Politics and Religion

Hey Jeff I tried responding to you
sassyfla See my TER Reviews 1415 reads

and somebody keeps hitting ignore, WTF is with all the all "user ignores"  you know Jeff,  you are correct and I am the first to admit to my error's and never try to cover them up,  I had heard and totally misinterpreted,  I did listen to his address on the attacks,  and heard not those exact words, but I daresay his speech was weak at best, but then again he has done nothing but apologize for America.  The battles on.

Stumbling Onward

to respond on a thread to Timbow and I got an error message when I tried to post that went away this morning.  He kept insisting that Obama appologized to people who killed Americans when in fact he didin't do anything like that nor did he authorize the embassy to do that.  The embassy put out  its statement HOURS BEFORE there was any assault on it trying to prevent the damage that clearly did happen from the L.A. real estate developer's financed $5 million film making fun of Islam as well as the total idiot in Amarillo,  Texas who burned the Koran publicly.

Obama does have the policy of "speak a little softer" than people who shoot their mouths off and look like idiots before they know the facts but it's "speak a little softer and carry a lot of drones."

What's going on in the ME is hardly Obama's fault, and I think time will show he's correct.  I continue to say that Romney is clueless when it comes to foreign policy, and Romney would quickly find his childish bragging of a "Fuck everybody policy" and doubling the Defense budget to $2.3 trillion, telling  Russia, China to shove it on day 1 and plunging into bombing Iran wouldn't have very much support but all of this remains a fantasy in Romney's head because the only way he and Ann get into the WH is with a "Visitor" tag on their tits.

I'm a strong backer of Israel,  (and always have been) but Bibi is trying to run the US policy towards Iran, and we still give more aid to Israel than any other country (in public) and a lot more privately.  CIA and Mosad and NSA work pretty closely.  Israel may have to go after Iran, and people who think they're too aggressive don't understand what the US would do if Canada and Mexico were 1) on their way to a nuclear bomb 2) had proclaimed many times that they want to destroy the US as Iran has with Israel.  Iran is working hand in hand with  Syria to arm them and help finance them.

It's very hard to know who is in charge in Iran--their army, the Mullahs, or the puppet Ahmadinejad.  I have friends who spent a lot of time there growing up that live here now, and they stress that Ahmadinejad is clearly a puppet, not in charge, and that a majority of the younger generation in Iran is very pro-US/pro-Western and it's reflected in every facet of their lives.

Hey Jeff thanks for your input and explanations,  it is appreciated,  but I would never say it is President Obama's (I will always call him "my President", even if I don't agree with him, but I notice a lot of people don't have that respect) fault as this hatred has been going on for aeons and really escalated in the past 20 years.  So much for now,  gotta catch a plane.

Have a most Awesome day

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