Politics and Religion

Re: God bless America and those who served!
hound88 49 Reviews 2458 reads

I think I've been kicking your ass for a while considering you have changed your story as much as a leopard has spots! Also considering you do not know what 1a means and even mentioning it has been a long type since you lost your composure.physiological warfare is a bitch!  If you would have served, you more than likely could have become an expert at it. Got cha draft dodger!

Posted By: ed2000[/username

Uncle Ted loves to pass himself off as a true  gun toting patriot and defender of the constitution. False! When he had his chance to defend the good ole USA and the constitution, he was a draft dodging little bitch ass coward. Ten days before going before the draft board, he stopped all personal hygiene, shitting and pissing on himself for ten days. In essence, he played crazy. He also told the Detroit free press, if he had went to the Vietnam War, he would have turned his gun on his fellow American soldiers. What a little bitch, and most important, a Benedict Arnold!

-- Modified on 7/18/2013 10:02:44 AM

OkHereGoes2773 reads

Posted By: hound88
Uncle Ted loves to pass himself off as a true  gun toting patriot and defender of the constitution. False! When he had his chance to defend the good ole USA and the constitution, he was a draft dodging little bitch ass coward. Ten days before going before the draft board, he stopped all personal hygiene, shitting and pissing on himself for ten days. In essence, he played crazy. He also told the Detroit free press, if he had went to the Vietnam War, he would have turned his gun on his fellow American soldiers. What a little bitch, and most important, a Benedict Arnold!

-- Modified on 7/18/2013 10:02:44 AM

Is that all you have? It has not been discussed a million times over the years fool since most Americans do not have a clue about this   Traitor. Seems as if you are a Benedict A to who uses an Alias! So what's your point?

...over 11 years on this board.  Not exactly "a million."  And of those 37 times, very few were about Gung Ho Ted being a draft dodger.

What it tells me is that when he gets stressed, he shits and pisses all over himself for 10 straight days.

Another rock star, Iggy Pop, found another way to get out of the draft. He showed up not wearing any underwear. When others had to strip down to their undies, he was butt naked. When the drill sargent asked him what his problem was, he told him he was gay.

What makes this more funny is that supposedly the guy is hung like a horse.

GaGambler2737 reads

There were always a couple of ways for guys to get out of their commitment if they found military life "too hard" or not to their liking. One was to pretend to be gay, the other was a discharge due to drug use. I couldn't stand being in the fucking army as I've always had a small (ok, not so small) "problem with authority", but I sucked it up and finished my hitch as I didn't want that baggage following me around for life.

That said, unlike most chickhawks and hero worshippers, I don't judge the guys that bailed too harshly, certainly not as harshly as a bunch of you guys that never served and really have no right to judge.

Thanks for your service and i too served. I am not passing myself off as a gun toting patroit who was a draft dodger.  

Posted By: GaGambler
There were always a couple of ways for guys to get out of their commitment if they found military life "too hard" or not to their liking. One was to pretend to be gay, the other was a discharge due to drug use. I couldn't stand being in the fucking army as I've always had a small (ok, not so small) "problem with authority", but I sucked it up and finished my hitch as I didn't want that baggage following me around for life.  

That said, unlike most chickhawks and hero worshippers, I don't judge the guys that bailed too harshly, certainly not as harshly as a bunch of you guys that never served and really have no right to judge.

GaGambler2381 reads

Well, GWB "sort of" served, but getting drunk stateside barely qualifies, if at all.

The last thing I thought of myself when begrudgingly putting on the uniform was being a hero, and I don't consider all current members heros either. The guy that falls on a grenade to protect his squad is a hero, the guy safely drinking coffee in the quartermaster corps hardly qualifies as a hero in my book. Hero worshippers really need to learn the difference IMO, lest the guys (and gals) who are real heroes have their sacrifices trivialized by people who misguidedly call all service members "hero"

MAK-902431 reads

I like guns and I never served, also I'm a young white man.  I don't promote war so spare me that term!

