Politics and Religion

Do you really care about womens choices?
SocDegree 3243 reads

Im getting tired of people who claim that abortions are the rights of women. They base that claim on the fact that there are very few side effects. Think again.


What are theses side effects you speak of?

...I doubt if they would effect me.

He's very sensitive and doesn't like it.  Besides, he has an axe to grind and doesn't want to hear anyone tell him he's wrong.

The link mentioned something similar to PPD. That happens to women after they give birth, a possible sidefect of nature.

Why are the most common perpetrators and victims of homicide, young adult males 17-24(or whatever the range is)?

They've never been pregenate, nor had an abortion.

Would people behave more responsibly, in the absence of capitalism?

The basis for a woman's right to choose has nothing, repeat zero, to do with side effects.  The basis for the law is in a woman's Constitutional right to privacy.  
Now, I'm fine with anyone who is anti-abortion as long as they aren't violent.  But if you're going to try to make an anti-abortion case, as least get your facts straight.

SocDegree1063 reads

The Law you're refering to was initially intended for that purpose. I see the psychological side effects of abortion survivors daily. They admit the reason for their decision was that med staff informed them that the side effects were minimal. They should be informed of ALL of the ramifications of that action

I see my link is faulty. Let me ammend that

You are perhaps too sensitive for this board if you think my post was rude.  Apparently you are to sensitive to be told you're wrong?
And, BTW, you still are wrong regarding Roe v. Wade, which is the governing law in this case.
A link is attached, but here is the relevant language, according to The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.
"In a 7-2 opinion by Justice Harry Blackmun, the Court ruled that a right to privacy under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees a woman’s right to an abortion.  The Due Process Clause protects a broad right to privacy that is also found in the Ninth Amendment and the penumbras of the Bill of Rights.  This “substantive due process” right to privacy permits a woman to terminate her pregnancy for any reason during the first trimester."

SocDegree1356 reads

Don't have issue with law. We have issue with the clinics and doctors who aren't as informative as they should be.
I wasn't arguing law but I guess you see what you wish to see.

"Im getting tired of people who claim that abortions are the rights of women. They base that claim on the fact that there are very few side effects. Think again."
You said people who claim abortions are the rights of women "base that claim on the fact that there are very few side effects."  That's simply wrong.  When people claim that right it is not based on so-called side effects; it's based on the right to privacy in the Constitution.  If you had simply written instead that people who demand abortion rights don't realize there are side effects, you would not have made a mis-statement.  I would have disagreed with you for other reasons but not as a matter of law.  If you're going to argue a point you really need to write and think more clearly

I didn't see anything in your response that made be believe you were being rude. But, then again, I just had someone wish that I'd be blown up in the house explosion we had here in LA, so a may be a bit desensitized.  ;)

talking about a woman’s “right to abortion” but then complained about doctors not giving proper advice as to “side effects” of abortion. Frankly, I cannot understand what point  you are making.

       There really is no direct connection between  the legal concept of the underlying right and the medical  concept. A woman’s right to an abortion, to the extent  she has that right, derives from the Constitution as currently interpreted by the Supreme Court. If  she elects to undergo that procedure without being given proper advice as to the risks of the procedure, that really has nothing to with her right to make the decision, although a distinct non-constitutional right may be violated – the right of informed consent.

         After looking at your link, I think what you are really complaining about is the scope of informed consent that the law requires a woman to be given before a non-emergency abortion and, in particular, whether the woman must be advised of psychological risks. Informed consent primarily goes to physical risks of the procedural and varies by state. But many states permit the patient to ask for more detail and that is where advice of psychological risks are most likely to be given.  

      Perhaps what you meant to say is that poor informed consent is preventing women from fully and meaningfuly exercising their right to this elective procedure.

that oppresses women like Afghanistan for instance. And, the law of our land says, indeed women have a right to abort a fetus, or carry it to full term; hopefully with the consultation of a physician that has her best in mind. Yes, doctors should be very clear as to possible side-effects of having an abortion. And, you may keep in mind that many women are willing to take their chances based on the emotional, physically, financial and psychological side-effects of carrying a fetus to full term and, raising a child under conditions she believes she cannot withstand.

