Politics and Religion

Pw, I don't know about that
Priapus53 1872 reads

what I DO know is that as a Nevada resident, I WON'T be voting for Reid. To me, he comes across as a senile creep that has been in the Senate FAR too long.

So, following Obama's recent prodding for bipartisan support on a jobs bill, the dems and repubs came up with a bill in the Senate.  By most accounts, there was bipartisan support for the bill.

Suddenly, without explanation, Harry Reed drops that bill and substitutes his own bill and further exclaims that he will not allow any ammendments.

This seems to have pissed off a lot of repubs and dems alike but Harry basically says tough shit.

What do you make of this?  I think Harry has to go, but since Obama is campaigning for him, it seems to me that Obama was probably aware of what Harry was doing with this bill and didn't stop him.  So, can we conclude Obama's bipartisan call is just plain BS?

I can say this with perhaps a little more local perception than others.
It is all just partisan political BS.
Our only hope is to get rid of as many of them as we possibly can and start over.

Priapus531873 reads

what I DO know is that as a Nevada resident, I WON'T be voting for Reid. To me, he comes across as a senile creep that has been in the Senate FAR too long.

I've said for a while here that Hairy would be in that seat for years after he dies, but I'm finally seeing change (and hope, lol).

The senile creep is losing his allure.  13% unemployment is tough to lie your way through.

Priapus53918 reads

both from the GOP & both turkyes. What IS it about the silver state that we have such bozos representing  us ?-------LOL !

Timbow1525 reads

Think the mayor of LV will greet Obama :)

He's a wing nut, but he's a wing nut of his words.  If he does show, it'll cost Obama some serious coin.

"I think Harry has to go, but since Obama is campaigning for him . . . ."

Based on how well the candidates in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts did with the support of the President, Sen. Reid may wish the above weren't happening . . . . LOL

Reid is in a big hole.  But so much can happen between now and election day.

There will be a lot of new faces in Washington in both parties come November.

The Baucus and Grassley jobs bill was a disaster in the making, and Reid, for ONCE, grew a spine and rightfully killed it.

The Grassley bill would have done nothing to create jobs, as was nothing more than a GOP wet dream.

The legislation would have extended tax breaks to businesses when deficits are already sky high, and extended provisions of the Patriot Act.

Reid was doing nothing more than trying to prevent another fiasco that these two created with health care reform. I'm glad he did it.

So I guess what you are saying is that it's OK for one man ( Harry ) to reject a bipartisan bill supported by a majority in the Senate and instead, substitute his own ( one person ) bill?

So, for you, to hell with bipartisanship?  It's OK for Harry to once again revert to the backdoor one man show approach like he was Ceasar or buddha or some other dictator?

I don't know pwilley if what Reid did was moral per se, but it is Reid's right to do that as Senate Majority Leader.

Of course, the Grassley/Baucus bill is technically bi-partisan, but Baucus is about as much a leftist as I am a conservative.

A lot of people on the left are pretty sick and tired of trying to do things in a bi-partisan manner given that we're dealing with the party of "no".

When the GOP proposes a deficit reduction commission, and Obama agrees with them and backs it, and then the GOP votes against it, it proves that they aren't serious about policy.

Make no mistake, as a 40% minority, the GOP has exactly as much say as the Dems PERMIT them to have. It is a voluntary gesture of good faith towards the GOP, in hope that they will compromise and vote with them to get things done.

The GOP has instead called Obama a Stalinist thug, and have refused to vote with the Dems on ANYTHING. If they refuse to play ball, why should Reid?

fasteddie511980 reads

as is Nancy Pelosi... they're undermining everything Obama is trying to do, and he HAS to distance himself from them if he has any chance of getting his agendas accomplished.

IMO Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are the two  main reasons for the recent elections lost..

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