Politics and Religion

Re: He may not be a devious sack of shit, but he's clearly a nutcase; he believes...
splunge 72 Reviews 3588 reads
1 / 15

I was considering tacking it on to the thread below, but this is a different issue.


Amazingly, the University doesn't think it did anything wrong.

You can get more information at:


I particularly recommend reading the report on the worst one-on-one session between an RA and a female student.


This girl's got guts!

-- Modified on 11/16/2007 11:39:44 AM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1666 reads
3 / 15

Denial is also a Liberals way of thinking..

RightwingUnderground 1727 reads
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for allowing is words to appear in the Washington Times.

First, he's black. What an Uncle Tom!

Second, he substitutes for Rush Limbaugh on occasion, nuff said?

Oh wait, he’s also a distinguished professor of economics at George Mason University (doctorate of economics, UCLA-1972) and also a past chairman of the GMU economics’ department.

His lies also regularly appear in the Jewish World Review, and he's been published in other rags such as Reader's Digest, The Wall Street Journal and Newsweek

But I agree, it's always more important to look at who is buying the paper and ink than the person authoring the words. . .  right.

-- Modified on 11/16/2007 6:22:53 PM

scriptfixer 18 Reviews 1669 reads
5 / 15

Williams not only believes that U.S. states have the right to secede from the union, but he has encouraged it.   Being black and having a graduate degree doesn't give someone a free pass from being branded an extremist.   Didn't the Unabomber have advanced degrees from Harvard and Univeristy of Michigan?   And wasn't he a "distinguished" professor at UC Berkeley?    

-- Modified on 11/16/2007 11:21:36 PM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1188 reads
6 / 15

"having a graduate degree doesn't give someone a free pass from being branded an extremist.   Didn't the Unabomber have advanced degrees from Harvard and Univeristy of Michigan?   And wasn't he a "distinguished" professor at UC Berkeley?"

Thank you scriptfixer..I have been mocked many times on this board because I quit school in ninth grade.,.I have learned a lot since then and one of the things that stands out with my old friends.. Many of them with degrees including masters are  dumb as a brick.. especially those that went to State colleges.In the coleeges defense maybe it was the LSD that most of them took  in school that fried their brains..They didn't seem stupid in Junior high but then again  I was a bad student..

-- Modified on 11/17/2007 5:55:18 AM

RightwingUnderground 1161 reads
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Right, don’t like the published message, try to discredit the publication. Don’t like the messenger’s ideas, try to discredit the messenger. I thought only the Republicans knew how to do that.

So he’s a nutcase for trying to get people to consider that there Federalism has gotten out of control? Oh yea, pretty insane thinking.

Like this –


or this


or this


Two posts and you never once responded to Splunge’s original point. Why are you here?  By your own “nutcase” standard, I’m sure you’ve said something at least once that even you consider stupid, so therefore, nothing you shall ever utter again shall be deemed worthy of response.

BTW, the Unabomber was NEVER a distinguished profeesor at USCB. HE was a poorly rated assistant professor who only lasted two years. Quite a far cry from being a department chairman and nationally syndicated author. Is it your life theory that after you discover one bad apple you therefore quit eating apples?

-- Modified on 11/17/2007 10:48:40 PM

zinaval 7 Reviews 1448 reads
8 / 15

If the students were required to believe this to pass the class (or ever leave the college) or if the students were grade-schoolers, I could understand then how "indoctrination" would be appropriate. As it is, university students aren't going to be "indoctrinated" by simply being told anything.

Actually, I'm glad that somebody put out the opinion that only whites can be racists-- because I'm certain a large number of Blacks see it that way. It needs to be debated openly. Conservatives, though, rail about "indoctrination" rather than debate the topic-- and it's IMHO, an important topic.

They're acting like somebody said something that conservatives found politically incorrect.

If African Americans can be racists, conservatives can certainly be accordingly politically correct. Can Conservatives agree with that now? And stop contending that it's something unique to liberalism.    

scriptfixer 18 Reviews 1113 reads
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It's not that i don't like the message, it's just that The Washington TImes is far from being an objective reporter of the news. (And save the typical objections about the mainstream  "liberal media.")

The Washington Times is run by Rev. Sun Myung Moon. How can you compare the leader of a cult to a publisher of any legitimate newspaper?   Perhaps we should consider the paper published by  the Aryan Nation as a legitimate news source?  

Furthermore, you hold Williams out as an expert because he's a "distinguished" professor with an Ivy League education.  Does that automatically qualify someone as an expert?  Take a look around you.  A degree from a university is only worth the paper that it's printed on.

RightwingUnderground 6402 reads
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The topic was about racial "training", but then you try to make it all about the Washington Times (who arguably had nothing to do with writing or even editing the piece, since it was by a columnist and not a news piece).

When called on that, you try to make it all about Walter Williams, who was not even involved in the news of the story.

When called on that you try to make it all about some other article he wrote on excessive Federalism.

You ignore the fact that several "recognized" news sources have seen fit to publish William's work and instead simply say that "anybody" can get a degree. And now you're equating the Wall Street Journal et. al. with some Arian newspaper (yes I know that's an exaggerated stretch, but that IS where you are heading with this).

And now you are still trying to make this all about State's seceding, when in fact you are the only one who brought it up in the first place.

You are so skilled at slight of hand diversions; you should seriously consider a career as a street corner card trickster.

-- Modified on 11/17/2007 3:09:32 PM

RightwingUnderground 2017 reads
12 / 15

-- Modified on 11/17/2007 3:04:52 PM

Pepe56 32 Reviews 4713 reads
13 / 15

I never miss the show when Walter subs for Rush. It is so refreshing to here him speak the real truth about issue the way Rush and Sean and Bill do.
I only wish they would get behind Duncan Hunter.
Maybe Duncan can get some points by getting the two border guards a pardon from President Bush. I sure hope so. God bless the USA and our great President.
Great reading at the WW site link.

splunge 72 Reviews 1584 reads
14 / 15

I hoped someone would actually read and comment on the article -- instead it turned into a diatribe about the Washington Times and Walter Williams.

Freedom of speech also means freedom not to speak, or not to join in the debate. If you read all the background materials, you;d see that all dorm students were coerced into particpating and that students that resisted or gave the non-university approved answers to the questions were written up by the dorm resident assistants. Being a freshman or sophomore at a university can be intimidating, and there's lots of pressure to just get along. Any way you slice it, this is political indoctrination and I'm glad it has stopped, but I fear it will pop up again.

I highly recommend browsing www.thefire.org -- some of the other challenges to free speech at US universities are downright scary.

splunge 72 Reviews 1562 reads
15 / 15

Geez, all the facts are true, but we can't admit politically correct political indoctrination is bad, so let's change the subject. Scary that neither you nor UD see anything wrong with this, other than it was published in the Washington Times. Maybe you ought to ask yourself why none of the mainstream media carried this. Liberal silliness can't go unchallenged anymore.

-- Modified on 11/19/2007 7:16:23 PM

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