A woman should not be legally mandated to carry & give birth if unwantingly impregnated.
A man should not incur child support when he chose to actively rely on accepted forms of birth control during the respective copulation. IE Vasectomy, condoms, IUD, sponge,  

  The fuck'n pro-lifers want every biological zygote mistake to reach fruition; but then they want someone else to fuck'n pay for it for the next 18 years. If the saved zygote becomes a dangerous/violent felon for reasons of an impoverished youth and substandard parenting only then may we terminate or "abort" the rest of its life via Capital Punishment.  

 If you want a world full of poor white trash simply outlaw abortion and we'll have as many hopeless WHITE souls as do South American countries historically addled with ignorance and omnipresent Catholicism.



who believes a parent should have the right to abort a fetus until the 18th year after it is born.

Let's be honest here. The only reason why you feel this way is because you're a fucking Jesus Freak. I see no reason why your fucking delusions should play any part in limiting the rights of others.

When was the last time a man risked death by reproducing?

Look, "be fruitful and multiply" made sense about 6 billion people ago. But today, human beings are the most successful species on this earth. We're more populous than rats.

We need LESS people, not more. We should give women tax breaks for having abortions.

What's worse, is that you posted a link from a Jesus Freak website, and the anti-abortion Jesus Freak movement has been more than happy to outright lie about abortion time and time again. These are the same asshats who are still trying to push "gay conversion therapy", despite that the science tells us that this is nothing more than psychological abuse, and it has a 100% failure rate.

Here's what I propose. Keep your idiotic, semi-barbaric delusional backwards beliefs to yourself. Get on your knees, mutter to yourself, and pretend that it gives you special powers that defy the laws of physics. You're free to worship whatever barbaric and idiotic religion you like, but I draw the line whenever some delusional shit head wants to use his fucking imaginary friend as an excuse to take away the rights of entire group of people.

Go fuck yourself, shithead.

-- Modified on 9/7/2013 9:00:59 PM

GaGambler1147 reads

Yes, it was necessary for "someone" to give this fuckwad the reception he/she deserves. I think we should be thanking Willy for picking up the slack.

It is funny, Willy with all his faults is usually the one arguing for civility here, maybe I am beginning to rub off on him? Lol

SocDegree1254 reads

A friend this silliness with me last night. "Let all the men who want to marry men marry men. Let all the woem who want to marry women marry women. Let all the women who want to kill babies kill babies. In three generations there will NOT be any Democrats or Liberals."

You just keep on shouting about personal freedoms while cleaning up your mess if left to me.

if not you are part of the problem

I have no doubt that if civilization persists, that we will get a real world version of Idiocracy, but I have my hopes that science will one day create a virus that will kill off the stupid. Who knows, maybe we can get rid of the stupid and the religious all in one fell swoop.

and nobody's business except doctor/patient/God.

We are far better with population and evolution, if we get over the awkwardness and talk to our children about sex openly, and it's best to start while they are still virgins and rolling their eyes.   If you leave them to the school system or friends, they will get misinformation and not the truth on the responsibility of raising a child and the child having a deserved balanced life.  I have one 22 year old daughter and I talk to her.  She has been drunk 3 times and it was horrible all three times she was sick (good!)  I just tell her the truth, she doesn't have to make my mistakes.  My mother told me nothing, not even about a period.  Surprise, I had an abortion at 19.  I don't give a shit who judges me, they didn't walk my shoes.

mental disorders. Personally, I believe psychology is pseudo science. The only science it uses is statistics which also highly dependent on the population sample and person conducting the analysis. It can be highly prejudices and most cases they are.

Other than that, it is all opinions and influencing brittle minds with nonsense. Same shit goes for sociologists

terminating her pregnancy but if some mugger kills her on the way to the clinic he gets charged with a double homicide.

but did watch it the other night. He had on 20 or so extremely smart students ( half dem , half repub ) from several top Universities.  They debated several issues  from taxes to Syria. When they hit on late term abortion those kids were lost . One girl who sounded she could design the space shuttle said Hannity was be unrealistic when he asked if it was okay to abort at six to eight months when a baby can live outside the womb. She said it never happens so what's the point.  

Liberal brainwashing in the schools ?

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