Politics and Religion

Re: As usual, Nicky’s Reading Comprehension Issues Fail Him Again
cks175 43 Reviews 26 reads
2 / 27

It looks like “she” went straight from a drag show to her law office en route to representing her client in court.

LostSon 43 Reviews 16 reads
3 / 27

If that turned up to represent you??? 😳😳😳

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 23 reads
4 / 27

Lesser's claim that the attorney is a "progressive" without any proof.  That sure doesn't sound like it comports with "P&R Standards."  LOL!!

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 23 reads
5 / 27

…leftists to start dressing as circus clowns and saying they identify as one.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 19 reads
6 / 27

Progressivism is a mental illness.

impposter 49 Reviews 28 reads
7 / 27

MAGA Cultism is a mental illness.

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Easy explanation
Progressivism is a mental illness.

cks175 43 Reviews 19 reads
8 / 27

Actually it’s not insane that BigP can’t see the forest for the trees, it’s just par for the course.

Lesser's claim that the attorney is a "progressive" without any proof.  That sure doesn't sound like it comports with "P&R Standards
Lester didn’t claim the attorney was a progressive and of course BigP missed the meaning of “Progressives’ Finest”.  Seattle is a city that’s been ruined by progressive policies. The attorney in the video is a Seattle Public Defender. Ending up with “her” as an attorney is the result of failed progressive policies.  She’s a consequence of “Progressive Seattle’s” finest policies. Lester’s post most certainly “comports with” P&R standards.

LostSon 43 Reviews 22 reads
9 / 27

Posted By: impposter
Re: Easy explanation
MAGA Cultism is a mental illness.
Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Easy explanation  
 Progressivism is a mental illness.

MAGA cultism, huh? Do you tell gimpy? What do you consider to be MAGA cultism? A reaction to bullshit left wing agendas and policies? A desire to secure the border perhaps? A desire to not be forced into what turned out to be “not a vaccine”? A desire to not have pronouns shoved down your throat? Or something as simple as the desire for a strong economy? Or how about a government that hasn’t Weaponized it’s DOJ against its political enemies? Would all that qualify as MAGA cultism?

impposter 49 Reviews 37 reads
10 / 27

See this recent thread:

Posted By: LostSon
Re: Easy explanation
Posted By: impposter
Re: Easy explanation  
 MAGA Cultism is a mental illness.
Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Easy explanation  
  Progressivism is a mental illness.
 MAGA cultism, huh? Do you tell gimpy? What do you consider to be MAGA cultism? A reaction to bullshit left wing agendas and policies? A desire to secure the border perhaps? A desire to not be forced into what turned out to be “not a vaccine”? A desire to not have pronouns shoved down your throat? Or something as simple as the desire for a strong economy? Or how about a government that hasn’t Weaponized it’s DOJ against its political enemies? Would all that qualify as MAGA cultism?

LostSon 43 Reviews 15 reads
11 / 27

How bout you answer my questions?

inicky46 61 Reviews 18 reads
12 / 27

His posts are only “confusing “ to  you. Our little mushroom cap.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 22 reads
13 / 27

I'm sure this post will get a certain member all worked up in a conspiracy theory lather.  That notwithstanding it should be obvious that the MAGA/trump movement is a well-established, well-defined cult of personality. Instead of being proud of their cult membership they are either unaware or embarrassed by being in that cult, so they accuse the left of being cultists in something vague and amorphous. It's lame, as their accusations usually are, and it's pure projection.

inicky46 61 Reviews 19 reads
14 / 27
cks175 43 Reviews 16 reads
15 / 27

P&R Forum Certified SPOTY (2021? 2022? I’m sure BigPapaSearch can confirm).  There were two other polls where GentleGuy and Laffy were transparently deemed the winners. Especially ironic because Laffy created the poll he ended up winning. He tried to close the poll after one vote was cast (his) and then lost his shit when the poll stayed open and he ended up winning it.

Long story short, the lefties here went into poll denial mode (think Stacey Abrams, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton) and demanded no more polls be conducted at this forum.