Stop being a coward & Benidict A. gun toting white male and use your real handle..  

Posted By: MAK-90
I like guns and I never served, also I'm a young white man.  I don't promote war so spare me that term!

MAK-902675 reads

The only reason you hate Ted Nugent is because he is not a lefty like you.  By your logic all 95-99% of the gangster rap community who has never served are also bitch ass cowards.

Great regressive response.  You damn right, hound88 is my real ter handle unlike you using a fake handle.  I hate ganster rappers too. Only diffrence, they do not claim to be true patroits like piss & shit in pants  uncle ted. Uncle ted also said, if Obama is reelected, he be in jail or dead! When will the little bitch blow his own brains out? Not, he is a bitch as coward just like you!  

Posted By: MAK-90
The only reason you hate Ted Nugent is because he is not a lefty like you.  By your logic all 95-99% of the gangster rap community who has never served are also bitch ass cowards.  

MAK-902588 reads

I'm done with you!

-- Modified on 7/20/2013 11:39:25 AM

You never had me bitch! Lmao!

MAK-902362 reads

Ted Nugent has millions of fans many who served.  He doesn't care what some worthless piss ant thinks about him on an internet board.  You hate white people, go join the black panthers.  Your opinion is worthless! Goodbye!

As I said before, this is a fuck board with no room for punk as bitches who can't take the heat! By bitch1

One more thing little boy, why are you playing the race card? This board is for grown ass men, not little bitches that use a
Fake name! Now put you tail between your legs and get the fuck on boy!

Nugent claims he made it all up for a High Times interview, but a then again a rock and roll hippie performer would never play to his audience, right?

If it's not just his method of avoiding service then maybe you have a problem with anyone that didn't serve in the military that has strong opinions about patriotism. I didn't serve during the times of the draft for the same student deferment reason as Nugent. Am I prohibited by your rules from having my own values of patriotism as well?

It is great to be a patriot. However, do not pass yourself off as a defender of the u.s. consitution and when given the chance to defend it you play crazy and threa ten to kill american soliders. That's all!  This is all in the Detroit free press in sn interview this bitch gavr. Do I think you are a coward for not serving your country when asked too? Hell freakin yes!

Posted By: ed2000
Nugent claims he made it all up for a High Times interview, but a then again a rock and roll hippie performer would never play to his audience, right?

If it's not just his method of avoiding service then maybe you have a problem with anyone that didn't serve in the military that has strong opinions about patriotism. I didn't serve during the times of the draft for the same student deferment reason as Nugent. Am I prohibited by your rules from having my own values of patriotism as well?

I was never asked to show up. By the time I turned 18 the lottery was in effect, Actually the very last year for the lottery. I was in in college at the time and would have had that deferment available. My number was high enough that I was never never called. So I'm a coward for not volunteering?

I suppose you think the same of the millions today that don't volunteer.

Dude,  stop, making excuses. Also, what is your intellectual level? This discussion is strictly about draft dogers like you and the bitch ted nugent, not all ameircans who do not volunteer. All americans are not on a fuck board discussing mmilitary service. You did not serves, I did, so kiss my ass draft dodger and inbreed!

Posted By: ed2000
I was never asked to show up. By the time I turned 18 the lottery was in effect, Actually the very last year for the lottery. I was in in college at the time and would have had that deferment available. My number was high enough that I was never never called. So I'm a coward for not volunteering?

I suppose you think the same of the millions today that don't volunteer. [/quote

-- Modified on 7/20/2013 6:43:36 PM

First off, I'm not your dude. Secondly, attacking my intellectual level and parentage rather than addressing the issues does not serve you well.

I'm not making any excuses but rather attempting to determine what form of twisted logic you are applying to people, particularly those that do not share your veteran status. I had a deferment based on the luck of the draw. Others had one based on other legal means.

I thank you for your service but lack of military service does not disqualify one from making value judgments about patriotism.

