Politics and Religion

Re: Everything I said was 100% right
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 954 reads
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Mine is that it's all a neurobiological mutation.

So what do you folks think it is that makes people view the same world in two entirely different ways?

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 151 reads
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What is it that so universally makes them adhere to their way of thinking/believing/behaving?

mattradd 40 Reviews 67 reads
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BigPapasan 3 Reviews 85 reads
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...because it would reduce the profits of business to do something about it.  They have children and grandchildren like lefties but they don't care about the future.  They'll suck all the resources out of the Earth and let future generations deal with the aftermath.  Isn't it funny how there's no "conserve" in Conservatives?

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 133 reads
7 / 22

Posted By: WickedBrut
Mine is that it's all a neurobiological mutation.  
 So what do you folks think it is that makes people view the same world in two entirely different ways?
   All  left - wingers  don't fit  the profiles listed below but millions do. :-D

 1.  They rally  against Christians for the sins of a few yet deny  Islam atrocities while denying the Muslim hatred against Homosexuals and fierce control of women.

2.  They claim they are in favor of  educating our children yet they support  ignorant teachers. .

3.  They preach we must  reduce our emissions  to save the World, yet the hypocritical idiot Hollywood elite and their leader Hot air EGore  wouldn't dream of flying First class with a plane full of peasants, to help reduce their own carbon footprint.  

4. They scream like little children at the slightest opposing opinion.

5. They believe in Freedom of speech until a Conservative is invited to give a speech at a left wing College, and numerous other instances of stifling opposing views.

6. They're lazy.

7. They're drunkards.

8. They claim they have respect for the LGBT community yet they feel compelled to throw out  
     Gay innuendos at  right- wing opposition.

9. They claim they support equal rights for the Black community yet they mock a Black member  
     of the Right wing as an Uncle Tom.

10. They twist the great words of Mr. Trump into flagrant  lies.

11. They're uninformed - low information .

12. They hang in groups of their own like gangs on the corner and  maggots on old spam .

13. They're bad at math, especially balancing the checkbook.

14. They deny they are the Party of  war.  
   I could go on but no sense beating a dumb donkey. :-D

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 132 reads
8 / 22

nd Prosper via a series of Stargates and then retire to Storybrooke.

It's all science fiction, don't you know?
Posted By: WickedBrut
Mine is that it's all a neurobiological mutation.  
 So what do you folks think it is that makes people view the same world in two entirely different ways?

bigguy30 102 reads
9 / 22

The word dishonest always comes to mind.
When you can't win on facts.
Just make things up, is in their DNA.

Posted By: quadseasonal
Posted By: WickedBrut
Mine is that it's all a neurobiological mutation.  
  So what do you folks think it is that makes people view the same world in two entirely different ways?
    All  left - wingers  don't fit  the profiles listed below but millions do. :-D  
  1.  They rally  against Christians for the sins of a few yet deny  Islam atrocities while denying the Muslim hatred against Homosexuals and fierce control of women.  
 2.  They claim they are in favor of  educating our children yet they support  ignorant teachers. .  
 3.  They preach we must  reduce our emissions  to save the World, yet the hypocritical idiot Hollywood elite and their leader Hot air EGore  wouldn't dream of flying First class with a plane full of peasants, to help reduce their own carbon footprint.    
 4. They scream like little children at the slightest opposing opinion.  
 5. They believe in Freedom of speech until a Conservative is invited to give a speech at a left wing College, and numerous other instances of stifling opposing views.  
 6. They're lazy.  
 7. They're drunkards.  
 8. They claim they have respect for the LGBT community yet they feel compelled to throw out  
      Gay innuendos at  right- wing opposition.  
 9. They claim they support equal rights for the Black community yet they mock a Black member  
      of the Right wing as an Uncle Tom.  
 10. They twist the great words of Mr. Trump into flagrant  lies.  
 11. They're uninformed - low information .  
 12. They hang in groups of their own like gangs on the corner and  maggots on old spam .  
 13. They're bad at math, especially balancing the checkbook.  
 14. They deny they are the Party of  war.    
    I could go on but no sense beating a dumb donkey. :-D  

brooks5 98 reads
10 / 22

yet you feel the need to say something . . . . anything

how about telling us where the OP is wrong?

we ALL know that you can'

bigguy30 110 reads
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I love it when clowns aka Trump supporters, come back and keep making fools of themselves.

Posted By: brooks5
yet you feel the need to say something . . . . anything  
 how about telling us where the OP is wrong?  
 we ALL know that you can't  

-- Modified on 7/1/2016 9:31:53 AM

brooks5 103 reads
12 / 22

a single thing the OP wrote.

proved my point yet again about your obvious lack of ability

you pick a curious way to show that you agree with him

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 109 reads
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Some of the replies on this thread illustrate this. Noticed that Laffy and BigPapa used this as an opportunity to "analyze" what was wrong with the right. Similarly, Quad used this to illustrate what he thought was wrong with the left.  

