Politics and Religion

Re: George W. Bush is just like Lincoln
jack0116533 14 Reviews 2093 reads
1 / 7

because he only went to the other side of the world to start a war to save the Union and free the slaves.

The Union would be destroyed if weapons of mass destruction hit it, and GWB really thought he thought there were WMDs in Iraq, so it doesn't matter if he was wrong for 4 years continuously, he would lose face if he admitted he was wrong, and that is a fate worse than death for us all, and it has something to do with saving the Union (I guess).  What are weapons of mass destruction anyway?

Anyway, Lincoln was the 1st Republican President, and Bush was the last Republican President, so you can see they have a lot in common already.   Both of them had crazy people in their family - Lincoln's wife was crazy, and GWB himself is crazy, so you see, there is another thing they have in common.

Anyway, you probably thought I forgot about the slaves, but I didn't.  The slaves that GWB freed were all the Iraqi women who don't want to be wearing the hejab which is a sign of slavery, so you notice when they come to the USA the first thing they do is lose that hejab (that's short for head scarf).  We need to keep the Army in Iraq until all the hejabs are gone, or at least until all the women are knocked up.  That could take a long time you know because they don't put them under them hejab because they want to see them, you know?

So you see, dissing Bush is just like dissing Lincoln, and we'll put Bush's face on that mountain too.  They hanged the people who helped shoot Lincoln, and they should hang the people who say Iraq is a quagmire, like Dick Cheney did.  Excepting he's OK, because he's our friend and a real nice guy.

Also, we save all the people who are saved by Jesus.  You'lll know because you won't get hanged.

Tusayan 1564 reads
2 / 7

You might want to check your history regarding Bush and freeing he "slaves" in Iraq.  Women had much more freedom under the secular government of Saddam Hussein than they do under the Islamic government that W put in place in Iraq.

jack0116533 14 Reviews 4971 reads
3 / 7

because they couldn't get free American cock, which is the only thing they really want.

GaGambler 1029 reads
5 / 7

What is surprising, is that we actually read this dribble too.

I haven't been over here for about a month, and if this is still representative of the posts over here, I doubt that I'll be over here again for at least another month.

See Ya, I'm going back to my local board to talk about pussy.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1331 reads
6 / 7

I put this post up about a month ago... and was quite disappointed you never responded. Now that you're back, I wonder if you'd give me a moment of your time and respond.


in an earlier thread, GaGambler wrote the following:

Doc himself seems to live pretty high on the hog. I think as a gesture of goodwill he should donate all of his wealth to the poor. Of  course it is much easier to offer up other peoples monies to confiscation by the government. Kind of a "do as I say, not as I do".


You're too late GaGambler - in February 1999, for reasons I won't go into here, I chose to liquidate all my assets. I did so, everything except my piano and some personal mementos. After paying off all my bills, debts, personal and business, I donated 90% of what was left to a variety of charities and causes i deemed worthy... anonymously. (not a penny for politics, i promise you) Don't need the tax writeoff, don't want the paper trail.
Since mid 2000, when my current financial arangement was forged, I manage to live very comfortably and still give away more than half my annual revenue.
I seek no glory or acknowledgement of it, I just do it where and when it is needed. Sometimes its cash, sometimes, as in the case of Katrina, its arranging for a pair of semi's loaded with blankets and dry goods destined for a shelter in Lafayette, Louisiana; sometimes, I use the high profile attention getting of my trike to raise money. (#2 fund raiser for last years Love Ride).

I live well. I am fortunate. My means exceed my needs. The baby down the street needs a new pair of shoes, and Mommy, who is my friend, can't afford them. I can. To me it makes sense. If it did to everyone else, the wealthiest would still be the wealthiest, but many more babies would have shoes.

Here's the link to the original post.


Ga, I thank you for your time.


jack0116533 14 Reviews 1504 reads
7 / 7


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