Politics and Religion

Re: Fuck The Olympics
St. Croix 1181 reads
3 / 34

a lot of money and pride. This is no different than sports, business or even education. You have winners and losers. I don't want to hear excuses. I want Chicago and Obama to say they lost to a better team.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1126 reads
4 / 34

and any story that starts with a Jesse Jackson quote is one that I stop reading once I see his name precede a "quote."

Snowman39 1536 reads
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it wasn't that Chicago lost, it's that they lost in the FIRST ROUND (equivalent of an ass kicking)

What you saw was not a statement of the GWB Presidency but a look at the amount of influence and respect Obama has from the international community....


zorff 2613 reads
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Ha!  So the guy single-handedly turned the tide of anti-US sentiment around the world within the span of a few months, and he's a failure because he couldn't convince the IOC to bring the Olympics to Chicago?  Yea, what a failure.  

To undo the international PR nightmare that was George Bush is more than enough for me.  I really don't give a fuck where they hold the Olympics in 2016.

kerrakles 800 reads
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Who is between?

You are grasping for straws.

You are in outer space beyond the milky way galaxy.

RightwingUnderground 1373 reads
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On each round one country's entry was eliminated.

Round One: Chicago Out

Round Two: Tokyo Out

Round Three: Madrid Out

It can appear as if others are “in outer space beyond the milky way galaxy” when you occupy that interstellar wasteland all by yourself.

RightwingUnderground 729 reads
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Damn him for doing something to end the Carter festivities. Ah, those Carter years were some heady times.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1395 reads
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"Single-handedly turned the tide of anti-US sentiment"????????

How? By apologizing and acting like a little boy who just got caught with his hand in a cookie jar?

By going to Europe and telling everyone how "bad" the US has been????

All he did was what he usually does. He threw the previous administration under the bus and tried to expand his rock star status.

So what if the Europeans act as if they like us more now.  The terrorists in the Middle East haven't let up any.  

Face it. He's got a lot of work ahead of him if he wants the world to love us.  Frankly, the last thing I want is their love.  America needs to strengthen itself and not kiss ass overseas.

And running up trillions of dollars of debt is not strengthening ourselves.

Snowman39 775 reads
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considering the IOC said "Fuck Obama"

Personally I could give a damn where they hold the games and I think Rio was the right choice.

What is so amusing is Obama lacks the clout or credibility to even get Chicago into round 2!!

Dude, that's not losing, that's getting your ass kicked!!

BTW, why do you keep using GWB as a crutch when Obama's been in office coming up on a year. In the private sector if it takes you that long to come up to speed, they FIRE YOUR ASS. Good thing Obama has a government job!!

-- Modified on 10/4/2009 12:40:01 PM

zorff 1546 reads
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Apologizing and acting like a little boy, huh?  Is that what you saw?  I mean, did his speeches really translate that way to you, or are you just repeating the espousement of some blathering idiot you saw on TV.  Yea, I'm going with the latter.  Did he also tell you tell that our President is the antichrist?  We're at war with Jesus!  

I suppose isolationism is your bag.  You favor a complete disregard for the standing of the US in the world.  That would explain why you thought the previous administration was being thrown under the bus, and why you miss them so much.  Poor guy.

Snowman39 816 reads
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You want to get into the middle of this debate and you don't even understand the BASICS of the voting routine for the next host city.


zorff 768 reads
14 / 34

This is a refreshing change from Phil's brand of stupidity.  Instead  droning on and on and making you fall asleep twice before he gets to the point, THIS idiot jumps right to the bullshit and spares you the sleeping pill.  That was entertaining.  Thanks, "dude."    

GaGambler 1067 reads
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You are just going to grow to LOVE Obama. lol

We are headed right back down the same road as we were on in the late 70's. At least Carter stood up to Israel, Obama doesn't seem to stand up to anybody. (That was for you XL)lol

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1019 reads
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The only person I watched on TV was President Obama when he made his speeches in Europe.  So, I guess he must be the "blathering idiot" to who you refer!!

And who brought up Jesus and the anti-Christ?  Certainly not me.

I do care about the standing of the US in the world.  And I liked the standing we had of strength.  The standing we had under President Reagan and President Bush.  Nobody fucked with us then. And if they did, they paid the price.

Go ahead and keep loving the policies of President Obama.  You'll be in the minority within a year or two.  But, even then, the "rock star" will still get re-elected in 2012 because Americans never like to admit a mistake.

GaGambler 1225 reads
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It was a huge mistake we made in 76, but we got it right in 1980 and 84. This is the first time we have gotten it so wrong since 1976.

If the Republicans can field even a half way decent candidate in 2012 they should retake the white house, but that is a huge if. Someone is going to have to step up in the next 18 months or so and I don't see any likely candidates yet.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1069 reads
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that the current guy did.  And, of course, if he loses in 2012 it will be because of a racist vote (LOL).

There is no Republican stepping up now because it is way too early.  Give the Dems time to screw up some more and then have someone come to the forefront.

