Politics and Religion

Re: Freedom of Choice
QTgirlz See my TER Reviews 1601 reads

I know that I am preaching to the choir on this, I am just trying to get some thought going, and since my submission to MSNBC went mysteriously unanswered, I figured it needed to go up somewhere (knock, knock) wait I think the secret service is at my door, what does subversion mean? Just kidding, the first amendment does still carry some weight.

I am just saying that we have to work together to make an effort to make changes, and the politicians that read this board that are like minded lets make a difference, it is better to go down defending your beliefs then to be caught in a lie or scandal, and ruin a career.

The adult industry is the only ones that have the financial clout for this fight and they have not stepped up, so it is up to the rest of us.

The latest scandal involving Gov. Spitzer(D) of New York is another reflection of the misdirection of our government. The only thing he has done wrong is break the public trust by infringing on an archaic and obsolete law. That does not take into consideration the damage to his family, but that is a completely different conversation, for all we know he had permission from his wife for his extramarital activities, they would not be the first political couple that stayed together for appearances, remember a certain President that was crucified for receiving oral sex while in office, doesn’t seem to have hurt their marriage or political careers. And who are we to judge what each couple finds acceptable in a relationship. It is time that we stop wasting government efforts on local and federal levels pursuing victimless crimes when there is an endless list of more important issues to pursue. I am not condoning cheating but there are many couples that one spouse is not as interested in sex as the other and they agree to allow the other more latitude in return for not having to do the duty themselves. What better arrangement then a no strings attached arrangement, no fear of someone falling in love and ruining a relationship, and a much lower chance of diseases then a girl in a bar, professional girls take their personal hygiene and health very seriously.

The profession has been around since the beginning of time, and no matter what morality laws are passed it will remain based on the simple laws of economics of supply and demand. The federal government is not going after any of the Emperors Club agency girls for prostitution directly since federally it is not illegal, but they are using a law written in 1910 making the crossing of state lines for the purpose of sex illegal, and tax evasion and money laundering. How many morality laws from the early 1900 are still on the books are enforced today? Based on that law, if you leave your state on your honeymoon, with the intention of consummating the marriage you are a federal felon. For the tax issues it is the government that has pushed this profession underground. If the government wanted to it would be very simple to legalize the profession, most of the girls would be thrilled to be able to pay taxes, contribute to social security and their retirement, purchase health care and be treated as a member of society.

I am not referring to street walkers with drug problems or girls with pimps that beat them and take the majority of the money. In those cases there is a victim and they need help, and a protection system in place to get the help they need without fear, more money needs to be dedicated to helping those with drug problems get help, or situations where girls are being held against their will or brought into the country illegally and exploited. Clean up the streets, get the girls that need help the help they need and allow the ones that are in it for the right reasons to pursue their profession of choice. Do you think for a minute that someone making several hundred dollars an hour or to the extreme of several thousand an hour as quoted by the Emperors Club site that these girls are just going to quit because it is illegal and go work for McDonalds at minimum wage. I am sure that there are some agencies that exploit the girls that work for them and they need to be shut down, but I guarantee you that the majority of the girls that work for agencies are doing it because they enjoy their work and the money is excellent.

The United States of America was founded on the principles of individual freedoms, and as long as no one is hurt most aspects of your daily life is pretty much unaffected by the government with the exception of sexual activity. Why is it that this is the one area where the government feels it can police our morality, we blast the Saudi’s and other Arab countries for controlling women place in society and interaction in public yet tell a woman that she cannot choose to make a living doing what she enjoys and gets paid well to offer man companionship for a fee, whether it is for an hour or an evening. We have a young man in Georgia who was sentenced to 10 years in jail for consensual oral sex with a girl only two years younger then him and just because she was only 15 and could not legally consent, when if they had had sex the maximum he could have been sentenced for was a fraction of that time. Justice is finally being seen in that case in that he has been acquitted though the prosecutors are still trying to appeal the acquittal. The antiquated blue laws need to be abolished, the government has no place in our bedrooms are hotel rooms for that matter.

For those that say that the sex industry is ruining marriage or damaging the moral fiber of our country, I say it is time to get off your self righteous high horse and let individuals decide for themselves what there moral standards are. Sex with a prostitute does not ruin a marriage, lack of communication, work stress, and falling out of love do, if a man is cheating on his wife with a prostitute, she is the affect not the cause. For the single person who is lonely, or the spouse that has permission to experience something their spouse is not interested in, where is the harm.

It is time to start worrying about the important issues in life and not who is sleeping with whom.

-- Modified on 3/11/2008 5:59:18 AM

I agree with all you said...you're preaching to the choir on this board.

Unfortunately, when religion is as prevalent in our society as it is, you are never going to find any of this changing...and it scores way too many political points for it to change with the politicians and LE, until and unless society's attitude changes first.  I mean, just look at marijuana.  Society's attitude has changed a lot on this subject, and yet look at how much the government still fights it.

FunluvnCowboy2065 reads

mendment!  or whatever they do!

Everybody has freedom of choice!  Not stuck with same old friends!

Why is it that girls always like stuck with same old friends??!

Boring I say.

I really like your point-of-view on this matter... Very good points made...


I know that I am preaching to the choir on this, I am just trying to get some thought going, and since my submission to MSNBC went mysteriously unanswered, I figured it needed to go up somewhere (knock, knock) wait I think the secret service is at my door, what does subversion mean? Just kidding, the first amendment does still carry some weight.

I am just saying that we have to work together to make an effort to make changes, and the politicians that read this board that are like minded lets make a difference, it is better to go down defending your beliefs then to be caught in a lie or scandal, and ruin a career.

The adult industry is the only ones that have the financial clout for this fight and they have not stepped up, so it is up to the rest of us.

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