Politics and Religion

Re: Are you kidding?
followme 3518 reads
1 / 18

Where is Barack the Apologist Obama?
Two more Americans were murdered, execution style, in Afghanistan over the weekend and not one word of outrage from the commander in chief. Why is he not demanding an apology?

What is he going to do about htis?
His UN-American anti-military side shows again.

As I posted once before there is no question that obama is patriotic the question is to which country.  Obama’s actions continue to prove it is not the United States of America.

2012 = GOP

-- Modified on 2/27/2012 6:29:11 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 1313 reads
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I think it has more to do with what the prosecution learned in the O.J. Simpson case, regarding the bloody glove. Don't asks questions you don't know the answer to. Of course they assumed the glove would fit.

In Obama's case, which has to do with diplomacy, you never ask for, let alone demand something in public, that you've learned in private, you're never going to get!    ;)

Priapus53 1288 reads
3 / 18

Forgive my mixed metaphors----;)-----Btw, FFP, if you don't know what "Manchurian candidate" means just google it.

Btw, FFP, here's a pic of GWB kissing a Saudi prince shortly after 9/11 ( Saudi Arabia was home to most of 9/11 hijackers )

Why didn't you & your "ilk" question GWB's "patriotism & lack of loyalty" then ?! Is it because dumb partisan GOP hacks will never condemn one of their own, even one of the worst Presidents of all times ?

Keep in mind I have NOTHING against principled conservatives------it's the moronic partisan ones that make me reach for the vomit bag---

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1410 reads
4 / 18

and certainly do not want him "asking" the enemy for an apology.  This is war.  Apologies are for pussies, not for war combatants.

His mistake is not due to his lack of asking for an apology.  It was clearly for issuing one to a nation that has brutally killed many of our young soldiers.

Iwantyouwecanhititupthefloor 2 Reviews 977 reads
5 / 18

An egregious error was committed by some of our own and the fucking backwards assed conservative restless natives got their panties in a wad. The idea behind the apology is to ameliorate and cool tensions off in order to prevent escalation. We're not at war with Afghanistan. The other option is to inflame and commit to general hostilities against Afghanistan in its entirety; last I checked that's not the mission. Only fucking morons don't get this. When you're in charge you take the heat and sometimes a mea culpa is necessary to achieve the greater objective. Only fucking narrow minded shitheads don't see the move for what it is.

followme 1004 reads
6 / 18

Is Mary J. there too?

I do not think obama is brainwashed, he is killing this country on purpose.

I think your hat, with the red star on it, is too tight.

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOp

BTW that pic has been altered.

followme 1066 reads
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We are not at war with Afghanistan, so therefore they are not our enemy.

The people who murdered our men are Afghan military/security police or what ever they are called.
they are the ones we are training to take over the security and protection of the country when we leave.

I did not say he should "ask "for an apology I want to know why he is not displaying leadreshitp and DEMANDING one.

BoobiesBoobies 983 reads
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I think it's very funny...these things conservatives say about Obama. He's deported more immigrants than Bush, kept taxes low, invaded a sovereign nation to kill bin Laden, increased the troop count in Afghanistan, followed Bush's time table on Iraq, is in the back pocket of Wall Street, expanded domestic drilling for oil, pussied out on real health care reform, still has Guantanamo open, opposes gay marriage...what else do you want? His history might seem like a left leaning politician, but as president he's very center-right.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1007 reads
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Posted By: VidiViciVeni
An egregious error was committed by some of our own and the fucking backwards assed conservative restless natives got their panties in a wad. The idea behind the apology is to ameliorate and cool tensions off in order to prevent escalation. We're not at war with Afghanistan. The other option is to inflame and commit to general hostilities against Afghanistan in its entirety; last I checked that's not the mission. Only fucking morons don't get this. When you're in charge you take the heat and sometimes a mea culpa is necessary to achieve the greater objective. Only fucking narrow minded shitheads don't see the move for what it is.

NeverPoliticallyCorrect 1793 reads
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I guess maybe you should watch the news a little more closely.

Lets see who did he get rid of...uhmmmm Sadaam....and then there's the other guy, uh what was his name, Bin Laden, oh yeah...no he hasn't done anything as commander and chief.