To boil things down to simpler terms, the reason why right wingers and left wingers can't get along, is from the perspective of some left wingers, the problem is that right wingers don't think like left wingers. From the right, the reason why right and left wingers can't get along is because left wingers don't think like right wingers. Notice the problem here? No self-reflection. Too busy being partisan to take a step back and look at things objectively.  

Referencing the link Matt posted, the problem with the left is that they have a limited number of things that they morally value. Their primary concern is caring for and protecting the weak. At first glace, this is a noble thing to do. And indeed, it very much is. But this moral value is without frame or reference, or acknowledgement of day to day realities in the richest nation in the world. Suppose we have a (hypothetical) nation where 40% of the population are at the brink of starvation. Under such circumstances, caring for and protecting the weak is a very high moral value. But in a nation like ours with abundant resources, caring for the weak produces an unfortunate result in that it produces weak people, only making the problem worse.  

The right has a different problem. They value respect for authority and loyalty. There are few instances where respect for authority is legitimate, an example would be parental authority over their own child. We respect that a parent is permitted to act as a dictator over another person in this instance because the parent loves his/her children and his authority is used with the best interests of the child in mind. Most other forms of authority, however, is not used in an altruistic sense, but rather in a selfish sense, i.e. that power is used to gain even more power for selfish ends. Loyalty is a far more redeeming value, i.e. loyalty among family members, or even among members of a community, to look out for each other's own best interests, but the right too takes this to far to the extreme, where loyalty reaches the point of blind obedience, i.e. unquestioning loyalty. This was on display during Dubya's reign of terror, where no matter how badly he fucked up, conservatives couldn't bring themselves to acknowledge his fuck ups.  

The worst part about this is that as time has gone on over the last 20 some odd years, each side has gotten more extreme and stead fast in their beliefs. They've become less tolerant of each other, they demonize each other at every term over the tiniest of infractions, and vilify each other in order to make sanctimonious claims about how noble their own view of the world is.  

Here is my challenge to the regular participants here on the ole P&R. If you are a left winger, then post 5 things that is bad about the left and post 5 things that are good about the right. If you are a right winger, then post 5 things that is bad about the right and post 5 things that are good about the left. If you cannot do this, then know that the problem isn't with the right or the left, but the problem is with you. A little navel gazing never hurt anyone. All of us should try it sometime.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 109 reads
14 / 22

Posted By: willywonka4u
Here is my challenge to the regular participants here on the ole P&R. If you are a left winger, then post 5 things that is bad about the left and post 5 things that are good about the right. If you are a right winger, then post 5 things that is bad about the right and post 5 things that are good about the left. If you cannot do this, then know that the problem isn't with the right or the left, but the problem is with you. A little navel gazing never hurt anyone. All of us should try it sometime.
1. Many on the right gripe  about LGBT lifestyle when it doesn't affect them in the least.
2. Many on the right gripe  about who's going to Hell when it doesn't affect them in the least
3. Many on the right gripe if a woman wants to abort her baby when it doesn't affect them " "
4. Many on the right gripe  about pretty young Gals wearing sexually flattering clothes " "
5. Many old right wing fools don't support Mr. Trump for President.  

1. Many women on the left offer sexual favors without the man asking. :-D
2. Many women on the left are cheap dates and easy to please. :-D
3. Many women on the left will bring their GF  for a three way.  :-D
4. Many women on the left are intelligent with no need for a dumb left wing man to slow her down.
5. Most smart women on the left despise lying crooked Hillary and they'll vote for Mr. Trump. :-

mattradd 40 Reviews 91 reads
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"If you cannot do this, then know that the problem isn't with the right or the left, but the problem is with you."

Define what you mean by right and left!  ;)

Psst! Is there anything in between?  ;)

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 83 reads
16 / 22

Here's the challenge you posed:

Here is my challenge to the regular participants here on the ole P&R. If you are a left winger, then post 5 things that is bad about the left and post 5 things that are good about the right. If you are a right winger, then post 5 things that is bad about the right and post 5 things that are good about the left. If you cannot do this, then know that the problem isn't with the right or the left, but the problem is with you. A little navel gazing never hurt anyone. All of us should try it sometime.  

Five things good about the right:

1) They work hard at trying to succeed economically.
2) They want fellow countrymen to be superior to the citizens of other countries in several different ways.
3) They value national defense.
4) The follow religious leaders regardless of the message they are given.
5) For the most part, they stay out of the way of progress in their personal life.

