Politics and Religion

Re: Good post. EVERONE should be worried if Obama wins.(eom)
BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 5150 reads
1 / 21

I've heard Stallone interviewed about his last installment in the Rambo series.  I've also read reviews of the film.  Those who saw the film only as an exploitation of gore, would do well to review the stories coming out of Myanmar (Burma).  When asked why there, why put Rambo there, his response was simple,

"I called Soldier of Fortune magazine and they said Burma was the foremost area of human abuse on the planet," Stallone said.

Stallone is now editing John Rambo, which will be released in January, and said he is trying to strike a balance and grapple with the question, "Are you making a documentary or a Rambo movie?"

I wish that I could tell all my lib friends that armies and police forces are unnecessary, but evidence throughout the world (including within the US) would indicate that they are and that the reason that they are necessary is to provide for civil behavior.  Humans do not behave well.


Sly, in part, made the movie to point out the silly hypocrasy of thinking that we rid the world of one man bin Ladin or Hussain or even Hitler, and there will never be another to take their place... t'ain't so... There will always be an evil personification who for whatever reason sees him/herself above the other members of the human race - and subjugates others to incredible suffering and torture.

in short, I think that if Sly were to die right now, this film would be his contribution to society... it is not pretty - nor is it comforting...  it does however, portray one aspect of the "human condition"

CaptainKhaos 1885 reads
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Jack0sAgent 2175 reads
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This is your final warning before monetary and other sanctions.

zisk 86 Reviews 2159 reads
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have never heard of Myanmar and will think it is just a made-up country.

Rambo will not be his contribution to society. He once made a porno.

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1482 reads
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when he joined a Christian Church... and to a roman catholic it is as if one of their congregation joined a Wicca coven...

CaptainKhaos 1794 reads
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BuckFush! 2033 reads
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Obama is very likely to cut off or reduce your monthly  Socialistic Insecurity checks!  That means you will finally have to sober up!!

harryj 2300 reads
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Well, I certainly would be worried if the decrepit bastard was elected . While I am old enough to get FDR's fraud, Social Security, I haven't applied for it because I still work about 80 hours a week to help support parasites like BuckDoeFush.

WillieTheBarTender 2352 reads
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XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2508 reads
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ooops, sorry, somewhat redundant. repetative as well.  it's already subsumed under the heading  "Israel should be worried..."

once agin, no 'effing way.  Senator Obama is a Democrat, and AIPAC owns the Democrats.  QED, amigos mios.

ㅑㄹ ㅛㅐㅕ ㅊ무 ㄱㄷㅁㅇ 소ㅑㄴ ㅣㅑㅜㄷ ㅛㅐㅕ ㅊ무 ㄱㄷㅁㅇ ㅏㅐㄱㄷ무?

Timbow 1734 reads
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You will see how worried Lieberman is when he wins Florida for MAC :)
JImma Carter and Bush talking in Israel about him ,but Obama getting all excited and sensitive yelling its  me will be vital to the Jewish  vote.

''Remember, when you throw a rock in the Pig pen you know you've hit the Pig when you hear it squeal.'':)

A friend of mine said this and I died laughing .

-- Modified on 5/16/2008 12:48:29 PM

BuckFush! 2031 reads
14 / 21

He'll cut your booze off and you will have to get sober for once in your life!! He may even cut off your monthly entitlement, your Socialist Insecurity check too if he & his troops find out you have been spending it all on booze!

Besides, sitting on a barstool from opening until they kick your decrepit ass out of the bar isn't real work either even if you spend 80 hours a week doing so, harry.

BuckFush! 1609 reads
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it's those "booze binoculars" harry uses to look at his world.

Tusayan 2105 reads
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By saying that Senator Obama abandoned the Muslim  faith you are indicating that he was at one time a practicing Muslim. Any evidence to that effect?  I never seen any proof that he ever was a Muslim.

Bushit-eater 1738 reads
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you can't really believe that somebody named Barack Hussein Obama isn't muslim.

Why, I saw him wearing one of them funny little hats the other day, like this -

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1475 reads
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in the Muslim faith while in Jakarta... but hey, don't let that fool ya....

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2602 reads
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hell, he sat in Rev Wrong's Church of Black Hate for 20 yearws and never learned a thing

he only is, what is polular at the time so no, he was never a muslim when he was

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1856 reads
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i like that quote, very useful for the future.

Florida going GOP even if the Pallys  or ETs abduct Lieberman and he's not heard from again until after the election

just like the "ally" for whom he so obviously acts as a stalking horse at every conceivable turn, Sen JL will take credit for someting positive [the GOP winning FLA] he's got absolutely nothing to do with.  Allah help us, considering the "payoff" POTUS McCain will feel obligated to return for "services" [?] "rendered" [?].  The only way Mccain will lose florida is if he pisses of the cubam Lobby, and he doesn't seem inclined to do that, so...

once again, President Obama, despite his middle name, will be totally in thrall of AIPAC and like-minded lunatics.  Obama is a Dem, the Dems are wholly owed by AIPAC [except for the few and very far between unguided missiles like Cynthia McKiney] and it's really that simple.

Olmert can rest easy -- he's got nothing but his own cupidity and corruption to worry him.

Bushit-eater 1807 reads
21 / 21
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