Politics and Religion

Re: CNN more trusted than the Dumbass
ROMMEL 54 Reviews 81 reads

How's that poor eight year old girl doing after yesterday's traumatic run in with the swat team before your spin class.  She's in our thoughts today and you are a hero for helping her.  

Okay so i have seen people attack CNN for exposing that reddit troll for the gif he made of Trump attacking the CNN logo.  

Do you think they went over the line? I honestly do not because if Trump can fire back and be defended for attacking news organizations, is CNN in the wrong? I dont see it as an issue of censorship because of the vilification Trump does pf the media on a daily basis. Furthermore, more responsibility is put on the president for posting that because well, hes the president.


we have in what was formerly known as the White House.    Now it is HQ for Trump Crime Family!

How's that poor eight year old girl doing after yesterday's traumatic run in with the swat team before your spin class.  She's in our thoughts today and you are a hero for helping her.  

I'll pray for her......that she doesn't have to watch hersheyhighway take a spin class that is.

Next it will be synchronized swimming classes.

Posted By: ROMMEL
Re: CNN more trusted than the Dumbass
How's that poor eight year old girl doing after yesterday's traumatic run in with the swat team before your spin class.  She's in our thoughts today and you are a hero for helping her.  

Chappaqua NY is the home to one of the biggest crime families in US History.  

Felons if you must know.

And the Secret Service is protecting it on our dime.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Re: CNN more trusted than the Dumbass
we have in what was formerly known as the White House.    Now it is HQ for Trump Crime Family!

I just have a lot of people in my life that were attacking CNN for doing such. Im glad to see i have a place where logic is a bit more present than my personal news feed lol

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