Politics and Religion

Re: Back to your liberal nonsense I see.
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 751 reads
1 / 21

it's all about the almighty dollar, behind every angry, hate spewing journalists that bombards it's viewers from every angle, with a different corporate puppet delivering the same fearful message.

I am so glad I tuned them all out years ago from me being very sensitive to the negative energy coming through the TV and radio.  They are all filthy rich from spewing hate.  How can anybody listen to Hannity, O'Reilly, that mean ass female judge, Glen whatever the hell his name is?  They would surely ruin my day.  And now they have ruined the Republican party!  

It's a remarkable story indeed.  How will it all end?

IMO Hillary Clinton will be elected president as being the most qualified candidate running.  Sanders doesn't have a chance with raising medium household taxes to an extra $206 a week taxes...For What?  health insurance.... Americans not buying to continue working and give all their money to the government.  The GOP is destroyed with no viable candidate the last 3 elections and maybe the next decade......

JackDunphy 108 reads
2 / 21

If Fox News is so full of "hate", why do SO many Libs go on there each and every day? OBama was JUST on there last Sunday! Didn't he get the memo? Why would he want the ratings of a hate based channel to spike? LOL

I see "conservatism" coming from Fox, yes, but I don't see hate but i will guess you don't see a difference between the two.

Laura Ingraham and Dana Loesch throw in too? Rotf  

And I really fail to see how the Republican Party is "destroyed" since we run EVERYTHING but the WH. Lol

Is there an internal struggle on the R side? Sure. A cleansing is good at times and you see some of it going on on the Dem side as Hills coronation is put on hold for a 74 year old Marxist that she is struggling mightily to beat.

Take a look at all the racist and misogynist shit over at MSNBC and get back to me. Did they destroy the Dem party or is there another reason that R's have dominated congress, the state houses and state governorships recently?

Good grief...

saltyballs 88 reads
3 / 21

.......The GOP primary race only gets interesting from here culminating with the fireworks show at the convention in Cleveland in July.....lol I'm going to predict by June 7th, Trump will have a cumulative delegate total of 1150-1200. I would like to see how the party establishment can deny Trump the nomination with a straight face.

GaGambler 94 reads
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but they don't hold a candle to MSNBC where it comes to pure hatred and bigotry.  

When Fox hires David Duke as a counter balance to MSNBC's Al Fucking Sharpton, then get back to me about "hate"

saltyballs 96 reads
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All Trump has to say is that he won the popular vote by several million votes and the nomination was taken away from him, it's so simple and easy for his supporters to understand. The GOP establishment however has to explain to voters their rather archaic/twisted rules of nominating candidates, which will confirm to Trump supporters that the system is indeed rigged. Some of you cannot seem to understand that the electorate this year is mad as hell and fed up with the BS from politicians.

gatorjimmy 33 Reviews 72 reads
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If Trump has around 1200, they go to second round and he threatens to walk, GOP  has to give him the nomination......or he walks, and GOP looses GE horribly.

JackDunphy 79 reads
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Sorry but there are rules and the R party should NOT be changing them for or against Trump.

I know you can't understand playing by the rules.

Why is that?

GaGambler 88 reads
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Well what better way to "play the game" than to make a very thinly veiled and quite believable threat that if he wins the popular and delegate vote in the primaries and is still denied the nomination that he will go rogue and take his supporters with him and go play in new sandbox, guaranteeing the GOP will lose in November?

Why is Cruz commended for "playing the game" in places like Colorado and Louisiana, but Trump is vilified for playing the game by his own set of rules? Especially when so far at least, Trump seems to be winning. You have a "Never Trump" campaign going on by some very powerful people, Do you truly think Trump should just roll over, let them walk all over him, concede the White House just to play by a set of rules concocted by his political enemies that are subject to change at the whim of the establishment? Trump is trying to win, just what the fuck is so wrong about him using all the resources at his disposal? I don't see the media calling out the "Never Trump" campaign.

gaylemeyers See my TER Reviews 71 reads
10 / 21

Not to mention that the R's run the house because of voter suppression and gerrymandering, and NOT because the American people embrace their message of stfu and let the uber-wealthy rule and hoard more money.

saltyballs 71 reads
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I expect Trump will take those "rules" and shove them up the collective asses of the RNC and the GOP establishment. I cannot wait to see the fireworks in July....lol

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — After a week of crying foul against a "rigged" delegate process, Donald Trump on Saturday warned of a "rough July" if the party's national committee doesn't change how it chooses its nominee ahead of the GOP convention.  

