Politics and Religion

Re: HA Palestinian statehood made me fall out of my chair......
tallslim26 26 Reviews 2137 reads

Hey Begin, I'll never forget, what was that humanitarian statement you made about Palestinians years back, oh yes I didn't forget.

"They're beasts on two legs."

I am sure old Ramnbo is going to make you all very proud. So much for thinking Obama was going to be nonbias in relations between the chosen and the "beasts".

How foolish are those Muslims who think change is coming eh???

My anti-fan club out there, I present this for your approval or denial.

First former Army veteran Rahm Emanuel is named cheif of staff. Oh, hate to be labled a jew hater for pointing this out but I have to make clear that Emanuel didn't serve in the U.S. Army but the Israeli army..

Not sure if that should be a reason for pause or not,duhhhhhh no way George.

Now here are your 4 candidates for Treasury Secretary, you know that position that is at the core of getting us out this economic mess and who controls ALL of our capital.

1- Paul Volckner
2- Tim Geithner
3- Larry Summers
4- Robert Rubin

They all have something in common and it is not the fact that they are all vegetarians. Don't shoot the messenger please.

-- Modified on 11/8/2008 5:16:39 PM

Buggery_Siegel2093 reads

excellent educations?

pevious government xperience?

the repect of their peers?

support for Palestinian statehood?

membership in the Rashid Khalidi fan club?

Fans of Rashid, almost as funny.

Yeah they do all have previous experiance...so much for change Obama. Rubin and Summers were Clinton's guys, or was he their guy, even I get the roles messed up sometimes.

The names change but man what a coinkedink that they still end up being a part of the same club. My fan club will inform ya to what I am refering soon enough I am sure, in all their gleaming PC glory.

Hey Begin, I'll never forget, what was that humanitarian statement you made about Palestinians years back, oh yes I didn't forget.

"They're beasts on two legs."

I am sure old Ramnbo is going to make you all very proud. So much for thinking Obama was going to be nonbias in relations between the chosen and the "beasts".

How foolish are those Muslims who think change is coming eh???

Ariel_Sharon1111 reads

Is the common thread between the 4 a lifetime subscription to the "Journal of Palestine Studies"?

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