Politics and Religion

Re: He is not a sexual predator and pussy grabber!
2465305 70 Reviews 3438 reads
1 / 32

For the longest time he called Wall Street Corporations "fat cats". Now he's taking $400,000 from them to say his peace. Obama during his presidency criticized Wall Street Bankers for making huge amounts of money and now he's digging in their pockets to talk about....now this is hilarious.....HEALTH CARE.  

What does chicken legs know about health care other than it continues to rise in premiums under his "AFFORDABLE" health care act.  

Maybe when he's done on Wall Street talking about health care he can go back to Chicago and talk about gun control.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 180 reads
2 / 32

You got a thing against the free enterprise system?  
Figures.. you trump/putin lover...you sick commie. Move to Russia if you got a problem about making money.
It's probably because no one would give you two shits to hear from you.

JakeFromStateFarm 235 reads
3 / 32

There ain't any. Not real ones. In Russia or anywhere else.  Cuba?  The Ruskies are oligarch bandits.  Putin took all the commie industries and gave them to his buds.  Some are his by proxy.  If you go over there and act like a real commie, Vlad will impale you. The actual commies over there hate him.  But they're so weak he won't even bother to kill them.

followme 229 reads
4 / 32

you must have a burr on your catheter.

2465305 70 Reviews 196 reads
5 / 32

Really....grow up.....Obama is nothing but a worthless hypocrite.,,,just like he was as president.  

now that he is getting overpaid to talk about something he was a total failure at all the sudden Wall Street Bankers are the greatest in the world.

And let's not forget he's getting $60,000,000 to write his memoirs.......or at it will be know.....a comic book.
Posted By: hpygolky
You got a thing against the free enterprise system?  
 Figures.. you trump/putin lover...you sick commie. Move to Russia if you got a problem about making money.  
 It's probably because no one would give you two shits to hear from you.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 314 reads
6 / 32

You got a problem with that? And if healthcare is such a failure then get your party to do something...but they can't because all in all, it ain't that bad...but you're too ignorant to know it...can't change stupid.
And trump has is been lying to you and you don't even know it. You swallow his crap and take. Instead of paying hooker, buy some smarts.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 312 reads
7 / 32

He is Columbia and Harvard stuff.     Can command top $$$ for his speeches.    He files his tax returns.    He has no Florida resort to go every weekend and hide a shady business.    Get over it you cone heads,  repubthug retards and Russian trolls.

You all are not even fit to wipe and polish his shoes.   Now why not you all go back to your Nazi emperor, tax cheat, Russian KGB agent and a dumbass tweeter in chief!

bigguy30 220 reads
8 / 32

The only thing worst than listening to Trump lies.
Just reading the comments of his crazy ass cult followers defending him.

2465305 70 Reviews 207 reads
9 / 32

That God you haven't reproduced.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
He is Columbia and Harvard stuff.     Can command top $$$ for his speeches.    He files his tax returns.    He has no Florida resort to go every weekend and hide a shady business.    Get over it you cone heads,  repubthug retards and Russian trolls.  
 You all are not even fit to wipe and polish his shoes.   Now why not you all go back to your Nazi emperor, tax cheat, Russian KGB agent and a dumbass tweeter in chief!

2465305 70 Reviews 184 reads
10 / 32

Trump is trying to get rid of the last leg of Obama's legacy...actually the only leg of Obama's legacy but you have hatful snowflakes like Pelosi who is butt fucking Schumer to do her dirty work while Warren sits quietly in the back room saying over and over again.....President Warren.

Posted By: hpygolky
You got a problem with that? And if healthcare is such a failure then get your party to do something...but they can't because all in all, it ain't that bad...but you're too ignorant to know it...can't change stupid.  
 And trump has is been lying to you and you don't even know it. You swallow his crap and take. Instead of paying hooker, buy some smarts.

followme 216 reads
11 / 32

“He is Columbia and Harvard stuff”

What the fuck does that mean?

Are you saying that he got stuff like a tee shirt from each place and that means he knows what he is talking about?    

  Here is another one  

You're Welcome  

Don't drool over the pic.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 232 reads
12 / 32

Now you can go and polish his shoes.    May be you are not even worth it!    He is a class act.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 264 reads
13 / 32

Why didn't we get to see O'bama's transcripts? Bush 41 released his. Why not?

followme 179 reads
14 / 32

What the fuck you meant by

" He is Columbia and Harvard stuff”  

you're Welcome

BTW obama is not the first black anything, since he is only half black

JakeFromStateFarm 139 reads
15 / 32

Every Presidential candidate for the last 40+ years released their tax returns.  Transcripts? Nope, except for 41.  So what?