Once again, the story about Nugent is almost certainly false.

The story about uncle ted "is almost certainly false"  reveals you intellectual level.  Either some thing isntrue or false, not almost true or false. Do your research before making such outlandish statements. You should also do your research on who received deferments, its very revealing.  No one is arguing the lack of military service disqualifies all who did not serve concerning patriotism. I am only refering to draft dodgers like low life. Uncle ted and you, period. You had your chance but chose to be a coward and seek a deferment. End of story.

Posted By: ed2000
First off, I'm not your dude. Secondly, attacking my intellectual level and parentage rather than addressing the issues does not serve you well.  

I'm not making any excuses but rather attempting to determine what form of twisted logic you are applying to people, particularly those that do not share your veteran status. I had a deferment based on the luck of the draw. Others had one based on other legal means.

I thank you for your service but lack of military service does not disqualify one from making value judgments about patriotism.

Once again, the story about Nugent is almost certainly false.


You seem to know nothing about how the selective service lottery functioned. I "chose" nothing. Everyone was assigned a ranking number from 1 to 365 based on birthdate. I received a rather high number and was never called. My point is that it has the same effect as a deferment.

Also, my use of the word "almost" qualified the word "certainly", not "true". I don't expect you to ever accept Nugent's explanation, but just because you read it don't think everyone will believe it.

Thats fine, you can question my age and service. By the way, i never mentioned my age. However, I wrote my doctoral dissertation on this very subject. You are correct, you were assigned a number based on age. However, research shows that did not mean adamn thing because the draft was also used as a weapon against those fighting for change. For example Muhammad Ali and many involved in the civil rights & anti-war movements. It also depended on draft boards. Here is what I do not understand, why do people like fake ass Ted try to pass themselves off as patriot s today, but when they had a chance to defend the greatest country in the world, he refused. As for you, I do not perceive you this way even though you are defending the traitor. Also, do some scholarly research on this traitor, you'll find the truth! Great conversation and I'll admit, I have much respect for you for standing your ground even though you seem to support a Benedict Arnold.

Posted By: ed2000
You seem to know nothing about how the selective service lottery functioned. I "chose" nothing. Everyone was assigned a ranking number from 1 to 365 based on birthdate. I received a rather high number and was never called. My point is that it has the same effect as a deferment.

Also, my use of the word "almost" qualified the word "certainly", not "true". I don't expect you to ever accept Nugent's explanation, but just because you read it don't think everyone will believe it.

, you were assigned a number based on birth

You don’t perceive me “this” way? Give me a fucking break.

I corrected your misconception, not once but twice and you still persisted in calling me a draft dodging, low life coward of questionable parentage. Face it, you hear something that fits your preconceived template of someone and you don’t (or won’t) let it go, regardless of the evidence you are faced with.

I repeatedly explained and corrected your misconception about me (and potentially about Nugent) but you would have none of it.

BTW, I never once defended Nugent for his accused behavior. I merely proposed that you could likely be wrong according to his own words and explanation. The fact that you would not accept MY OWN WORDS AND EXPLANATION about me shows what a closed mind you have.

Since you invested several years of your life to the very same topic I can now understand why you act this way, but it does not excuse it.

You never corrected me on anything other than to try and defend not serving based on your bday and being in school. That too is bullshit and you know it.When I say I do not view you this way, I am strcitly refering to you as someone who is not a chest beating idoit pretending to be a patroit who was a draft dodger.  As for your draft number, that to is bullshit and you know it. Your number does not equal a deferment. Lets face it, you applied for a deferment based on being in school and you mentioned it in an earlier post. So what does that mean?, you are a draft dodger that at least has sense enough not to pass yourself off as a fake ass patroit. Do I still think you are an inbreed? Hell yes! You mentioned you presented evidence.  Where? You received specail treatment just like uncle ted because you say you were in school. At least you  did not play crazy! Mean while, many minorities in college applied for deferments and were denied and that is why their causity rate was so high. As far as im concerned, you had your chance to defend the greatest country in the world and was to coward to do so. Like the bitch ted" you did not want to get your ass blown off fighting the vc". I spent 20 years in the USMC Bitch and saw combat in operation desert storm inbreed!. I know what it feels like to be shot at defending the greatest country the world has ever seen! I do not need you to thank me for my service, it was an honor draft dodger!