"They better get going," he urged the Republican National Committee to cheers from the few thousand people at his first of two New York rallies ahead of Tuesday's pivotal primary.  

"Because I'll tell you what, you're gonna have a rough July at that convention," the Republican front-runner continued. "You better get going, and you better straighten out the system because the people want their vote, the people want to vote and they want to be represented properly."

followme 68 reads
12 / 21

Marvel Comics are fiction and not a source of news.

Or maybe you are flying Bravo again.

saltyballs 58 reads
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........who IMHO is 1 million times worse than Trump.

Posted By: Laffy
It's too late to run 3rd Party.  
 He would get his ass kicked anyway while losing down-ballot races all over the country.  
 At least they might have a chance for some of the races if he's not the Face of the Party.  

bigguy30 64 reads
14 / 21

It's clear the GOP has issues and right wing media shares a lot of the blame.
The damage Cruz and Trump have done, will last for a while.

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
it's all about the almighty dollar, behind every angry, hate spewing journalists that bombards it's viewers from every angle, with a different corporate puppet delivering the same fearful message.  
 I am so glad I tuned them all out years ago from me being very sensitive to the negative energy coming through the TV and radio.  They are all filthy rich from spewing hate.  How can anybody listen to Hannity, O'Reilly, that mean ass female judge, Glen whatever the hell his name is?  They would surely ruin my day.  And now they have ruined the Republican party!    
 It's a remarkable story indeed.  How will it all end?  
 IMO Hillary Clinton will be elected president as being the most qualified candidate running.  Sanders doesn't have a chance with raising medium household taxes to an extra $206 a week taxes...For What?  health insurance.... Americans not buying to continue working and give all their money to the government.  The GOP is destroyed with no viable candidate the last 3 elections and maybe the next decade......

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 59 reads
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Moderate, Libertarian-leaning, swing-voter.  What is best for me as a small business owner and individual.  I am not far left liberal (Sanders) and would never vote for someone that would raise FICA on the employer to 6% each employee.  I am with you, payroll is my biggest expense and stressor as a business owner.  It's like I created this machine, and I have to keep it going.  I am not afraid of Hillary Clinton as our president.  I am confident in her abilities.  The GOP has given me no candidate to relate to.  Trump was given a million dollars from his father, he couldn't possibly know what it is like for average American citizens that were not born privileged, but worked their asses off for everything they have.

By the way, I wouldn't give Al Sharpton one minute of my time with that nonsense.  I read my news and not loyal to anyone.  The article perfectly stated the way I have felt, but unable to put in words.

brooks5 67 reads
16 / 21

they have earned or

those who find libs silly cuz they think that "feelings" are the same as facts

and HATE SPEECH is anything that they disagree with

silly little fucking libs

salon and the like are their source

brooks5 47 reads
17 / 21

being lib losers based on loony conspiracy bullshit

spare us all the liberal nonsense

now go fuck someone, you'll feel better

bigguy30 71 reads
18 / 21

bs5 you are all over the place and it's hilarious!

Posted By: brooks5
they have earned or  
 those who find libs silly cuz they think that "feelings" are the same as facts  
 and HATE SPEECH is anything that they disagree with  
 silly little fucking libs  
 salon and the like are their source

brooks5 59 reads
19 / 21

PLEASE prove that your aren't SO STUPID that you are able to do something other than spew lame, nonsensical and childish insults

betcha can't

bigguy30 60 reads
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Then you can talk clown.
You still have nothing and your comments are stupid.

Posted By: brooks5
PLEASE prove that your aren't SO STUPID that you are able to do something other than spew lame, nonsensical and childish insults  
 betcha can't

brooks5 49 reads
21 / 21
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