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 199 reads
16 / 32

What about the last 44 presidents is similar to Trump? Nothing. Nada. That's why he got elected. You libs keep on whining about tax returns and slamming everyone who voted for him? Just get ready for a second term.

-- Modified on 4/26/2017 11:23:51 PM

JakeFromStateFarm 253 reads
17 / 32

The Federal income tax started in 1913, so all the Presidents before that did not file tax returns.  Tax return info was first made public by Nixon more than 40 YEARS ago to prove he "wasn't a cook."  Of course, he was.  Trump just doesn't want us to know he's a crook, too.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 148 reads
18 / 32

I read your post. My point wasn't directed at Trump's 44 predecessors as you might note I said nothing about his 44 predecessors tax returns. If you read my post it states that Trump is totally unlike any of his predecessors in any regard. I specifically did not mention release of tax returns by Andrew Jackson or his peers. I know you have to "win" every debate but I won't play the role of your "Taffypinata" so go ahead "prove" me wrong and "win."

JakeFromStateFarm 177 reads
19 / 32

If you didn't mean to relate it to tax returns, then try writing more clearly.  Context is important.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 109 reads
20 / 32

Just for you next time I'll be clear I'm not talking about George Washington releasing his 1040. Good lord......

GaGambler 279 reads
21 / 32

I bet you Jake can outlast you on this dumb subject about what you meant about Trump's 44 predecessors.  

Typical Jake, when proven wrong and with the evidence still there for all to see, he claims you "weren't clear" in what you wrote. No wonder he has to battle his own liberal brethren, Guys like Matt, fg and LTM&L are the only ones who have the patience to argue minutia and parse the same words for days on end until the original point has been completely forgotten.

I'd offer to give you odds, but I know you are WAY too smart to take such a sucker's bet no matter how long the odds I offered. lol

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 196 reads
22 / 32

I learned a loooooong time ago not to argue with Jake when he's wrong as he's always right. Something like that right? My work here is done.

GaGambler 234 reads
24 / 32

then he is REALLY REALLY right. and he will argue the point until the internet is completely out of bandwidth. lol

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 169 reads
25 / 32

What do I know? I'm just a lowly history prof haha!!

JakeFromStateFarm 221 reads
26 / 32

Now tell us, did you actually read Grant's first quote on the branch to which I replied?  If you did, then you must have flunked English Comprehension 101.  Grant's original assertion here is one of the sloppiest bits of writing in a long time.  He makes even FG look good by comparison.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 149 reads
27 / 32

Just can't help yourself can you Jake?! Come on man we all know you're right and you're the smartest guy in this room. Quit while you're ahead?

-- Modified on 4/27/2017 6:13:36 PM

GaGambler 189 reads
28 / 32

I am sure USGL will also agree with anything you say just to get you to shut up about it.

No one else cares Jake, you are only arguing with yourself, the rest of us moved on a long time ago. Well except for USGL and I laughing behind your back AND to your face of course.

but you go ahead and claim victory, to borrow a phrase from one of State Farm's competitors, "it's what you do" lmao

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 127 reads
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GaGambler 262 reads
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USGrantlover 219 Reviews 208 reads
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Jakes gone silent here? Maybe there's hope yet? Nah, I don't think so either.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 169 reads
32 / 32

Lincoln faced a  nation extremely divided.

Since MAGA President Trump was elected by a land slide electoral win there's been an effort by our  most polluted State  to secede from our Union.
 States seceded when Lincoln was elected  

Lincoln was an extremely intelligent man yet half the country referred to him as a buffoon.  

Lincoln was despised by many citizens in both the North and South.  

Lincoln was pro tariff.

Lincoln not only despised fake news, his  executive order gave the authority  to imprison fake news publishers.
"Executive Order—Arrest and Imprisonment of Irresponsible Newspaper Reporters and Editors
May 18, 1864"

Lincoln loved the USA  more than anything.  

Although he won by an electoral landslide Lincoln barely won his second term.  

 Lincoln gave Black people a fighting chance to succeed in a country consumed with racism.
 MAGA President Trump will help Black people raise their standard of living more than any President since Lincoln.

 The most notable difference I see between Lincoln and MAGA President Trump, Lincoln was not skilled in the art of political compromise.
Posted By: USGrantlover
Re: Thanks for making my point.  
What about the last 44 presidents is similar to Trump? Nothing. Nada. That's why he got elected. You libs keep on whining about tax returns and slamming everyone who voted for him? Just get ready for a second term.  

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