Perhaps a person with the ideals, the charisma, the values and the energy of Gov. Palin.  Certainly not her.  The libs and the media saw to it that she could never win the office.  But someone like her, from a state that is not so distant and with a less folksy attitude.  Now that is the exact type of candidate that the Dems fear and that is the reason why they are so afraid of Palin.  They are afraid of not her, but what she represents.

kerrakles 860 reads
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This has the intellectual stamina of Palin's death panel. I really don't care how IOC picks the host city

As I said, I guessed Rio is going to be the winner for obvious reasons. Here is great city from continent which never hosted Olympics and the committee is going show it is truly international event.

Crawl back into the hole and I will tell you I am that stupid. I don't get all bent out of shape because some dumb shit calls me stupid. My goal in life doesn't include proving or disproving my stupidity or intelligence to anyone. Get it?

zorff 1273 reads
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LOL!  You two lovebirds are delusional.  "First time we've gotten it wrong since 76???"   "a person with the ideals, the charisma, the values and the energy of Gov. Palin????"  What - the - fuck?

-- Modified on 10/4/2009 4:27:09 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 1156 reads
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According to many Chicago, Chicago Dems., and President Obama lost, and have lost face.

The way I see it, since Chicago was the only U.S. city in the running, we lost. All U.S. Americans lost, because Chicago represented the only U.S. city in the running. Though, I don't feel we've lost face. Just that Rio seemed to be the better pick to the IOC.

Snowman if, in your mind Chicago, Chicago Dems. and President Obama got their asses whupped, then we all got our asses whupped.

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1416 reads
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AND IF that is the reason where is the indignation over human rights abuse in Venzuala, China, Iran (think women's rights) or most of the arab world.... or children's rights in SE Asia???? WHERE!??

Oh, and in case the evironment is it... why were the frickin Olympics held in China???  one of the worst poluters on the planet....  WHERE!

asswipes.... just human asswipes - one and all - talk of double standards... these asswipes take the cake.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 699 reads
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Even the libs know that Carter was a huge mistake.

And if Gov. Palin didn't have all those qualities, why in the hell are the libs so anxious to try to get rid of her?????

For once, try posting a comment with some substance instead of just your delusional love for the Rock Star President.

zorff 823 reads
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"You're obviously the delusional one..."  ohhhhhhhhh.  That was so fucking profound it just HAD to go in the subject line, huh?  What the fuck are we in the 3rd grade, you stupid fuck?   Where did I even mention Carter's presidency, you piece of ape shit?  Who the fuck other than Palin had to put any effort into putting her bumbling bumpkin ass out of commission, you goddamn monkey turd.  You're giving yourself way too much credit if you think for one second that any of the weak horeshit you put up here could yield a substantive reply, shitkicker.  What a waste of human flesh.  Shut the fuck up.

RightwingUnderground 867 reads
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that specific process was the ENTIRE subject of your initial post.

It's probably good that you don't mind being stupid.

RightwingUnderground 1125 reads
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that has acted with any class in all this. He congratulated Rio and moved on. I'm sure he and Valerie and Rahm are all very disappointed (that their Chicago buds are out a shit load of graft) but he's not showing it.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1878 reads
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You're not delusional. You're way beyond that.

Good luck with your much needed therapy!

Snowman39 2820 reads
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But do not worry, in this country even the most moronic opinions have the right to be voiced...

Ever heard of Air America??

Just my .02, nmext time before you post why don;t you actually do some homework, it would save me a lot of time in having to correct you.

Anything else you need me to teach you??

Snowman39 1398 reads
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perhaps you should consider going back to the local advertising forums if my posts are beyond your grasps.

Honestly they are based on simple facts. But oh yeah, those facts arguments really never work out well for liberals, this the attacks like your previous posts.

You skills at this: WEAK, VERY WEAK!!

fasteddie51 700 reads
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Dems afraid of Palin???? You HAVE got to be on drugs... Dems would LOVE to see her as the opposition in 2012!  I can just see her in the debates... You have to be truly clueless to think that Palin is a viable representative of conservative ideaology.

fasteddie51 510 reads
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Nobody seems to mention that Oprah was there as well... Now, if Oprah coundn't get it done, who could?

fasteddie51 882 reads
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A classy post, RWU... if only your fellow conservatives had your outlook.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 708 reads
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then why are they bashing her so much?  If you really want to run against her, you should be quiet, let her build up a base and hope that the ultra-conservative base of the Republican Party wins out and nominates her for the election.

The actions of the Dems certainly don't bear out your wishes.

And I did not say that she should be the candidate.  Read what I said.  I said that someone with a less folksy attitude, someone from a more populous state, someone a little older, with a little more notoriety in Washington, BUT someone who carried the same general conservative ideals IS the type of candidate that the Dems fear.  

Hell, I know Gov. Palin is not the candidate.  But she sure has made a lot of people think in the last year.

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