Politics and Religion

Re: Apparently
harryj 2100 reads

you either ate too much shit or you are a chronic adolescent, maybe both. Clean up your sophmoric act.

I noticed the Stock market went up today and Bush gave a speech last night...I swear I have heard some lying libs on this board say whenever Bush gives a speech the Market falls.

Never believe the lips on a Bush.  Even a talking burning Bush.  Shave the pubes off that mound and let 'em flap in the breeze.  A bald poon is a honest poon.  That's a scientific proven fact.  Let the Market be free.  Or at least a reasonable hourly incall rate.

How many dates can you get outta a refi?

Ben Dover1731 reads

We're probably just feeling the false waves cuz we got another credit-shot in the arm from our overseas puppeteer/pimps to keep us afloat long enough to further rape us of our raw materials and technologies...
 I suspect the opposite to be true of your observation, the Bush-team may be timing his speeches to preempt positive market events... Just think how high the market MIGHT have climbed if Bush HAD NOT given a speech the night before??

Tusyan1854 reads

You're making a couple of assumptions here without any factual basis. First, that Bush gave a good speech last night.   It was really just a rehash. How many times did he mention Al Queda in Iraq? Second, that the speech has anything to do with the very modest gains in stock market today.  The Wall Street people attributed the tiny uptick to the expectation that the Fed will cut rates again tomorrow.

Timbow1780 reads

If the speech had any change on WS it was the this line
He also pushed Congress to extend his tax cuts, which are to expire in 2010, and said allowing them to lapse would mean higher tax bills for 116 million American taxpayers. For those who say they're willing to pay more, Bush said, "I welcome their enthusiasm, and I am pleased to report that the IRS accepts both checks and money orders :)

harryj1638 reads

It has been tried before but it seems that they are only interested in reaching farther down into their neighbors' pockets. They want mega dollars for their goofy liberty killing schemes and they want the peasants to fund it too. No, there will no be donations fom the libbies, their hypocricy is astonishing.

Bushit-eater1321 reads

They charge us to teech English in skool an everybody nows we all talk it already!!  Goofy liberty killers!    been killing mah liberty ever since they made me put kloze on when I was 8!!  Liberty killers!!

harryj2101 reads

you either ate too much shit or you are a chronic adolescent, maybe both. Clean up your sophmoric act.

That's because he never gives a "good" speech.  Don't you Cons get it?

Bushit-eater1352 reads

You can tell when he looks at you and see in his eyes that he's checking to see if you feel the same shit in your gut, and we all signal back that yes, we feel the same shit in our gut, so it's true!  Majority rules!  We all hate taxes, and accountants, and paperwork, and pointy headed people with glasses and pointy eared people!  So we're not going to pay any taxes!  Yellow ribbons YES!  Taxes NO!  Why do you all hate America with your numbers and facts?!  Jesus will save you even if you lied about being a drunk!  He'll just come down and sweep you up, like the space aliens could do!  But Jesus is not a space alien!   He's a real person who will fuck you up with earthquakes and tornadoes if you don't sacrifice the abortionaists and fairy faggots!!

Oh, Lordy Lordy!!!  I believe now! I believe!!!  Don't throw me to the fire, Jeebus!!  I'll kill me a liberal today in your Holy Name.  Praise Jeebus and the President!!!

Crystal_Ball_Operator1866 reads

that (1) some things need to be done, (2) that you gotta pay the bill, and pretending not to pay the bill just spreads it around in inflation, and (3) being an asshole ALL THE TIME doesn't help anything.

Don't get me started on the libs.  I lay off them most of the time because they're usually pretty helpless & fratricidal.  They may be laughable & pathetic, but they're not determined to be evil, idiotic, drunk or deranged.

harryj1352 reads

Libbies not "evil, idiotic, drunk and deranged." They ARE that, as well as being lazy, immoral, arrogant, ignorant, and thieves.

When HAS he given a good speech?  I'd hate to be his speechwriter.  Labor like a coal miner to create an inspirational or informational message that is ultimately broken up into five word pseudo-sentences / phrases with the pronunciation mangled.

"Four score and seven years . . . ago our fathers brought forth . . . on this continent, a new . . . nation, conceived in Liberty, and . . . dedicated to the proposition that . . . all men are created equal . . . in other words . . . the government gets to do what it wants . . . and you're a traitor if you question it."

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