Politics and Religion

Quad you really don't understand the GE polls yourself.teeth_smile
bigguy30 83 reads

Posted By: quadseasonal
"Since the beginning of time, every winner of every stick fight was a guy with a stick.  
  So you’d expect that trend to continue. Until someone shows up to the fight with a flame thrower.  
 I’m betting on the guy with the flame thrower. "  

bigguy30119 reads

The contentious tenor of the campaign is turning off voters, and most of them blame Mr. Trump. Quinnipiac’s poll found that 61 percent think that the campaign is increasing hatred and prejudice in the United States, and 67 percent of those who think that attribute it to the presumptive Republican nominee.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

you do not have the intelligence to write that yourself and clearly you do not have the integrity to give credit to the writer who did say it in  the 4th paragraph of the linked article. Since you did not put "quotes" to you post is more proof you intended for us to think it was your words.

You talk about others being a FRAUD, a PHONY and so on, well you big-copyandpaste- 30 are the biggest fraud here  

you have NO credibility NO honor NO integrity

You're Welcome  


Posted By: bigguy30
The contentious tenor of the campaign is turning off voters, and most of them blame Mr. Trump. Quinnipiac’s poll found that 61 percent think that the campaign is increasing hatred and prejudice in the United States, and 67 percent of those who think that attribute it to the presumptive Republican nominee.  
Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

bigguy30116 reads

You have proven with you're own comments.
The word intelligence and you don't go together. Lol
So I would really stay quiet, with your history on this site.

Also I post links to stories, just like you did above dumb ass.
The only difference is, I don't twist the truth in the story.
FM go and get laid.
Then you can calm down.

Posted By: followme
you do not have the intelligence to write that yourself and clearly you do not have the integrity to give credit to the writer who did say it in  the 4th paragraph of the linked article. Since you did not put "quotes" to you post is more proof you intended for us to think it was your words.  
 You talk about others being a FRAUD, a PHONY and so on, well you big-copyandpaste- 30 are the biggest fraud here  
 you have NO credibility NO honor NO integrity  
 You're Welcome  
Posted By: bigguy30
The contentious tenor of the campaign is turning off voters, and most of them blame Mr. Trump. Quinnipiac’s poll found that 61 percent think that the campaign is increasing hatred and prejudice in the United States, and 67 percent of those who think that attribute it to the presumptive Republican nominee.  
Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

hat I should stop talking about myself………..

How about you explain how it is in your little mind that I Am talking about myself in this thread.

When it is you ccopyandpase30 who posted from an article verbatim (copy and paste).

It is you bigplagiarist30 who did not put it in “quotes”  

It is you who did not have the integrity to give credit to the author

It is you who did not have the honesty to reference the publication it was from

It was you who clearly intended for all to think it was your words.

It is you bigPLAGIARIST 30 who does not have the courage to be man enough to admit you did copy and paste that paragraph and intended it to be your words.

You got caught and I called out, (as YOU like to say I exposed you as a fraud) so tell me how the fuck is it that in your little mind that I am talking about myself?  I mean really how the fuck do you come up with that?

What I am talking about is you being a fraud with no courage, no honor and no integrity.

 You’re Welcome
In Plagiarist We Distrus

bigguy30104 reads

I would really keep my mouth closed.
So I know, you are a old clown already.
You don't have to keep proving me right. Lol

Posted By: followme
 That I should stop talking about myself………..  
 How about you explain how it is in your little mind that I Am talking about myself in this thread.  
 When it is you ccopyandpase30 who posted from an article verbatim (copy and paste).  
 It is you bigplagiarist30 who did not put it in “quotes”  
 It is you who did not have the integrity to give credit to the author  
 It is you who did not have the honesty to reference the publication it was from  
 It was you who clearly intended for all to think it was your words.  
 It is you bigPLAGIARIST 30 who does not have the courage to be man enough to admit you did copy and paste that paragraph and intended it to be your words.  
 You got caught and I called out, (as YOU like to say I exposed you as a fraud) so tell me how the fuck is it that in your little mind that I am talking about myself?  I mean really how the fuck do you come up with that?  
 What I am talking about is you being a fraud with no courage, no honor and no integrity.  
  You’re Welcome  
 In Plagiarist We Distrust  

Beyond a shadow of a doubt that you do not have the courage to be man enough to directly address the issue that you plagiarized.  That is irrefutable.  