Posted By: ed2000
You don’t perceive me “this” way? Give me a fucking break

I corrected your misconception, not once but twice and you still persisted in calling me a draft dodging, low life coward of questionable parentage. Face it, you hear something that fits your preconceived template of someone and you don’t (or won’t) let it go, regardless of the evidence you are faced with.

I repeatedly explained and corrected your misconception about me (and potentially about Nugent) but you would have none of it.

BTW, I never once defended Nugent for his accused behavior. I merely proposed that you could likely be wrong according to his own words and explanation. The fact that you would not accept MY OWN WORDS AND EXPLANATION about me shows what a closed mind you have.  

Since you invested several years of your life to the very same topic I can now understand why you act this way, but it does not excuse it.

with your position, in your examples?

-- Modified on 7/21/2013 6:30:35 PM

Big vern please,  you are not intellectual enough to join this conversation based on your previous post. Please spare me with your unimformed statements!

-- Modified on 7/21/2013 4:22:24 PM

I NEVER APPLIED FOR NOR RECEIVED A STUDENT DEFERMENT. Even if I had wanted to there was never any need or chance to do so. The year I turned 18 my lottery number was 315 and I think they only got up to 120+ that year.

I equate the lottery deferment I received with a student deferment. I wasn't mandated to serve based on the luck of the draw. Others weren't required based on other things. Yes, selective service certainly could be political, especially the further back one goes, but I DID RECEIVE A DEFERMENT.

I tried to explain this to you several times but your mindset just does not allow you to see the truth.

I chose not to enlist. In your mind that makes me less patriotic than you. In your mind that makes less than a whole person. Even with your 20 years of service (which I still appreciate), I believe I am a greater form of patriot than you have proven yourself to be this week. Maybe it is the Marine Corps to blame.

You are right that I don't walk around thumping my chest about my patriotism. I don't feel the need to do so.

-- Modified on 7/21/2013 5:07:33 PM

It is clear now that you view ANYONE that did not serve in the military as unqualified to be patriotic.

Thank you for finally getting that on the table for all of us to see.

Your last statement is ridiculous. This entire discussion has been about draft dodgers and draft dodgers only. Don't get it twisted because you turned your back on the greatest country in the world.  End of story!

You are lumping me and generations of young men that did not enlist, as you did, into a denigrated group (in your mind). I did not turn my back on "greatest country in the world" any more than ALL the others that did not serve back then.

Surely the lessons of honor you were taught would allow you to admit that I did not "dodge the draft" any more than did the other millions like me.

Sir, you are not qualified to talk about honor. This discussion is about you andother draft dodgers that turned their backs on the greatest country in the history of the world. You and all other draft dodgers are no diffrent than Jane fonda, traitors!
Thank god for all that have made the sacrifice to make the good ole usa what it is today! God bless America!


Posted By: ed2000
You are lumping me and generations of young men that did not enlist, as you did, into a denigrated group (in your mind). I did not turn my back on "greatest country in the world" any more than ALL the others that did not serve back then.

Surely the lessons of honor you were taught would allow you to admit that I did not "dodge the draft" any more than did the other millions like me.

You pass final judgement, oh so easily, on people you barely know. How did I get elevated to "Sir"?

BTW, Would you happen to be or know someone named jack0? It must be a jarhead thing.

Im just an honorable American that served his country like the countless ones that came before me from the American revolution to the present. I just do not understand cowards that refuse to serve their country especially when drafted but sought deferments.  My name, is not jacko or jarhead but you certainly are a Benedict Arnold for taking the easy way out and refusing to serve your country! You have been exposed for the fraud you are and so has uncle fake ass ted!