Five things bad about the left:

1) They often squabble too much amongst themselves over minor disagreements.
2) They are reluctant to allow oppressors to get even when the oppressed score a victory.
3) They don't always take into account ALL points of view in decision making.
4) They often let their world view influence their evaluation on the best course for a nation.
5) They tend to get in the way of decentralization in any field they participate in.

Okay, that's best I can come up with right now, but I'm going to think about it some more and see where it leads.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 90 reads
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Posted By: Laffy
Whatever Righties rip others for, they are 10,000% times more guilty of it.  
Really? You've actually run the math on this, Laffy? Let's see if we can play with this idea.  

I've often heard conservatives on Fox News "rip" the left for wanting to pass gun control laws. Are you saying conservatives pass 10,000 times more gun control laws than liberals do?

Let me ask you a broader question, Laffy. Don't you ever get TIRED of being so partisan? I mean, really. Doesn't it get exhausting after a while? I mean, how many days of your limited life on this planet are you going to waste, clinching your hands into fists, and screaming to yourself, "righties are fucking scum!!! Scum, I say!!! Scum!"

How long before you just get bored with that and find something better to do with your time? For instance, you could learn how to brew your own beer. Or try your hand at making cheese. You could plant a garden. Or learn how to fix cars. You could learn a programming language. Or learn how to play Chinese checkers. My point is that this is no way to live your life.  

Here's my challenge for you, Laffy. Write down 5 things that you have no knowledge or experience doing, but you've always sorta wanted to learn how to do. This may take some time to figure out. Think back to our childhood. How did you answer that question "what do you want to be when you grow up"? If you remember any of the answers you gave, then maybe now is the time to start exploring that. So here's the challenge. Write down 5 things you have no knowledge or experience doing, but always wanted to do. Then, starting tomorrow, do something to change that. The goal is that within 1 year from now, you should be able to do one of those things reasonably well.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 78 reads
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Posted By: mattradd
"If you cannot do this, then know that the problem isn't with the right or the left, but the problem is with you."  
 Define what you mean by right and left!  ;)  
 Psst! Is there anything in between?  ;)
Is there anything in between? Of course there is a whole spectrum bridging the far far right and the far far left. So theoretically it covers everyone.

But there are also a lot of people who are busy working their jobs and raising their kids and chasing their dreams and seeking their pleasure who don't have time to focus on politics, and who know that keeping up with what's going on in the arena would require a great deal of time and energy and perhaps wisely choose to pass on dealing with it.

Some were raised in households that would vote for one party or another, so when they reach voting age they just vote the same way. So, in a way, these are the people who are "in between.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 109 reads
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I admit to being one of them.  

The new denial is not a denial that climate change--man-made global warming--exists, but in denial that there is anything at this late change of the game that can be done to rectify it.

Arable land will diminish at the same time that population rises. The process of creating enough renewable energy, nuclear especially, would in itself cause so much uncontainable carbon that we'd be pushed over the 5 degree red light within a decade. That won't happen because conservatives have too much control globally to allow it  

Between bark beetles and seasonal pattern change, many of our forests will simply die.

There is no real hopeful answer, but of course it is better to try to pollute less, recycle, do what we can to slow it down.

I doubt that any child born today will ever have a grandchild who lives to be as old as I am, at least not in a functional civilization. We might, if we really work hard at it, eke out another four generations instead of just three, but otherwise we're already on the beach.

That is, of course, only my opinion, and I'm aware that not everyone is ready to accept this view of how things stand. And, it would be rather cruel for me to go around trying to convince anyone. So I decided to get laid as often as I want, live well, eat well, and just watch it begin to happen

mattradd 40 Reviews 75 reads
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Many people do not see themselves as left or right, and they support some policies and ideologies that others would view as being liberal, and some conservative. Most of use are not purebreds, but ally cats.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 117 reads
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Like Bussing.

The Left side sold how kids would benefit from integrated education, going to the better funded white folk's school.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the Right was peddling how bussing would make it easy for blacks to stay living in their own parts of town.

And both sides bought it, so it went down. And a little progress was made.

It's sort of trying to happen like that again with the mass incarceration problem. Like folks are looking at two different movies.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 79 reads
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Maybe it mostly boils down to Lefty reckons that the common good of his society makes for a better place to live than a society that is royally fucked up. Meanwhile, Righty doesn't care how fucked up his world gets, because he figures that he'll come out smelling like a rose no matter what.

Either that or there's a split in the species happening and harmonious mingling of Lefties and Righties have gone the way of the buffalo and the three-dollar whore. That would explain why I feel such strong affinity and kinship with fellow travelers and such revulsion and alienation for those who don't get it.

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