Politics and Religion

Re: Details, details,....
Willie Clinton 2466 reads
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Al Gore has now won both the Oscar as well as a Noble Peace Prize for his efforts in educating the world as to the effects of global warming.  What an honor and an accomplishment!  Unfortunately, these honors are small consolation for what the U.S. Supreme Court did in stealing away his Presidential victory from him and awarding it to that idiotic monkey. Yes, they gave the Presidency to a moron who once said that there was no “scientific evidence for global warming.”

And to think that they inpeached me for getting a blowjob in the White House!!

Jack0sAgent 1548 reads
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I told you I could get the Tropicana chorus line in there, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, you had to have that chubby little skank.  

Tell Al I'll get him out of town.  Costa Rica tomorrow, and Tipper stays home.

Tusyan 1814 reads
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Gore did not win an Oscar for An Inconvenient Truth.  The Oscar for Documentary Feature is awarded to the director, in this case Davis Guggenheim.

Willie Clinton 2094 reads
4 / 6

I'll bet you one of those dittoheads who also think I had sex with that woman while in the white house!

Tusyan 1501 reads
5 / 6
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