Politics and Religion

Re: Free market enterprise.
DA_Flex 1948 reads
1 / 21

Now that I have your attention...check out the article by ProPublica that shows state by state the manner in which they can physically restrain children.  I believe there is far too much of this type of behavior happening in our school systems.  And before certain folks start throwing out the liberal card, these actions cut across red and blue states.  What is most disturbing to me, is the lack of parental notification when activities like this occur.

JohnyComeAlready 214 reads
2 / 21
JackDunphy 257 reads
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I don't know of any school districts where the policy is to physically restrain a child and not inform the parents at the end of the day. I could be wrong, but I don't think that the state mandating it or not makes that much of a difference.

The other issue is why they are being restrained. If they are flailing out of control, putting other children's welfare at risk, being restrained may be the only option for security. And some of these "kids" are much bigger than their teachers and much stronger as well and thus pose a physical threat.

I have no way of telling if it happening too much, not enough or just right. Schools are scared shitless of lawsuits so I am sure that dissuades most in this area of taking things too far.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 313 reads
4 / 21

Once you board that plane you are under THEIR RULES & CONTROL!

  In California over the last 30 years schools have come to resemble penitentiaries from the outside; with 6' to 8' iron fences and locked gates.  

 In either case it is a sad commentary on the direction of our society.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 333 reads
5 / 21

... and at that time, religious authority figures were above reproach.
Anything from a "potch" (mild slap) on the face to a hard-core beating with a whip-like tree branch called a switch. And that was just elementary school.

At the Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore in 1965, I was 12 years old. It was the first weekend I was there, and it was Saturday night free time (no assigned classes or study groups). Went to the school auditorium to practice piano as I had always done at home.
Despite it being free time, I was punished for inappropriate behavior. Yeshiva students studied the Torah. Period. The punishment indicated was 12 lashes on the rump. But because I was caught playing the piano, the lashes became 12 swats on my fingertips with the metal side of a 12 inch ruler.

True story. Wanna see the scars?

Monsters have been allowed to flourish in the name of Monotheism for nearly 4000 years. It doesn't matter if its any of the numerous sects and Haredi cults that have splintered off mainstream Judaism, it does not matter if you are a Christian Evangelical, and it does not matter if you are a Sunni, Shiite, or Islamist Muslim. They're all the same when it comes to promoting their own agenda in the name of "The Almighty". The most effective form of crowd control ever invented.  
And the biggest curse Mankind has ever endured.