What’s not going to happen is Nicky opening a SPOATY poll and closing it after one vote (his).  I’ld personally be more than pleased to see polls reintroduced to the forum, but I don’t think that’s a path the libs here really want to travel down.

jazzman121847 105 Reviews 22 reads
16 / 27

Or maybe Simple-minded Poster Of All Time.  

He thinks he's being pithy and perceptive, but he comes across as hollow and vacuous.

inicky46 61 Reviews 17 reads
17 / 27

GaGambler invented the SPOTY award years before 2020. I then invented the SPOAT. Please try to keep up.

cks175 43 Reviews 22 reads
18 / 27

I didn’t say when SPOTY started, I said when it was last awarded. SPOAT is just a figment of your imagination.

followme 20 reads
19 / 27

Icky is
He invented nothing. Icky took someone else’s idea, GaG in this case, (actually he stole it, as he does with everything else he posts) changed it slightly and now claims he invented something. That’s pathetic  

That is typical of icky, he takes credit for the accomplishments/original thoughts of others and denies, runs and hides from his own failures.


As we all know


inicky46 61 Reviews 20 reads
20 / 27

The line in his post is one he's repeated so many times here it's got scuff marks on it. But he's got the unmitigated gall to come after me for lack of inventiveness. What a pathetic joke he is.
But he can't help himself, he's suffered to deeply over the years from my ridicule that he lashes out even when he makes no sense. Which is always. What a loser.

inicky46 61 Reviews 22 reads
21 / 27

You claim you don't talk "TO" me but that's EXACTLY what you just did because you "REPLIED" to my post. Jesus, are you really THAT dumb? Clearly yes.
To top it off, you keep REPEATING the same bogus charge, although even someone as dim-witted as you HAS to know it's false. So you are just lying.
PS: I'm writing this from Cape Town, South Africa. Gorgeous town. And today I saw a huge flock of Penguins. Every one of them was smarter than you.
How sad for SwallowMeat that he must rely on ignorant losers like you for support.

followme 26 reads
22 / 27

Years of me laughing at you for thinking you hurt my feelings or that you ridicule me or that I give a shit about what you say. It’s really funny when you constantly try to declare yourself the winner or you did/said this or that. You cannot hide the fact that you are jealous of others. You are just a conceited worthless low life desperately trying to be relevant and you fail every time.  

Ickypoo steals swallowpee from ltm&l (laffy the mooch & liar)


and swallowmeat is just a modification of what you stole from laffy but I suppose that makes sense since you are his replacement.

Try again, it is fun watching you pretend to ridicule, humiliate me and others ….it is not working

You’re Welcome
At backstabbing post pulling ickypoo we laugh

BTW you talk about tired old lines , your piñata lines  are older than the ones I and others use that you whine about being repetitive …but don’t stop using it I enjoy laughing at you when you use it over and over and over again then complain about others using the same old tired lines.  

inicky46 61 Reviews 22 reads
23 / 27

Why else would you continually respond to my taunts with your ineffectual buffoonery? Face it, Swallow, you are obsessed with me no matter how much you squirm, lie and writhe. So stop lying about it,
You are my puppet girl.  
Nice outfit.

followme 21 reads
24 / 27

The only shit I give is on you.

You say I am constantly responding to you that’s funny because you are responding to me also. As much if not more. So you see you do follow me.

And you are doing exactly what I said you do in my above post.

You projection is only surpassed by you conceit, but not by much

As for responding you are the one who desperately craves  the last word, it is one of the most important thing in the world to you. And you get it, when I allow it.

inicky46 61 Reviews 18 reads
25 / 27

Like your pathetic gambit at the end to keep me from responding so you can have your cherished last word. What a feeble creature you are.

followme 26 reads
26 / 27

As evidenced by the fact that you keep replying.

But I’m not yet allowing you the last word that you so covet.

inicky46 61 Reviews 14 reads
27 / 27

He accuses others of repeating things but that's all he does himself. He's a huge hypocrite and loser who can even figure out how to talk "about" someone and not "to" them.
What a colossal Dolt.

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