Politics and Religion

Q: is there bigotry against White Conservative Christians ?
Priapus53 2432 reads

Is there a double standard for them as regards to the rest of the population ?

Are they the targets of "race baiting" ?

Does the "mainstream media" & popular culture ( movies, tv, music ) "ridicule & discriminate" against them ?

Do they feel that "right-wing media" ( talk radio & Fox News ) gives them a "fairer shake" & addresses their concerns ?

No "dumb cartoons" or commentary from me; I'll let the rest of you address this issue.

-- Modified on 8/16/2012 5:26:46 AM

Priapus53120 reads

the rest of us need a Rosetta stone to figure out your posts----

if you can't read that simple question you are simple.

Mr. Writer, how should I re-write my question in plain english?

Priapus53227 reads

-- Modified on 8/16/2012 8:36:45 AM

I have been a white male all my life. I have spent the majority of that time as a self-identified Christian, although, I was never religious. I have never once thought I was being discriminated against for being white, for being Christian, for being thought that I was Christian, or for being thought of being conservative.

On the other hand, I HAVE been discriminated against for being male. When I was a teen I worked at a convenience store, and the store manager was a single mother. I found out later that her husband had messed around on her and ran off with another woman.

The company had a policy that if you get food safety training, you can get a raise. Of all the store employees (20 some female, and Willy as the only male employee), I scored the best on this test. I was the only employee who was denied a raise for taking this training.

I normally worked graveyard shift (11pm to 7am), and one day the store manager asked me to come back in to work a 9am to 5pm. Lacking enough sleep to concentrate, I fucked up a sale and undercharged. A week later the store manager called me into the office, threatened to call the police on me for stealing, and fired me.

Stealing was a big issue at the store, because the store was coming up short by thousands of dollars. They even had the regional manager come out and spy on the store at all hours of the day to try to figure out what was going on. It was still going on when I got fired.

About 2 years later my band had just finished a gig, and I stopped by the convenience store (in another town) to get something to drink. I ran into my old graveyard shift manager. As it turns out, the person who had been stealing thousands of dollars every month from the store was none other than the store manager who had fired me.

It's pretty rare that you find out that your old boss got sent away to serve some hard time. I gotta say, between playing to a sold out gig, and finding out about this, that made my night.

GaGambler181 reads

I am not white, nor Christian, but I think it's plain that WCC's are continually subject to race baiting, I mean just look at this board for an example, every thing a "Righty" does that a lib disagrees with is labeled as racism, but I would not go so far as to say that that they are necessarily discriminated against.

A lot of what WCC's call being ridiculed and being discriminated against is simply a matter of other groups "pushing back" WCC's have been in charge for so long they feel it is their right to tell everyone else how to live, so when people start pushing back, they claim they are being "picked on"

As for  Popular culture goes, you need only watch a few minutes of the mindless drivel that passes for prime time entertainment to notice that the guy, and especially the white guy is always dumber than either the kid, the woman, or the person of color, so yes I have to agree that there is a bias against WCC's in Pop culture. I guess it's not really a bias against WCC's  but more a matter of pandering to those people with no power, by ridiculing those people that people perceive to have all the power. These shows are designed to appeal to stupid people and what makes a stupid person feel better than a show that depicts his boss as a moron?

and lastly, speaking of pandering,  naturally WCC's are going to feel like FOX news  and talk radio are going to give them a "fairer" shake. If by fair you mean, "biased in their favor", just like the libs love MSNBC, Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow et al.

Too bad the "children" had to hijack your thread, it had some promise to spark some actual conversation. until BV and Daffy took it over. BTW does Rosetta Stone sell a BV translator? I honestly have no fucking idea what he is talking about most of the time.

Priapus53163 reads

At least I'm not alone in that regard. He could fix it by not be so damned enigmatic all the time------just clear Eng., which seems to be a problem for him.

Yah, trolls are out in force here, but maybe we'll get some thoughtful responses later on.

