Politics and Religion

Re: Cancel culture doesn't just stem from the Left.
LostSon 43 Reviews 14 reads

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: Cancel culture doesn't just stem from the Left.
It comes from the Right as well. Think Disney and Bud Light.  
 But to your main point I agree fully. The first amendment is crucially important in our democracy and I think Ms. James can handle a few boos and if she cant, she needs to be in another line of work.
As has been brilliantly pointed out the FDNY is not engaging in cancel culture by boooing the AG , it’s called free speech!

As for the right voting with their dollars in respect to Disney and Budlight? That’s not what I would call cancel culture, Firing Gina Carano? THAT was cancel culture.

Holy shit!

From the article  

“They will come to headquarters to be educated why their behavior is unacceptable.”

“Famed constitutional and criminal law attorney Alan Dershowitz blasted the FDNY’s hunt down.

“Firefighters have an absolute constitutional right to boo the attorney general, and the government  has no power to punish them for it,” Dershowitz told The Post. “So efforts to get the names of the booers is an effort by the government to chill free speech and is unconstitutional.”

How many of you lefties are on board with finding out who boooed her and punishing them for it?

RespectfulRobert11 reads

It comes from the Right as well. Think Disney and Bud Light.  
But to your main point I agree fully. The first amendment is crucially important in our democracy and I think Ms. James can handle a few boos and if she cant, she needs to be in another line of work.

I’m glad to see you fully agree with Lost on the main point. But why couch it with, “But Righties”.  It seems your posts have contained more “But Trump”’s lately and I guess I can understand that given you think Trump is an existential threat, immoral man, blah, blah, blah.  Why drag that argument tactic into a post that 1) Doesn’t mention Trump and 2) you agree with?

RespectfulRobert12 reads

And Lost always seems to frame these issues with "How many of you lefties are on board with (fill in blank here)...." he comes across as a hyper-partisan and I am pretty sure you wouldn't put me in that box. Cancel culture isnt a left or right issue as both engage in it. It also seems a bit nit picky to bring that up to me when I agreed with his main point.

That’s absurd and warrants a bit of a deep dive on what cancel culture even is. But your reply went in many directions, so I would like to address the minor points before tackling the meat of your response.

First, on the necessity of a reply:

It also seems a bit nit picky to bring that up to me when I agreed with his main point.
Fair point, but there was more to it than just contending a point just for the sake of contention, and I had noted that in my reply:
It seems your posts have contained more “But Trump”’s lately
Had it been your first “but x”, I doubt I would have commented at all. But as I noted, there seems to be an increasing pattern of “but Trump” responses coming from you. I’ll admit that might be a misperception, and I don’t have the time to prove it, nor you the time to disprove it.  

This might be a rare instance where BigPapasan’s research fetish could be of use to us. We could enlist him to do an analysis of your posting history and determine whether your use of the “but Trump” defense is consistent or on the rise. At the end of the day, you’re correct that my callout may have been petty, but it was inspired by your “but Righties” approach. We are used to “but Trump” replies from the likes of Nicky, but in his case it’s a constant and only serves to expose his intellectual laziness. With you as an intelligent and reasonable poster here, one would think you wouldn’t want to be associated with his cheap style of rhetoric.

On to you invoking cancel culture:

He is complaining about essentially what is cancel culture
My answer to that would be absolutely not. If the fireman were engaging in cancel culture then one of two things must be true:
1. Any negative feedback falls under the recent phenomenon referred to as cancel culture.
2. There’s no such thing as cancel culture, and negative feedback has been a part of humanity since time immemorial.

A Quick Look at cancel culture from Wikipedia:

Cancel culture is a phrase contemporary to the late 2010s and early 2020s used to refer to a cultural phenomenon in which some who are deemed to have acted or spoken in an unacceptable manner are ostracized, boycotted, or shunned.[1][2][3][4] This shunning may extend to social or professional circles—whether on social media or in person—with most high-profile incidents involving celebrities.[5] Those subject to this ostracism are said to have been "canceled".
Cancel culture and shunning does not  apply to opposing groups, it applies to social and professional circles that the cancelled had previously moved in. An actress shunned by Hollywood. A Liz Cheney votes to impeach Trump and is cancelled by the GOP. But right/GOP leaning firefighters booing a leftist politician? Not cancel culture.

Of course the same Wikipedia article notes the argument that there actually is no such thing as cancel culture.

Still others question whether cancel culture is an actual phenomenon
In either case, pro-Trump folk booing an anti-Trump politician is not an example of cancel culture or the lack there of.

RespectfulRobert18 reads

"In either case, pro-Trump folk booing an anti-Trump politician is not an example of cancel culture or the lack there of."

The cancel culture I was referring to was not them booing. It was the fact that they were targeted for booing! Good grief CKS. Next time use the "phone a friend" option but just don't call Lost. lol.

Whether you were talking about the firefighters booing the AG, or the top brass going after the firefighters for retribution, you screwed up when you said that it was an example of cancel culture.

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: Cancel culture doesn't just stem from the Left.
It comes from the Right as well. Think Disney and Bud Light.  
 But to your main point I agree fully. The first amendment is crucially important in our democracy and I think Ms. James can handle a few boos and if she cant, she needs to be in another line of work.
As has been brilliantly pointed out the FDNY is not engaging in cancel culture by boooing the AG , it’s called free speech!

As for the right voting with their dollars in respect to Disney and Budlight? That’s not what I would call cancel culture, Firing Gina Carano? THAT was cancel culture.

Disney is Right-leaning.? They are one of the most woke, politically correct corporations on the planet.  

It was all a big mistake anyway.  They had a bar set up for the celebration and one of the Captains said, "Give her some booze" and it all went South after that.  

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