Politics and Religion

Will Barry disavow Venezuela Chavez's backhanded endorsement
nuguy46 1768 reads

Is there more than meets the eye behind this?
Is the Obama trying to emulate Hugo's path to goverence?


salonpas221 reads

Maybe he should give back all that money he raised from Right wing Salvadorian Death squads during his time at Bain Capital.

Mitt Romney's financial connections to Salvadorian Death Squads.

Romney himself made a trip to Miami in 1984 to raise money for Bain from the Salvadorans. “The group included some of El Salvador’s wealthiest people,” the Times reports, including coffee exporters Francisco R.R. de Sola and his cousin Herbert Arturo de Sola. His brother, Orlando de Sola, according to the Times, was “suspected by State Department officials and the CIA of backing the right-wing death squads, according to now-declassified documents.”

nuguy46256 reads

the country is about to fall into another recession...might u aks what Barry's plans to combat this? Romney's plan?
but no, u didle around in bottom-feeder, swamp-like concerns.

barry is an empty suit. unqualified. his PERFORMANCE supports this opinion.

nuguy46183 reads

is barry putting the US on the path of Argentina?
....does Argent have a socialist health care system, like we are marching toward?
does hugo take his medicine in argent tina?

followme250 reads

correct too.

Yes other know also.

You're Welcome
2012 = GOP

-- Modified on 7/22/2012 5:41:16 PM

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