Btw, good post.

GaGambler172 reads

I rarely have a fucking clue to what he's talking about either, even after he explains it.

I have to disagree about our chances of getting any thoughtful responses later, once the trolls have hijacked a thread the chances of any intelligent thought ever reentering the thread are virtually nil.

Nice try though, and to think you skipped the insipid cartoons for nothing. lmao

Priapus53147 reads

They always complain about "WCC bashing".

Lastly, do you have a clue who "Rutabaga" is ?
( of course, revealing his ID not mandatory, but it'd be interesting-----LOL )

You say I "always" complain about it. This is an exaggeration you'll not be able to support despite my voluminous posting history. Don't waste your time trying. I know what I post.

What I do do is complain about it when I see it. You, frankly have been the biggest offender of this with your "old white male christian" mantra. You lump people into this cute little box and your intent is to be dirisive. I'm not going to argue further on that.

In GaG's post in this thread I think he pretty well covered the double standard prevelant in "popular culture". You yourself acknowledged and attempt to codify this double standard as if everyone is just supposed to accept it. I don't. I have no reason to. In fact I reject it.

I don't call blacks "niggers", I don't call Chinese "chinks" and I'm not going condone calling white people "trash". What constitutes "white trash" anyways? The way they live? Is there "black trash"? If so, tell me about them. Is there "chink trash", if so, let's get that one on the table too...

My cartoon to which you (and someone without the set of balls to claim credit for it's removal) took offense was'nt the least bit racist. Indeed it was a mockery of white patzers who kiss blacks asses because of some deep seated guilt for what maybe their ancestors did. Me, my ancestors had NOTHING TO DO with slavery. In fact, its far more likely blacks have ancestors who sold rival tribe members INTO slavery. Those fuckers owe the "reparations". And after these white patzers are done kissing black ass by being on 24/7 "racist watch", they turn around and muster up their best southern accent, load up on Colonel Sanders, and "slap 5" with the "bruthas". The Dummycrapper party is LOADED with white guilt ridden, self loathing patzers.

Now my original response to Priapus.

"Can Liberals exist with out them?" them being the White Christian Conservatives.

I don't know what is so hard to comprehend their? Try looking past the fog of your capitalist guilt...

zorrf147 reads

I mean, yea it exists, and it's wrong, but it doesn't really matter.  People will say racist shit to/about WASPs, but it won't really hurt anything other than a few feelings.  Bigotry flowing in the other direction has real consequences....economic disadvantage, housing discrimination, police brutality and harassment, disproportionately harsh punishment in the court system etc etc etc.  It isn't a double standard to acknowledge that some types of discrimination does damage and other types don't.  

Bigotry against whites (of all political stripes) is usually only relevant when some whiney ass dude is on the defensive about the fact that his whiteness affords him substantial privilege at the expense of others.  I'm sure if I take the time to read the responses to the OP, there will be many examples of such defensiveness.

is it even worth considering, i mean, most people find that they'd rather shed an idea that does'nt work for one that does...

you seem to think you can hate whitey without "real consequences" too.

maybe next time a young black man does'nt get hired for a job, sure he'll blame whitey, and completely discount without a second thought that the reason he did'nt get hired is because whitey did'nt want a young black dude with a shitty attitude.

If there is a tragedy, it's the decent young black men not being able to differentiate themselves from whiny angry selfpitying blacks who feel like the world owes them a living.

It ain't 'whitey" spray painting walls in Compton. It ain't whitey doing drivebys and killing school kids. it ain't whitey threatening the moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas when they see who shot who and the police come.

So much easier to blame whitey than looking in a mirror.

zorrf141 reads

"you seem to think you can hate whitey without "real consequences" too."

A literate person would not have come to that conclusion.  

"maybe next time a young black man does'nt get hired for a job, sure he'll blame whitey, and completely discount without a second thought that the reason he did'nt get hired is because whitey did'nt want a young black dude with a shitty attitude."

