Politics and Religion

Keith Olbermann on the warpath again
Priapus53 4095 reads

I liked much of what KO did on MSNBC, but, as below link shows, the guy can be quite the tempermental prima donna putz :

If you are bounced out of the major leagues and sent to the minors, you better be nice to the new team management.  

The next "demotion" could really hurt.

Posted By: Priapus53
I liked much of what KO did on MSNBC, but, as below link shows, the guy can be quite the tempermental prima donna putz :

I was watching his show live when for reasons that are beyond me, his entire set was turned off. He had to do the rest of that show in a chair in the dark. That's one hell of a technical glitch for a live TV program. Strangely, they've seemed to have just gone with it, and they've been doing the program Charlie Rose style ever since. I kinda like it.

They've had quite a few glitches on the new Young Turks program too. I personally would like to strangle their sound guy for putting a news crew in a brick lined room and not put any sound dampening material in there.

But I guess that's what happens when you're first getting together a TV network. Current needs to understand that they need Olbermann more than he needs them, and they can build a successful TV network together if they learn to follow Olbermann's lead. After all, he turned MSNBC from the thing that the people at CNN used to laugh at into what it is today. He can and is doing that again.

Priapus531899 reads

"Of course, this is hardly the first time that Olbermann has come into conflict with his employers. Such feuds have been a staple of his career. Below, see a timeline of Olbermann's many different jobs."

Which bears out what I had to say; if you haven't done so already, check out link "KO slide show", which details his contentious employment past.

As for current channel, I would think this board
has bigger audience than that cable channel. I live in Vegas, hardly small market & I don't get the Current channel; I also don't Fox Movie channel, which shows what a pain in the ass my cable provider is.

Current replays the same show 6x in a row.  They have almost no programming.  I don't know what the original vision of the network was supposed to be but it is dead.

Olbermann's time is done.  Lawrence O'Donnel and Ed both had the same ratings at the 8:00 spot that Olbermann had.  Between 900,000 and 1,000,000 million viewers will tune into any angry ranting liberal at 8pm.  But in Willy's world he's Walter Cronkite and MSNBC is The Tiffany Network.

Posted By: Priapus53
"Of course, this is hardly the first time that Olbermann has come into conflict with his employers. Such feuds have been a staple of his career. Below, see a timeline of Olbermann's many different jobs."

Which bears out what I had to say; if you haven't done so already, check out link "KO slide show", which details his contentious employment past.

As for current channel, I would think this board
has bigger audience than that cable channel. I live in Vegas, hardly small market & I don't get the Current channel; I also don't Fox Movie channel, which shows what a pain in the ass my cable provider is.

Priapus531190 reads

which just proves that there are more right-wing morons out there-----

Keith had definitely built a following. O'Donnel just does not have a television personality and Ed is too bombastic to take seriously.

     Keith is definitely more than a "ranting liberal" although he is certainly that as well.

It's so commonplace in talk radio that it's almost considered a tradition. TV is no different.

Current isn't huge, but it is a developing channel and they're starting from scratch. Hell, I never watched them until Keith went there. Now I watch all kinds of programming on that channel. They're doing everything right, sans the technical glitches. And they don't want to grow too much too fast, that was the mistake Air America made. People forget that Fox News didn't make a dime for the first 6 years they were on the air. Yes, you can google things in 2 seconds these days, but it still takes time to develop an audience and a TV network.

I doubt Cartmann watches much MSNBC programming, but they've had as much trouble with Big Ed as Olbermann, probably more so. The guy does tend to stick his foot in his mouth quite a bit, and he's horrible with a teleprompter. He's a radio guy through and through, not a TV guy. O'Donnell is just plain boring. The guy could put meth heads to sleep. Maddow is the glue holding MSNBC together, and I bet Olbermann would do anything to get her on Current.

Timbow1700 reads

Posted By: willywonka4u
It's so commonplace in talk radio that it's almost considered a tradition. TV is no different.

Current isn't huge, but it is a developing channel and they're starting from scratch. Hell, I never watched them until Keith went there. Now I watch all kinds of programming on that channel. They're doing everything right, sans the technical glitches. And they don't want to grow too much too fast, that was the mistake Air America made. People forget that Fox News didn't make a dime for the first 6 years they were on the air. Yes, you can google things in 2 seconds these days, but it still takes time to develop an audience and a TV network.

I doubt Cartmann watches much MSNBC programming, but they've had as much trouble with Big Ed as Olbermann, probably more so. The guy does tend to stick his foot in his mouth quite a bit, and he's horrible with a teleprompter. He's a radio guy through and through, not a TV guy. O'Donnell is just plain boring. The guy could put meth heads to sleep. Maddow is the glue holding MSNBC together, and I bet Olbermann would do anything to get her on Current.

St. Croix1285 reads

I'll broker a peace, anything to keep that piece of shit away from ESPN or Fox Sports Net. Let him keep his audience of one at Current.

ElGuapo5052630 reads

He really has no audience outside of those Kool-Aid drinkers he has on Current TV. As a point of example, who gives a shit about Oprah has to say on her Oprah Channel?

Keith has a problem with authority, plain and simple. For that, the answer is clear.

DON'T WORK FOR ANYONE BUT YOURSELF. Be your own boss. Start your own cable network. Gather coin from all true believers. Call it, The KO (Knock Out!) News Time. (Slogan? "I'm a KONT!") That way, you won't have to put up with Al Gore's bullshit rules, of the fuckin FCC and their stupid rules... Just say the shit you want to say in the manner it needs to be said. FUCK THE MAN, DUDE! TESTIFY TO THE MASSES! Pirate Radio/TV, dude! Occupy the Air! Be THE righteous muthfuckah you need to be. Be Jesus and Buddha and Mohammed all wrapped up into one!

Keith Olbermann. FUCK YEAH! No rules. Just the truth, muthafuckahs!

Life is better when you can flip around the dial and not have to look at his smug, ugly mug and hear his condescending talk.  He even makes O'Reilly look humble.

I think I get Current on my cable package.  But, I have no desire to really find out by tuning in.

And Maddow should go there.  She and fuckin' Olbermann deserve one another.  Problem for them is, though, that only one of them can talk down to their audience at a time . . . .

ElGuapo5052588 reads

What were Herr Oblermann's "acceptable conditions"? Not the "right kind" of Aqua-Net? Perhaps John Edwards' hair stylist wasn't available? Hand-job by an intern during the Countdown?

A "heads up" to anyone who DOESN'T own a business: You do not tell the owner/operator how to run their business. If you do NOT like the conditions you have to work under, you are ever so free to LEAVE (in a huff, if you insist) and start your own business. In Herr Olbermann's case, a new cable network.

He has ALWAYS been a prima donna. He was despised by his co-workers on ESPN/ABC. And widely hated by his underlings (including his boss, who was not "Keith's Boss") at MSNBC.

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