Rant Off

~~~~~ We now return you to our regularly scheduled diatribe ~~~~~    

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 7:19:14 AM

JohnyComeAlready 324 reads
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DA_Flex 402 reads
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Perhaps it's voluntary but for many of us...it is a necessity.  So I'm not sure where you are going with this statement.  That we aromatically give up our rights as citizens just because we step in an airport? Should the same rules apply on a plane, in an auto.  Granted their are always rules to maintain order and safety, but some would say that the TSA has gone overboard in some aspects.  Just recently a federal judge ruled that the no-fly list was unconstitutional because it lack due process and notification to those that were placed on the list.  He essentially ruled that in many case, air travel is a necessity and that the no-fly list restricted citizens from the right to travel freely.  

So when are you for freedom or is your belief in freedom conditional on who is telling you what to do.  I tend to believe its the latt

JohnyComeAlready 291 reads
8 / 21

Make your voices heard.

Posted By: DA_Flex
Perhaps it's voluntary but for many of us...it is a necessity.  So I'm not sure where you are going with this statement.  That we aromatically give up our rights as citizens just because we step in an airport? Should the same rules apply on a plane, in an auto.  Granted their are always rules to maintain order and safety, but some would say that the TSA has gone overboard in some aspects.  Just recently a federal judge ruled that the no-fly list was unconstitutional because it lack due process and notification to those that were placed on the list.  He essentially ruled that in many case, air travel is a necessity and that the no-fly list restricted citizens from the right to travel freely.  
 So when are you for freedom or is your belief in freedom conditional on who is telling you what to do.  I tend to believe its the latter  

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 356 reads
9 / 21

It's off to the boys VP office where you bend over and grab your ankles and SWAT! Maybe if you were lucky you got off with one. But the standard was at least 3 swats. Afterwards, you went to class and sat slowly down on your chair. You didn't bitch or cry,it stayed at the VP's office. God I miss those days.....

mattradd 40 Reviews 287 reads
11 / 21

It was typically in the coaches office for me. Either a big pizza paddle with holes drilled in it, or a huge tennis shoe!   ;)

DA_Flex 191 reads
12 / 21

WTF! Dude.  Get some meds for your condition. How you can even come up with the stuff you post is beyond me

DA_Flex 236 reads
13 / 21

So tell me in your infinite free market enterprise mind, how free is the airline market?  I'm absolutely certain that Delta, Us Air, or name your favorite airline would love to have you fly the friendly skies with them unfettered.  It is the governmental agency, called TSA, that is preventing individuals from flying.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Make your voices heard.  
Posted By: DA_Flex
Perhaps it's voluntary but for many of us...it is a necessity.  So I'm not sure where you are going with this statement.  That we aromatically give up our rights as citizens just because we step in an airport? Should the same rules apply on a plane, in an auto.  Granted their are always rules to maintain order and safety, but some would say that the TSA has gone overboard in some aspects.  Just recently a federal judge ruled that the no-fly list was unconstitutional because it lack due process and notification to those that were placed on the list.  He essentially ruled that in many case, air travel is a necessity and that the no-fly list restricted citizens from the right to travel freely.    
  So when are you for freedom or is your belief in freedom conditional on who is telling you what to do.  I tend to believe its the latter  

JohnyComeAlready 232 reads
14 / 21

He would have gave your dumbass wings.


I'm ass free as a bird now.

St. Croix 311 reads
15 / 21

Where did you go to school....S&M high? Pizza paddle with holes! Who was your coach, Jerry Sandusky? (lmao)

Posted By: mattradd
It was typically in the coaches office for me. Either a big pizza paddle with holes drilled in it, or a huge tennis shoe!   ;)

GaGambler 305 reads
16 / 21

but your post sure was. lmao

Sorry guys, but in the couple of different high schools that I went to in the 70's, the vice principal was a lot more likely to get hit than any of the students. As a matter of fact, it became almost a tradition for any of the kids who WANTED to get kicked out of school to punch out our vice principal. I bet you he had his nose broken over a dozen times, but for some reason the principal got a pass on this type of behavior, I guess it might have been because he was six inches taller and 75 lbs heavier that the wimpy vice principal. lol

mattradd 40 Reviews 385 reads
17 / 21

The paddlings were for fighting in gym class.

mattradd 40 Reviews 337 reads
19 / 21

If I remember correctly, it was the tennis shoe that hurt the worst. The pizza paddle stung more on the surface, but the shoe sent the pain deeper and bruised more.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 244 reads
20 / 21

You are an obedient sheep made so by those who masterminded the demise of the Twin Towers and building #7. You're an unwitting tool JCA. A myopic minded authoritarian who thinks he'll get special dispensation when 3/4 of the American public is herded into internment camps. You have no idea what our founding forefathers created with the Bill of Rights, and you never will. Lynching blacks, Gay bashing and keeping women in their place(barefoot & pregnant) is all you can wrap your indolent mind around.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
He would have gave your dumbass wings.  
 I'm ass free as a bird now.

JohnyComeAlready 215 reads
21 / 21

Once I'm dead I'm dead.  

Come on dude, at least get this shit in to some kind of logical sequence.  

The founding fathers sound like a bunch of puds. Are you telling me they came here so women could vote?  

Posted By: RRO2610
You are an obedient sheep made so by those who masterminded the demise of the Twin Towers and building #7. You're an unwitting tool JCA. A myopic minded authoritarian who thinks he'll get special dispensation when 3/4 of the American public is herded into internment camps. You have no idea what our founding forefathers created with the Bill of Rights, and you never will. Lynching blacks, Gay bashing and keeping women in their place(barefoot & pregnant) is all you can wrap your indolent mind around.  
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
He would have gave your dumbass wings.  
  I'm ass free as a bird now.

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