Posted By: ed2000
You pass final judgement, oh so easily, on people you barely know. How did I get elevated to "Sir"?

BTW, Would you happen to be or know someone named jack0? It must be a jarhead thing.

You clearly know nothing about the workings of the 1969 lottery amendment to the Military Selective Service Act of 1967.

Based on your previous response I now seriously doubt you were ever a Marine.

You can. Questionmy service all you like. The fact is, you refuse to serve your country when asked. I also note you are mentioning an amendment to the 67 act to try and justify not serving your country. All of your previois comments never mentiomed the lottery and were filled with I thinks. You are trying to save face for not servings!One thing is very clear, you did not serve your country when asked and seem to be confused about your draft number, thats clear. Now google that!

Posted By: ed2000
You clearly know nothing about the workings of the 1969 lottery amendment to the Military Selective Service Act of 1967.

Based on your previous response I now seriously doubt you were ever a Marine.

You did mention that but coulduld not even remember your draft number. And you admitted "yes I received a deferment." Words haove meaning. Once you were. Exposed, you googled to save face and started tomention an amendment to the draft bill. How do I know your number did not come before the amendment? Remember,  you are not dealing with a fool.  You mentioned I refuse to except defeat. I would never allow someone who refused to answer the call of duty to defeat me.   Im out for the night Inbreed!  

Posted By: ed2000


 TO SERVE. The Selective Service Board NEVER CALLED ME UP. Plus, I NEVER had a student deferment.

2) Here's proof that I DID mention the lottery in FOUR posts:


-- Modified on 7/21/2013 7:14:29 PM

Something you will eventually come to except (sic).

I will remember that you don't consider yourself a fool although you might be all alone in that assessment.

How did I defeat myself when you admitted, you received a deferment regarcless what type. Iserved and the bottom line is, you did not when asked to and given the chance. You took the easy way out. You alsoagreed the entire process was not fair and often was used as a political tool. There were major complaints about this process be cause it certainly was not fair. Just so hppens, you were granted a defermentmnot as a student you say. Did you too play crazy likd uncle ted? I think so. One thing we all know is you are a draft dodger and that will never cnage! Also, considering I do not know the year you were born, its diffcult to confirm your number and when you were called. I know this as fact, you received a deferment, and that's the bottom line.

Posted By: ed2000
Something you will eventually come to except (sic).

I will remember that you don't consider yourself a fool although you might be all alone in that assessment.

-- Modified on 7/21/2013 7:42:39 PM

-- Modified on 7/21/2013 8:01:09 PM

I don't know how many times I can state that I was never asked to serve. I didn't "take" any way out, it was handed to me by virtue of my birth date.

I received no official deferment. What I said was that I considered the draft lottery a deferment due to the luck of the draw. I was making the point that was totally lost on you that every 18 year old male that was not drafted, since the lottery was instituted, also received the same deferment. Actually, when I registered in 1972 there was no such thing as a student deferment and I was always classified 1-A.

After reading your same boring false statements over and over the only thing you know is jack shit.

The more this goes on, the more you are exposed. Why not say all of this long ago? 1a means ready for miltary service based on haven taken a physical. Did you show up considering 69-73 were the years the u.s. was most heavily involved? Why not say all this upfront? You are using the web for talking points to save face. Some of your comments are almost word for word from the web. So not only are you a draft dodger, but pratice plagiarism too. Damn!

Posted By: ed2000
I don't know how many times I can state that I was never asked to serve. I didn't "take" any way out, it was handed to me by virtue of my birth date.  

I received no official deferment. What I said was that I considered the draft lottery a deferment due to the luck of the draw. I was making the point that was totally lost on you that every 18 year old male that was not drafted, since the lottery was instituted, also received the same deferment. Actually, when I registered in 1972 there was no such thing as a student deferment and I was always classified 1-A.