Very good.  Now explain how this dumb ass hypothetical refutes anything in the comment you replied to. Take your time, Jethro.  

"If there is a tragedy, it's the decent young black men not being able to differentiate themselves from whiny angry selfpitying blacks who feel like the world owes them a living."

If there's a tragedy, it's the decent young white men not being able to differentiate themselves from inbred morons who lack the intellectual ability to stay on topic without devolving into angry rants about whatever the fuck crosses through their two working neurons.  

See how I can arbitrarily swap a few words out, and the statement bears the same amount of relevance (or irrelevance) to this discussion?  That's because what you said was really dumb, and you're failing miserably to keep pace.

"It ain't 'whitey" spray painting walls in Compton. It ain't whitey doing drivebys and killing school kids. it ain't whitey threatening the moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas when they see who shot who and the police come.  So much easier to blame whitey than looking in a mirror."

So much easier to procreate with siblings than to leave home, mingle and date people you aren't related to.  lol.  Listen Cletus, you're obviously very very upset about what I said, and that's fine, but you're having a difficult time forming a cogent, on-topic rebuttal.  Why don't you just sit this one out and let those of us who aren't the product of brother-sister parentage have this chat?

is that how politics work, take two geeks and put the shifty looking one on the right?

Someone coming from a community with 70 percent illegitimacy rates shouldn't be talking about breeding habits

Posted By: zorrf
"you seem to think you can hate whitey without "real consequences" too."

A literate person would not have come to that conclusion.  

"maybe next time a young black man does'nt get hired for a job, sure he'll blame whitey, and completely discount without a second thought that the reason he did'nt get hired is because whitey did'nt want a young black dude with a shitty attitude."

Very good.  Now explain how this dumb ass hypothetical refutes anything in the comment you replied to. Take your time, Jethro.  

"If there is a tragedy, it's the decent young black men not being able to differentiate themselves from whiny angry selfpitying blacks who feel like the world owes them a living."

If there's a tragedy, it's the decent young white men not being able to differentiate themselves from inbred morons who lack the intellectual ability to stay on topic without devolving into angry rants about whatever the fuck crosses through their two working neurons.  

See how I can arbitrarily swap a few words out, and the statement bears the same amount of relevance (or irrelevance) to this discussion?  That's because what you said was really dumb, and you're failing miserably to keep pace.

"It ain't 'whitey" spray painting walls in Compton. It ain't whitey doing drivebys and killing school kids. it ain't whitey threatening the moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas when they see who shot who and the police come.  So much easier to blame whitey than looking in a mirror."

So much easier to procreate with siblings than to leave home, mingle and date people you aren't related to.  lol.  Listen Cletus, you're obviously very very upset about what I said, and that's fine, but you're having a difficult time forming a cogent, on-topic rebuttal.  Why don't you just sit this one out and let those of us who aren't the product of brother-sister parentage have this chat?  

Rutabaga_Baggins145 reads

Sure there is. It is not very wide spread but it happens. It is usually done by extremists, most of whom are of little consequence, but that does not negate their actions. The offenders are mostly white secularists.

I think that most who disagree with me are taking a point of view that is somewhat reverse logic of another common mistake that minorities cannot commit bigotry, racism, etc. for the stated reason that they do not have the power to carry out damaging actions. The reverse aspect or maybe better put, a corollary of logic flows from the idea that no one can commit bigotry, racism, etc. against a majority, since the majority has all the power. Untrue.

Verbal bigotry may not seemingly injure another to any measurable degree. But if a single third party is influenced by it then some damage is done. To defend it by telling the offended, even if they are in a majority, to grow thicker skin, quit whining, etc. is no true defense. The damage, no matter how small, was done.

Just because the effects are small does not change the fact that the original action was bigoted. The definition of bigotry and prejudice is not contingent on a matter of degree. One cannot be just a little bit bigoted.

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