Politics and Religion

Interesting excerpt from the Bergen Record
eroticspirit 27 Reviews 120 reads

The Bergen Record had an interesting piece on what they considered 5 key points that Democrats must address if they have any chance at winning the 2024 general election. I am posting point # 4 because, to me, this point even more than policy is what makes me so against the left. I think this is spot on!! (And Hillary Clinton's smug "deplorables" remark in 2016 was an absolute dagger--it cost her dearly!!)

4. Accept the reality that Democratic 'elitism' is a problem

Democrats love to feel smart and superior. Sadly, they don’t realize that far too many ordinary Americans resent this kind of attitude.  

Remember Hillary Clinton’s disastrous “deplorables” description of Trump voters in 2016? That worked out really well in attracting working-class voters in Pennsylvania and Michigan, didn’t it? Clinton lost both states to Trump — a key factor in her crushing presidential defeat.

Trump is far wealthier than his working-class supporters, but he nevertheless speaks a language they understand. In chronicling the voter attitudes in “Trump Nation” through various reporting trips in recent years, I met countless voters who continually told me they admired the fact that Trump seemed to embody a sense of respect for people whose bank accounts were not nearly as hefty as his.

Democrats scoff at this reality — at their peril. They mumble among themselves that Trump’s voters are “stupid” and “misguided.” But they miss a very important political point — namely, that voters admire Trump because he seems to respect them.

Trump has many faults. He may also be the first president to be convicted of a federal crime while running for election. And many of Trump’s supporters tell me they question his judgment and his morals. But they admire the way he connects with them, especially when he addresses many of the so-called culture war issues that frame America’s politics now.

Democrats need to return to their working-class roots. Biden needs to confront the misguided snobbery — and naïve “wokeness” — of far too many of his party’s leaders.

And it's one thing to have an elitist attitude by earning it. If you outsmart others, If you build a successful business. Something. But Democrats hold elitist attitudes, while being utter morons, scientifically illiterate while thinking they know a ton about science, close minded, snotty, low testosterone pussies. Ultimately, the vast majority of them just behave like hysterical women pining for communism. They've become the most unlikeable, unbearable people on earth.

Hillary Clinton's "deplorables" remark in 2016 was 100% on the mark--she just applied it to the wrong group!!

RespectfulRobert2 reads

It is essentially a toss up race at this point so implying the Dems need to do all these things is preposterous. That's not to say that they are doing everything right as I think Team Biden is slow to react to certain things and I have been vocal about some of those.
With many of Trump supporters it is a cult of personality thing. It just doesnt matter what he says or does as it is hero worship and that is frightening.  
He doesn't care about his voters as he only cares for himself. Think about the thousands of small business people, most of which would normally voted for him, yet he screwed them over when he filed bankruptcy FOUR times and yet brags how rich he is.
He is a total narcissist and a head case. So much so that his own daughter is long gone. Think about that for a moment. He alienated his own daughter and his own VP. How many people were more loyal to him they those two and yet the Trumpettes don't care about any of it. He is their god and yet he is a scum bag extraordinaire.

Would I rather have a scumbag narcissist or a drooling retard--literally a walking cadaver who doesn't know what time of day it is? I gotta go with the scumbag narcissist.

RespectfulRobert3 reads

Props for acknowledging that he is a scumbag narcissist for that is exactly the type of person we would want in charge of nukes. smh
Now maybe you can convince your fellow Rs here that he is indeed those very things bc they couldnt dare say it, so again, kudos for the honesty.

I've been saying it ever since Trump threw his hat in the ring back in 2016. He is EXTREMELY narcissistic and has MANY faults! Honestly, I pulled the lever for him only because every time I looked at Hillary Clinton's snooty face I wanted to heave up a months worth of food in the crapper!!  

As it turned out I liked Trump as President--I generally liked his policy and the direction he took the country. And I'll take Trump with all his faults and baggage ANY day over that corrupt, doddering piece of s*&t Biden and all the "woke" bullshit that accompanies him and his administration.

Posted By: eroticspirit
Re: At least you are honest.
I've been saying it ever since Trump threw his hat in the ring back in 2016. He is EXTREMELY narcissistic and has MANY faults! Honestly, I pulled the lever for him only because every time I looked at Hillary Clinton's snooty face I wanted to heave up a months worth of food in the crapper!!  
 As it turned out I liked Trump as President--I generally liked his policy and the direction he took the country. And I'll take Trump with all his faults and baggage ANY day over that corrupt, doddering piece of s*&t Biden and all the "woke" bullshit that accompanies him and his administration.
Here here! Go look up my posts, I have always said Trump was my 14th choice for president. I have always said he had many faults but ya wanna know what? He pulled this country out of the nose dive that it was in under Obama.  

Your side gave us weekend at Bernie’s and all the fuck ups that have come with him.  

I grew up during the Cold War fearful of a nuclear exchange with the soviets.  

I now live in greater fear of this country actually unraveling and a full blown societal collapse that could very easily befall us THANKS TO POLICIES ENACTED BY BIDEN!!!

Robert, You think “oh that can’t happen” but it could. We are more vulnerable than at any point in our history!

Posted By: RespectfulRobert

Props for acknowledging that he is a scumbag narcissist for that is exactly the type of person we would want in charge of nukes. smh  
Oh and Joe Joe and Kamala are soooo much more stable?  

Mother Fucker PLEASE !

Posted By: LostSon
Re: At least you are honest.
Posted By: RespectfulRobert
 Props for acknowledging that he is a scumbag narcissist for that is exactly the type of person we would want in charge of nukes. smh  
Oh and Joe Joe and Kamala are soooo much more stable?  
 Mother Fucker PLEASE !

LMAO! This is exhibit A about how "four legs good-two legs bad" sheeplike the Dems are. They simply CANNOT accept the fact that this ticket might be the worst in US History. Much as I can't stand Biden--oh God save us all if that cacklehead ditz masquerading as Vice President actually became President. That is an absolutely frightening scenario!! She is absolutely good for NOTHING...NOTHING!!

Look at how much their bemoaning X and whining about media companies from Business Insider to the LA Times to Sports Illustrated to The Atlantic to Vice all having to lay off most of their work force or close all together. And yet it was these same leftists who broke these institutions just to whine and bitch and moan about Trump. They whined about police brutality and now there’s a police shortage and idiot leftists who live in cities are getting robbed, murdered, their car windows broken, and now they can’t go to a CVS or a fast food joint because they legalized theft and those businesses closed down. Over and over and over again Dems are behaving like 7 year olds who don’t understand that there’s consequences for their actions. And even though any idiot could see this coming from miles away, these lefties are still shocked when the inevitable happens. You destroy your system of justice then you will live in a society of injustice. Because DUH. You turn the media into a system of lies it will go bankrupt. Because DUH. How low does your IQ have to be to not see this?

RespectfulRobert1 reads

Hysterical Willy. Delusional as usual, but hysterical.

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