You just deflected to a topic in another thread than has nothing to do with me calling you out here in this thread.
 Your feeble attempt to distract from the issue is pathetic.  

you can run, you can try to change the subject, you can whine and cry, you can distort and so on but you cannot hide or change the fact that you plagiarized and you cannot hid from the fact that you are a coward who is not man enough to directly address the issue.

You;r welcome
In Plagiarists We Distrust.

bigguy3093 reads

You have nothing and pissed off, because I called out your bullshit on here.
Just reading your comments, is like a comedy skit! Lol
Thanks for playing clown and move on.


Posted By: followme
Beyond a shadow of a doubt that you do not have the courage to be man enough to directly address the issue that you plagiarized.  That is irrefutable.  
 You just deflected to a topic in another thread than has nothing to do with me calling you out here in this thread.  
  Your feeble attempt to distract from the issue is pathetic.  
 you can run, you can try to change the subject, you can whine and cry, you can distort and so on but you cannot hide or change the fact that you plagiarized and you cannot hid from the fact that you are a coward who is not man enough to directly address the issue.  
 You;r welcome  
 In Plagiarists We Distrust.  

You once again confirm you are a coward.  

 You are not man enough to directly address the issue.  
It is just so pathetic to see you cower in the corner like a sissy as little twat.

Go ahead and put your dishonest, distorted misguided spin on it and have the last word as I know you will, in fact I order you to reply.

It is obvious why you see the kind of providers you see. You want a pair of balls in the room, unfortunately they are not yours.

You’re Welcome
In Plagiarists We distrus

bigguy3078 reads

You told me, you are not upset.
Then you keep posting this same bs comment after my comments.
Since you can't win any argument?

Well it's time for you to do two things.
Just move on and get laid, because you are acting crazy. Lol

I said before Trump supporters, can try and dish it out.
Then you can't take the heat in return.
Just like your fraud leader chump aka Trump. Lol

Thanks for showing everybody, I was right!  


Posted By: followme
You once again confirm you are a coward.  
  You are not man enough to directly address the issue.  
 It is just so pathetic to see you cower in the corner like a sissy as little twat.  
 Go ahead and put your dishonest, distorted misguided spin on it and have the last word as I know you will, in fact I order you to reply.  
 It is obvious why you see the kind of providers you see. You want a pair of balls in the room, unfortunately they are not yours.  
 You’re Welcome  
 In Plagiarists We distrust  
-- Modified on 6/29/2016 6:55:12 PM

If you average them out, she's up by 6%. & Nate did issue caveats about his prediction. but if you think you have a leg up on Nate, feel free to voice your opinion--------  :)

saltyballs84 reads

I'm going to take Nate's prediction that HRC wins the General election with a grain of salt. Anything is possible this year with Clinton only up right now by 6-10 points in most National polls.

Posted By: ChoosyCynic

-- Modified on 6/29/2016 5:50:48 AM

bigguy3076 reads

Posted By: saltyballs
I'm going to take Nate's prediction that HRC wins the General election with a grain of salt. Anything is possible this year with Clinton only up right now by 6-10 points in most National polls.  
Posted By: ChoosyCynic
 -- Modified on 6/29/2016 5:50:48 AM

He did predict that Obama would beat Romney, and Romney was much closer to Obama, in the polls. And, this was when most of the Republican establishment, Carl Rove and FOX News were predicting Romney would win. So, as I've said many times, here, I'm not a betting man. However, if I were forced to, I'd go with Nate over anyone else.

pot/kettle119 reads

I mean, after all, what are the chances that she might beat the worst candidate to ever come this close to securing a major party's nomination??????

This election has been over for years ... unless Teflon Hillary does something even more criminal and more stupid than she has already done.

"Since the beginning of time, every winner of every stick fight was a guy with a stick.
 So you’d expect that trend to continue. Until someone shows up to the fight with a flame thrower.
I’m betting on the guy with the flame thrower. "


bigguy3084 reads

Posted By: quadseasonal
"Since the beginning of time, every winner of every stick fight was a guy with a stick.  
  So you’d expect that trend to continue. Until someone shows up to the fight with a flame thrower.  
 I’m betting on the guy with the flame thrower. "  

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