able to care for themselves. Where I think you misunderstand my intentions; I don't want to take your money and support some buffoon sitting on a couch eating welfare checks and smoking crack.

Instead of redistributing your wealth, how about we become a more effective and efficient society? Stop focusing on red herrings like "family values" and other dogma driven agendas. Stop paying farmers not to farm, and let them grow food to feed the hungry. Stop paying welfare to all the parasites of society. Use that money to create commercial centers instead. Instead of earmarks for a bridge to nowhere or a study on the effects of hurricane Katrina on the Gulf coast shrimping industry, how about setting up scholarships for children whos lives were uprooted by this catastrophe.

I am but one man frustrated by what I perceive as great wrong within our society. I believe there is a middle ground where balance can be achieved. All I can do, is do what I can, and hope my efforts are good enough.

I acknowledge there are elements of my life some would deem hypocritical, and I grant you that may well be true. But is it not the same for all of us?

Ga, we each have our own agenda, our own measurements for success. The accumulation of wealth; knowledge; glory; power; all are measurements of success. Mine are best summed up by the great Ralph Waldo Emerson:

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

Thank you for your time.

-- Modified on 9/11/2007 9:01:06 AM

GaGambler1277 reads

First off, Colombia was great, I do believe that Medellin has the biggest concentration of 9's and 10's in the world. I don't know what it is, but the Columbianas in general are gorgeous, and the women from Medellin are particularly beautiful.

Your trike might not be a good fit in the jungles, but I could see you tooling around in Bogota, or even Medellin. Keep in mind Bogota is a large modern city of about 8 million people,and Medellin is about 3 million. Nothing like the dirt roads and dingy huts image propagated by Hollywood.

On to "less" important things, since(believe it or not) it appears that we agree on more subjects then we disagree. I am only going to comment on a few of your points.

1. I don't believe that we live dissimilar lifestyles. I don't own a mansion nor do I have any desire to.I live well as do you, but the only indulges that I allow myself that might be considered excessive are my travel, my hobbying, and I recently bought myself a Cadillac convertible as a toy. Aside from these "vices" I lead a rather modest lifestyle.

2. I rarely drink $200 scotch, I also rarely smoke weed, but I do indulge in XO cognacs(smile). I do realize that you weren't serious about endorsing the governments appropriation of thousands of independent businesses. I, like you was trying to make a point.

3. The oil companies by and large are not gouging their customers. the price of crude is not set by US oil companies anymore than the price of coffee is set by Maxwell House. Oil is a worldwide commodity. The US just happens to account for 25% of worldwide consuption.

The integrated oil companies, ie "big oil" profit margins are in fact no higher than any other sector's. The reason for the record profits for oil companies is the growth of their top line numbers,(which is a direct result of the increase in crude) not by any manipulation of their profit margins.

The price of crude has tripled in the last few years, domestic deamnd has not abated, and worldwide demand continues to skyrocket. Even if the oil companies cut their profit margins in half, they would still be setting all time earnings records.

If you break down the price of a gallon of gasoline into three components;The underlying price of crude oil, taxes(state, local and federal), and the oil companies profits. You will find that that oil companies profits come in a distant third to the other two major factors that comprise the cost of a gallon of gasoline.

I promised short, but I guess I lied. I've wanted to get some of this off my chest for a while now. I'll have to finish this up later

I confess that I am having difficulty resolving 2 of your statements:

1) The oil companies by and large are not gouging their customers.

2) Even if the oil companies cut their profit margins in half, they would still be setting all time earnings records.

Maybe I'm just dim, but I sense a contradiction there.

GaGambler1772 reads

The price of crude has tripled. If your top line number increases by a factor of three and your profit margin decreases by 50%, your net profit still increases by 50%.

Contrary to popular opinion, the oil companies do not set the price of crude. The US is a net importer of oil, we barely produce half of what we consume.

And what has happened to refinery profits over the past 10 years? With relatively fixed costs their profits have soared. Why have no new refineries been built and who does that benefit? The 'environmentalist whackos' are blamed for this, but with all the lobbying money big oil spreads around in DC isn't it interesting that they don't fight this one very hard?. Who says being green isn't profitable?
The oil companies don't give a rat's ass how much crude prices go up, as long as they keep making those astronomical profits.

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