After reading your same boring false statements over and over the only thing you know is jack shit.

It may even have been years but you just might be the one that causes me to lose my composure.

Clearly either you are not capable of any thought processes  that do not fit your preconceived template of outcome or you are just playing childish games.

Since you denied your name was jarhead, when I never claimed it was your name, it is obvious you were never a Marine.

It all makes sense now. Your moronic tactics have run their course. The only question that remains is "Why are you even here?".

To be classified 1a but never showed for a physical.  You have changed your postion more than a leopard has spots. One sign of an inbreed is their inability to maintain any conherant thought do to a defective gene pool. I find it amazing that a person who claims to have 1a status would not know that status is based on passing a physical and means you are military ready. Earlier you thanked me for my service. However, fuck you bitch! You have been exposed! Why am I here? This is a fuck board and I buy pussy and enjoyed kicking ass, especially draft dodgers asses who commit plagiarism to lie like a little bitch and turned their back on the greatest country in the world!  Hey white boy, how does it feel to be an inbreed & Benedict Arnold that refuse to fight for your country?

Posted By: ed2000
It may even have been years but you just might be the one that causes me to lose my composure.

Clearly either you are not capable of any thought processes  that do not fit your preconceived template of outcome or you are just playing childish games.

Since you denied your name was jarhead, when I never claimed it was your name, it is obvious you were never a Marine.  

It all makes sense now. Your moronic tactics have run their course. The only question that remains is "Why are you even here?".

You are demonstrating how you used to kick ass back when you were an imaginary Marine. Quite poorly.

1a equals you passed a physical and were military ready However, everyone on this board know who served their country and it was not you. You are a fraud and used plagrism to fake not being a draft dodger. I proud of my service to the good ole usa. God bless america!  

Posted By: ed2000
You are demonstrating how you used to kick ass back when you were an imaginary Marine. Quite poorly.

I have no idea of the exact rules back then (in 1972) because I was never called up. I was told by someone in the selective service office that since all deferments (student, etc.) were gone then everyone was automatically 1-A until determined to be something else and there was no need to file for anything else until called up.

Here's the rules today. It's not exactly what I stated above but pretty close (remember, there is no lottery today).

But it is the OPPOSITE of what you claimed. A person is classified 1-A BEFORE any examination.


Registrants who are selected for an Armed Forces Examination will be issued orders which will:

Notify them that they have been classified in Class 1-A (Available for Military Service);

Notify them of the Area Office and Local Board to which they are assigned;

Notify them of the date, time and place they are to report for the examination and provide travel information;

Inform them about the examination and induction process;

Advise them of their rights and obligations; and,

Inform them when, how, and where to present claims for postponement or reclassification, as outlined in Part II of this booklet.

I'm sure you'll accuse me of more plagiarism for the above cut & paste, LOL.

I realize you see the world through your own set of experiences and memories but I suggest you keep in mind that other realities can exist outside the  brief chronology and history inside of which you reside.

You are all over the place with your bs. Some one else told you in s.s. office everyone was 1a, bullshit. The law is clear on this issue. 1a means military ready based on having passed a physical. You are lying your ass off and that is why you are referencing today. We are strictly talking about the 1970s and your draft dodging ass!  Why are you googling this, you should habe known the rules.  Once again, inbreeds have a problem being logical. Dude,  cut the bs, you are a draft dodger, period and trying to use toodays laws to save face!!  Stay focused fool, if you can.

Posted By: ed2000
I have no idea of the exact rules back then (in 1972) because I was never called up. I was told by someone in the selective service office that since all deferments (student, etc.) were gone then everyone was automatically 1-A until determined to be something else and there was no need to file for anything else until called up.

Here's the rules today. It's not exactly what I stated above but pretty close (remember, there is no lottery today).  

But it is the OPPOSITE of what you claimed. A person is classified 1-A BEFORE any examination.


