Politics and Religion

Re: who would one aim their assault rifle at?Click on the llnks provided for an entire gallery of c
Old_School 121 reads

hoices. Or find others to suit yourself. Vicarious though it may be, it does provide a strange catharsis.

Plus the ladies I see tend to enjoy pulling more than just MY trigger out on the range ;)

43 - http://www.fathead.com/search-results/?term=Bush
44 - http://www.fathead.com/search-results/?term=Obama
Some of you dread
45 - http://www.fathead.com/search-results/?term=Trump  
while others suffer the memory or the notion of
45 - http://www.fathead.com/search-results/?term=Clinton
Funny thing - Search "Clinton" you get the above...
Search "Hillary",you get a life-sized crocodile in its native habitat.
See for yourself.
Posted By: LasVegan
about your loss.  Either you are a very unlucky person, you did something terribly illegal, or you had a miserable lawyer.  
 Yet, seems our opinions are relatively closely aligned.  Plus, with all that said, even if you were of a less sane mind, who would one aim their assault rifle at?

LasVegan409 reads

I just do not get it!  While I do not own a firearm, I do support our second amendment.  Any American so inclined, AFTER being deemed a good steward of a firearm, should be able to possess a hand gun for personal protection (if they want one) or whatever is appropriate for hunting.

But I can NOT understand why any American would need an assault rifle or ridiculously large magazine capable of holding an uncountable number of rounds.

Last visit to my dentist, the hygienist went on and on about this issue.  Of course, was at a disadvantage with all the tools of her trade obstructing my ability to talk (yeah, I know, maybe that was a good thing).  Yet, I did find a way to ask her; "why in the world would any American need this type of weapon?"

She said some people do not trust the government and need this type of weapon.  Really?  What is the government going to do, steal my house, empty my bank account, cash in all my investment securities, confiscate my dog?  Steal the contact list on my burner phone so I can not hobby anymore?  I simply do not get it.  How in the world could an assault rifle make sense and who would those who own one direct an assault rifle at?

Old_School107 reads

uck a nerve having nothing to do with guns. Except my fantasy of who to aim at.

Posted By: LasVegan
I just do not get it!  While I do not own a firearm, I do support our second amendment.  Any American so inclined, AFTER being deemed a good steward of a firearm, should be able to possess a hand gun for personal protection (if they want one) or whatever is appropriate for hunting.  
 But I can NOT understand why any American would need an assault rifle or ridiculously large magazine capable of holding an uncountable number of rounds.  
 Last visit to my dentist, the hygienist went on and on about this issue.  Of course, was at a disadvantage with all the tools of her trade obstructing my ability to talk (yeah, I know, maybe that was a good thing).  Yet, I did find a way to ask her; "why in the world would any American need this type of weapon?"  
 She said some people do not trust the government and need this type of weapon.  Really?  What is the government going to do, steal my house, empty my bank account, cash in all my investment securities, confiscate my dog?  Steal the contact list on my burner phone so I can not hobby anymore?  I simply do not get it.  How in the world could an assault rifle make sense and who would those who own one direct an assault rifle at?
I agree with you when it comes to assault rifles.... unless you are a collector of fine weaponry, and then, why does it need to be fully functional and loaded when on display?

But as for the rest of it?  

The government stole my house - check
They emptied my bank account - check
They absconded with my investments - check
They could not confiscate my dog. I'm a cat person.
They confiscated my cat - check

All true.

Meanwhile, to return to topic; I support the Second Amendment. I do not support the NRA or their stated agenda.

LasVegan91 reads

about your loss.  Either you are a very unlucky person, you did something terribly illegal, or you had a miserable lawyer.

Yet, seems our opinions are relatively closely aligned.  Plus, with all that said, even if you were of a less sane mind, who would one aim their assault rifle at?

Old_School122 reads

hoices. Or find others to suit yourself. Vicarious though it may be, it does provide a strange catharsis.

Plus the ladies I see tend to enjoy pulling more than just MY trigger out on the range ;)

43 - http://www.fathead.com/search-results/?term=Bush
44 - http://www.fathead.com/search-results/?term=Obama
Some of you dread
45 - http://www.fathead.com/search-results/?term=Trump  
while others suffer the memory or the notion of
45 - http://www.fathead.com/search-results/?term=Clinton
Funny thing - Search "Clinton" you get the above...
Search "Hillary",you get a life-sized crocodile in its native habitat.
See for yourself.

Posted By: LasVegan
about your loss.  Either you are a very unlucky person, you did something terribly illegal, or you had a miserable lawyer.  
 Yet, seems our opinions are relatively closely aligned.  Plus, with all that said, even if you were of a less sane mind, who would one aim their assault rifle at?

..When the 2nd amendment was written the only guns available were single shot ball & powder, the authors could have never imagined the killing power of the weaponry available today, so how could the 2nd amendment protect the the right of the public to have those arms ? If the "government" turned on the people they would have no chance of fighting off the armed forces with all their sophisticated equipment.

deer.  When the thugs in your city have automatic weapons and use them on a daily basis what will you buy to defend yourself....a single shot .22?  No! You will buy an AR15 to gain an advantage.

a Maserati or a Bentley? Why does any American need a 5, 10 or 20 million dollar home? Why does any American need to be able to express their opinion or practice freedom of religion? Why does any American need to do anything but what the government tells us? Why, because this is America. I own an "assault rifle" and have no interest at directing it at anyone. I own it because I can and I like it. Just like the guy with the Maserati and the 20 million dollar home. Prostitution is against the law. Does it stop us? No. Do you think outlawing "assault rifles" will stop people from owning them?

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