Your words kind of prove that you are the one unpatriotic here.

Just because he prefers diplomacy to war doesn't make him anti-military, it makes him smarter than the rest.

followme 1424 reads
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You need to pay attention the the news.

Who got rid of Sadaam?  It was done under the Bush administration. However I give the US military credit for it not Bush. Just as I give the Navy Seals credit for killing bin laden.

When the military/generals asked for 40k troops for the surge obama took about 6 months to decide and only approved 30k troop. Has obama not been indecisive and given the Generals the 40k troops when they wanted them  the situation there may very well be much better than it is now.

His apology is WEEKNESS not diplomacy.

Also why has he not at least made a statement and  expressed outrage about the men who were murdered, execution style?  
Murdered by people who were supposed to be on our side.

You’re welcome
2012 = GOP

Iwantyouwecanhititupthefloor 2 Reviews 1585 reads
12 / 18

Seal Team 6 didn't "get" Osama. Just like a scalpel doesn't perform heart surgery.

Get a clue. It was this administration that drove the impetus which culminated into the cohesive intelligence operation resulting in Osama being taken out.

This administration is also to be credited with the large scale usage of drones which has become the most effective weapon yet to fight the type of enemy we're faced with.

Your bullshit strawman regarding the "surge" holds no water. Timing had no criticality being that the former admin took their collective eye off the ball for almost 6-7 years.

Now is the time to get out, it makes sense to ensure some sort of stability during the transition and it makes sense not to unecessarily rile up the primitives.

The executions you speak of are the fallout of a blunder. The cost of doing business. You thinking that "those people are supposed to be on our side," demonstrates your woeful ignorance of the matter. Guess what twinkle-toes....Pakistan is "on our side" yet Obama didn't bother to tell them we were conducting the most sophisticated covert special operation since the inception of JSOC; inside their sovereign border, a couple of blocks away from their largest military academy. We fucking invaded an "allies" territory, killed the douchebag, and were out in less than 24 hours.

That was slicker than a rattlesnake's belly in a tire rut.

The stupid fucking Paki's didn't have a clue, yeah that's weak alright. Pull your ingrate head out of your ass.

Expressing outrage would serve no purpose other than to provide fresh reason for further anti-American vitriole and that would escalate into more violence. So, unless we are to go to war with Afghanistan, stirring the shitpot makes no diplomatic sense whatsoever.

Taliban and Al Qaeda are in utter disarray; we need to step back, get out, leverage our newly developed humint resources and remote technology to keep the cockroaches at bay.

-- Modified on 2/28/2012 5:56:18 PM

followme 914 reads
13 / 18

You definitely got into boy-willy and pri-boy’s stash.

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug Free Gop

Iwantyouwecanhititupthefloor 2 Reviews 1019 reads
14 / 18

that makes me a liberal? ha! If you only knew....

You've got nothing but vapid, ill-informed rhetoric that can't stand up to any reasonable scrutiny.

-- Modified on 2/28/2012 8:51:44 PM

followme 847 reads
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You insult the Navy Seals when you compare them to a scalpel, an inanimate object.
The Seals do not need anyone to guide then, show them what to do, or how to do it.
Just give them a mission and stand back, they do the rest, and should get the credit.

I’ll try to explain the rest of it in easy to understand terms when you sober up.

You’re Welcome
2012 Drug Free GOP    

Iwantyouwecanhititupthefloor 2 Reviews 798 reads
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Posted By: followme
You insult the Navy Seals when you compare them to a scalpel, an inanimate object.
The Seals do not need anyone to guide then, show them what to do, or how to do it.
Just give them a mission and stand back, they do the rest, and should get the credit.

I’ll try to explain the rest of it in easy to understand terms when you sober up.

You’re Welcome
2012 Drug Free GOP    

Look! A frog hog! lol

Keep digging. Like I said, you have nothing.

ChowderICantHearYou 1211 reads
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because of koran being accidentally burnt will be dissuaded from doing so simply by the surrender monkey in chief "apologizing" is delusional.

Primarily Obama sychophants.

Iwantyouwecanhititupthefloor 2 Reviews 824 reads
18 / 18

Another fool who doesn't see the forest for the trees... Dumbasses abound!

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