Registrants who are selected for an Armed Forces Examination will be issued orders which will:

Notify them that they have been classified in Class 1-A (Available for Military Service);

Notify them of the Area Office and Local Board to which they are assigned;

Notify them of the date, time and place they are to report for the examination and provide travel information;

Inform them about the examination and induction process;

Advise them of their rights and obligations; and,

Inform them when, how, and where to present claims for postponement or reclassification, as outlined in Part II of this booklet.

I'm sure you'll accuse me of more plagiarism for the above cut & paste, LOL.  

I realize you see the world through your own set of experiences and memories but I suggest you keep in mind that other realities can exist outside the  brief chronology and history inside of which you reside.

Apparently you meant to say, "the law was clear", as you claim is was totally different back in the 70's.

Care to point to a source that can be checked? You say I should have known the rules? Why would I? I never got called up. Besides, it's been over 40 years.

BTW, you've never actually described under the 40 year old laws (or even in your way of thinking) exactly how I was a draft dodger when after my lottery number was assigned and then I never heard from the selective service again. Your entire hangup (other than I didn't totally agree with you about Nugent) seems to be that I personally considered my high lottery number to be the equivalent of a deferment. All you've done is repeatedly make the claim. Time to backup your claim with some facts.

Or maybe instead it's time for you to inject some more of your racist remarks.

Also, Inbreeds do have a problem with logical thinking. You are all over the plan. When I joined the USMC, i took the time to study the rules, regulations, history and what was expected of me. Talk about facts you have presented nothing but lies. You claim you did not know but say you we're 1a. Any person in their  right mind who was dealing  with the s.s act should check it out. I did as soon as I turned 18.

never being called up because of it, amounted to dodging the draft, LOL.

Only in the crazy world of some wannabe jarhead.

As you stated, today's laws do not apply to the 1970s. What does this mean, you turned your back on your country. By the way, your lack of knowledge about the term jarhead is obvious, you should know better! However, considering you never served, it is not surprising. As I stated, my name is not jarhead to a draft dodging civilian like you! The term is strictly reserved for the brotherhood who know what it's like to take orders & and carry them out at all cost, including losing ones life ! Be careful draft dodger, if I was near you, I kick your ass for sure! You do no deserve to use the term!

-- Modified on 7/23/2013 12:12:50 AM

I think I've been kicking your ass for a while considering you have changed your story as much as a leopard has spots! Also considering you do not know what 1a means and even mentioning it has been a long type since you lost your composure.physiological warfare is a bitch!  If you would have served, you more than likely could have become an expert at it. Got cha draft dodger!


Posted By: ed2000[/username

GaGambler2394 reads

He sounds really tough Ed. If I were you I'd be shaking in my boots right about now. lmao

This proud ass blac k man kicked his ass through physiological warfare . Now the inbreed draft dodger has moved the conversation to a new thread seeking sympathy. What a inbreed little draft dodger!

Posted By: GaGambler
He sounds really tough Ed. If I were you I'd be shaking in my boots right about now. lmao

GaGambler2468 reads

I am happy for you that you are a "proud ass black man" now if you were only a "smart black man" I might have more respect for you.

Why would I need the respect of someone who will not take the time to google what p. warfare is before even mentioning the word respect?  I do not seek the respect of those who do not have the intellectual ability to seek answers to their questions first, rather than  ask what something is or mean. In this day and age ignorance is not exceptable.

GaGambler2600 reads

I think we may have a new candidate for the SPOTY's.

Please Google it yourself and tell me what you find, How about nothing? because there is no such a thing as physiological warfare. You are really going to feel dumb once you finally figure it out.

I'll give you the typing error. However, it does not excuse the fact that a veteran does not know what one of the main doctrines in the military is regardless of spelling. I'll admit to my typing error. However, being a veteran that does not know what this doctrine is, I would be very care using the word dumb considering you are a vet, correct? I think.

-- Modified on 7/23/2013 6:54:55 PM

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