Politics and Religion

Re: The Apocalypse is a pipe dream.
bong_water 1833 reads

Grow your own and never run out.

Airing 2pm EST.(History Channel)To late for those on EST,but those west of CST,can see it in it's entirety.Very interesting program,brings science and religon together.
Couldn't find any other dates that it's airing.

I'll be working, so can you watch it for me. I need to know the exact time of the world's ending so I can get one more visit in to my ATF. :)

Sorry man,I'll be visiting mine!(ATF)...LOL!
BTW,i think they said it was all ending tonight(the world that is)to bad you've got to work,,,
I'm heading out the door to get laid,even as we speak!As Jimmy Hendrix put it,"I'll meet you in the next world,and don't be late",,,Peace!

Ow! You're just really, really cruel :) Just kidding. If it's really the end-time, it's "all man for himself," when it comes to getting that last big O in the sky.

Hell, do ya think they'll still make us pay?I think if the world was ending,i would walk in with an empty envelope!,,Hell, i know i would!

I'm setting up a huge meet and greet on December 19, 2012.

JustThinkingOutLoud1309 reads

Apocalyptic literature was not about 'predicting the future' per se but about a "gods eye view' of the historical process which included the conflict between light and dark, good and evil and specifically addressed the situation of hardship or persecution of the intended audience. It is only because so many in the middle ages had access to these scriptures, but not to the fundamental education to understand them, that this type of interpretation has beccome in vogue.

Apocalyptic symbolism and numerology were "codes" designed to be understood by those grounded in the symbol set.

EG the "beast with 7 heads and 10 horns rising out of the sea" referred to the arrival of the Emperor Trajan and his legions by sea to the region of Bythinia in Asia minor in the 120s ad and the persecution of christians (an historical afterthought - the purpose was warfare with the Persians) that followed.....

The sport of making Revelation especially to be about the future will never cease I imagine.... but it is grounded in a total lack of understanding of the genre...

Were does John come into the picture.
Is it not true that he wrote the Book of Revelation,while on exile to to the Isle of Patmos.Do we dismiss what he had to say altogether?

JustThinkingOutLoud1592 reads


Not dismissing it at all - just understanding how it was meant to be interpreted. This was common knowledge among those educated in the Church througout the centuries. When the bible became available in English, untrained persons began to interpret it as it read to them, without reference to the original language or the intent of the authors....

First - there are three editorial layers to what has become known as the book of revelation. John of Patmos appears to have contributed the first layer - the latters to the 7 churches and a few chapters following on, perhaps as early as in the reign of the Emperor Domitian.  In manuscript history, this "book" was still growing in the 4th century, being added to by other faith communities, adapting it to their purposes.

John was not writing to "predict the future" but to *describe and explain* the persecution and suffering of the christian communties in Asia minor from a "gods eye view", to tell them how their suffering fit into God's plan of history, the conflict between good and evil, and to insure them that ultimately God remained in charge and that evil would be judged.  The "processes" descibed in Revelation are not once and future events but cycles that occurr within the tension between good and evil, believer and persecutor. In that respect, one could say that Christians being persecuted in Northern Africa by Muslims could see in the Revelation a "gods eye view" of the place of their sufferig wtihin sacred history as well. So, the message is "timeless" but not "once and future"

The apocalyptic and prophetic "voice" always used what we translate as "future tense" of the verbs not to suggest that the events themselves were to take place in the future but to say that they are ordained - that they take place for a purpose within the divine scheme of things, and at God's command. The use of the tense of the verb is in the same way that we might tell a Child - you *will* use your table manners...

The book of Revelation was highly controversial in the early church. It did not gain wide acceptance until the 5th century. Meanwhile, the books that were most heavily used and loved by the earliest Christians did *not* make it into what we call the Bible, which was collated in the 5-6th centuries.
These books of early import included: The Book of Enoch (from which Jesus quotes), the Testament of the Patriarchs (from which Paul quotes), the Shepherd of Hermas (from which many of the early church bishops quote) and others. Thankfully many of these are available to be read in English translations.

Timbow2834 reads

Great Tribulation has no bearing or the second coming of Christ which has to be in the future :)

JustThinkingOutLoud1454 reads

and is not the historically correct understanding of Revelation.

There is no such thing as an event called "the tribulation" but rather, the process of tribulation in sacred history

There is no such thing as an event called "The second coming" but rather a process whereby the community of believers, embodying the ressurrected Christ, overcomes evil and brings about the values of the Kingdom of God espoused by Jesus in the 25th chapter of Matthew

These modern ideas, a la Tim LaHaye et al, were conveived by persons without the classical training necessary to interpret the genre of apocalpytic literature. These modern authors totally ignore the original meaning of both the symbol set and the numerology..... but the tales they weave captivate people and do not require any effort at learning the tools necessary to properly interpret the material

Wow,,,1st time i heard that!,,,But it makes sense!
BTW,,,are you a theologian,a priest,or other?

JustThinkingOutLoud1703 reads

because premillenialism did not exist before the 1850s... nobody thought that way beforehand....

and the over 90% of Christians in the world today that do not agree with premillenialism go to hell because they also do not hold premillenial eschatology?

Where does it say in the bible that being a Christian or going to heaven depends on believing in premillenial eschatology?

Thats everything in a nutshell that is wrong with fundamentalism.  

Ignorant of the original language culture and symbolism of the bible

Ignorant of what Christianity historically has believed

Ignorant of what Christianity in the rest of the world believes today.....

When the great overwhelming majority of Christians  get to heaven, Peter will tell them to be very quiet walking down the entrance hall, because the folks in your little room believe that you are the only ones there....

Timbow1386 reads

You are funny . The Catholic Church has talked  about the second coming for years :)


Timbow1975 reads

''No Millennialism: Most skeptics and liberal Christian theologians largely interpret the contents of the books of Daniel and Revelation as having no prophetic information for our future. Many regard Revelation as being composed of visions, hallucinations or nightmares of the author, of little meaning for Christians today. Some believe that the purpose of the book of Revelation was to stiffen resolve in the early Christian movement to withstand persecution by the Roman Empire. Thus, its purpose was to predict persecutions and other events that were to happened to the early Christian church. They also reject the apparent prophecies in the Book of Daniel. They believe that Daniel was written early in the 2nd century BCE, long after most of the events had actually happened. It was history recorded, not their future prophesized. ''

Your view read the rest and get educated :)

Timbow1620 reads

Wrong the first   part of Rev is about the Romans but the second is about the second coming if you are a beliver:)
So I guess you do not think Christ will come again and have his Kingdom on Earth :)

bong_water2110 reads

Take 3 tokes of Maui wowie and see for yourself.

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